Category Archives family

Hoffman’s Fun!

My parents came over to pick NHL up and take him to lunch. Then we decided to meet them at Hoffman’s Playland to take enjoy rides and take some photos there. They did some rides before we got there, but we managed to see a bunch. Here are two slide shows of some of the things we did today. Enjoy!

Part One Here:

Part Two Here:

As you can see a good time had by all!

C’est Moi

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Weekend update & Tub Follies

Boy do the weekends go quickly.

Yesterday we got ready in the morning for L, D and I to come over. D was coming to help JL to put the AC in the upstairs so we can clean it up and turn it into a playroom to utilize the space there. Unfortunately NHL was in a foul mood and did not want to play with I. For the first few hours NHL was in his room sulking and crying on his bed. He kept calling for me and asking me to play. He was a mess. Jealousy and things really seem to be hitting hard, but in a way where he’s very depressed acting. Based on the behavior we asked my parents to watch the baby so we could do a special big boy night out. We offered it up tonight and he declined to stay with Jacob at Nana and Papa’s house.

Back to yesterday. So while NHL had a fit, the rest of us watched as D and L tried JL’s Nintendo Wii. Then we all realized it was late so L and I went out to get pizza to bring back for everyone. By this time NHL was finally starting to play with I, but was still very cranky. Everyone left after the late lunch and while I was nursing JSL, JL took NHL into his room. I thought they were reading a book, but they fell asleep. I had to get JL up to take JSL so I could go to the pharmacy to pick up my medicine.

During all of this my bleeding continued. It is the same thing every day. At night it’s almost gone and I think it may end. Then from 8-1 it gets really bad and I feel horrible. I’m cringing at the thought of the ultrasound tomorrow, but I want this to end. I seem to be making up for all of the months with no period in the last 6 weeks.

Last night we stayed in and just had a nice night home. I sorted out JSL’s new clothes in 3-6 month, got NHL’s stuff out and washed it. Too bad we didn’t have any gift receipts for some of the things because we have a lot of items in this size and won’t have others since NHL and JSL are going to be different sizes in different season. Oh well.

JSL went to sleep at 10:30 in his room with NHL. He slept all night and woke up a little after 7 this morning. This morning we met up with my father for breakfast at “Bob’s Diner” for our anniversary. After that we went to Target for a few things (forgot to get more burp cloths) and then tried to get NHL’s hair cut. Unfortunately the girl that does the best and will deal with his fits with the clippers wasn’t there. Then we went home since I was cramping a lot again and needed to rest.

At home we did lunch and then the boys went outside to play with NHL’s soccer net. JSL and I eventually went outside and we had a nice time outside talking with our neighbor. NHL and I look like we may have slight sunburn since we didn’t put anything on and stayed out too long. BAD MOMMY! Then we came in and my parents called to see what we were going to do with the boys for dinner. NHL opted to go to their house with JSL. So, JL and I went out to dinner together and did a little shopping at the mall before that. After we went to the rents house and they had a cookie cake for our anniversary. Then we went home, got NHL into bed and it was time to tub the little monkey that smelled from spitting up so much.

It was the never ending tub with thing after thing that happened. To sum it up:

1 – A little poop in tub. Mommy cleans it out and back in.
2 – WHOA BABY – major action in the rear . . . lots more poop in tub. (Note this is a little tub in the sink – so it gets nasty quickly).
3 – Baby out of tub to clean it one more time. While out he manages to pee all over me (*rolling eyes*)
4 – Back into the tub again only to puke in the water this time and successful washing. Thank goodness since we were running out of clean baby wash cloths that I could locate.
5 – We managed to get him out and dressed without any more “fun” However interesting to note while Daddy was dressing him he was crying and farting to a beat. The kid is musical already!
6 – After cleaning up the tub the baby was ready to reload and nursed himself to sleep.

Now the little guy is resting quietly in the papasan chair until we put him into bed in a few minutes.

I am off to rest since I am NOT looking forward to tomorrow at 11:00 when I have the ultrasound and find out the results of the pathology from what the removed.

C’est Moi
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Happy 6th Anniversary JL. . . I love you!!!

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My Tub Song!

The other day while nursing JSL I was bored and decided to make up a song about him going to take a tub. So NHL helped me to come up with something. Here it is:

I stink
I need
A Tub-a-roo!

NHL was laughing hysterically. It was getting to see him laugh and be silly with me. This song was revised again today for JSL’s first pseudo real tubby in our new purchased today. This will be posted shortly.

C’est Moi
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Bris day for JSL

As an experienced mother of another little boy, one would think that a second son’s bris would be easier. Nope! It was so much worse. I was a mess the night before, just like last time. Once again I had thoughts of running away with the baby and saving him from this trauma. I didn’t but was close at times. In fact I actually told JL I was going to stay home and not go. With NHL I knew what was going to happen, but I wasn’t ready for it afterward (the diaper changes and post circumcision wound). In addition to that I almost passed out before hand since I had not eaten much and was on antibiotic thanks to double mastitis. This time everyone made sure to make me eat prior to the mohel showing up.

Well, we all went and a bunch of people couldn’t make it at the last minute. No big deal, I was actually very happy with the people that were sick being nice enough to stay home and not expose the baby and rest of us to something. Then there were issues within the family that made matters even more tense for me(not going into it here, but let’s just say things are not happy go lucky with some members).

When Rabbi S came my heart started to pound. I wanted my baby back and almost lost it with tears. I kept it together at that point and eventually managed to get JSL back to put him in his gown. The worst part was being the one to hand over my perfect little monkey to him and opening his diaper so he could assess things. I just wanted to run away and cry. I walked back to where NHL was and stood there and heard JSL start to scream. I knew the worst was over by the time they take him out for the part in front of everyone, but by that point I had to sit down and had tissues in my hands. Before we went home my mother helped me with the first post bris diaper change. I almost passed out (and I am not a typically squeamish person). The wrap on the wound that wasn’t supposed to come off for 24 hours came off. I nearly lost it. My mother sensed it and later came over to help me with the next change and wrap since once again the darn thing came off with the diaper.

The make a long story short, poor JSL didn’t open his eyes after the bris on Monday until late yesterday afternoon. The first night was hell. He screamed his head off and didn’t know how to soothe himself. No matter what we did he wasn’t happy. Eventually, he would eat with his eyes clamped shut (and not a lot at that) and slept abnormal amounts – even for a week old baby. I called the doctor and they said he had been through a traumatic experience (reminding me that he wouldn’t remember this later) and this was his way of dealing. By the time they called he was starting to come out of it and was eating some. Last night he was actually awake and alert for 3 hours straight (5-8). It was so nice having my little guy back and not having him scream when it was time to change a diaper.

Thank goodness we just found out my brother and his wife are expecting a little girl in September. I don’t think I could handle another bris so close.

Here are some photos from Monday.

JSL in his bris gown and hat:
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Sleeping after the wine and bottle of mommy milk:
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Big brother NHL with Uncle I and Aunt M:
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Proud big brother NHL:
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C’est Moi
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Busy Saturday & Shiva period over

Yesterday we opted not to go to temple since we weren’t feeling so great. Instead we went on some errands to get a few things just in case the baby appears soon. We ran around to several places and had lunch out as well. After that we went home and got NHL to take a nap.

Can you tell he was a little tired (after finally giving in to a nap)?
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Here’s NHL after we woke him up with a camera in his face:
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Late in the afternoon I wasn’t sure if my water broke. I finally came to the conclusion that it probably wasn’t and life went one . . . with constant phone calls inquiring what was going on. So here I sit more pregnant than I ever was with NHL and miserable since the longer this goes and bigger the little guy gets the more unlikely I will be to deliver without a c-section. *sigh*

I was drained and actually went to bed before 8:00. At about 10:00 my mother called joking about bringing me some pineapple. I was sleeping, but woke up with the phone. JL came in to see me and told me I was leaking. Unfortunately it wasn’t the exciting kind, this just required nursing pads and a bra along with a change of night shirts since I was soaked. The rest of the night I was in hip agony. My one hip was killing me no matter what I did.

This morning we all went to the last minyan before Shiva was over. Talk about pressure to deliver and have the baby NOW. Everyone needs to remember that I have NO control of this and it’s all the stubborn little guy’s fault that is within. He was officially served his eviction papers last night, so it’s totally out of my hands! And we’ll make the bris work, so everyone can stop pestering since that’s all I’ve heard for the last week from various people.

Right now NHL and JL are outside planting flowers. The key this year was to get and use the bunny spray. Last year a family of bunnies kept eating anything and everything that was growing. This year we have the non-toxic spray that bunnies do not like the smell/taste of and will stay away. Hopefully it will work since NHL is going to be very upset if nothing grows.

Here’s a photo of the boys outside:
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On that note I am off to rest, I am just too drained to clean or do things for work.

C’est Moi
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