Category Archives family

Roll over. . . roll over!

JSL has been rolling over for quite some time now from his tummy to back. Unforunately he’s been sneaky and had done it mainly when nobody was watching. Earlier in the month we were able to catch it in a family moment. Now that my new blog is up and running and JL has shown me how to upload video I am all good to go. So here is a video of the little guy rolling over and everyone cheering him on.



  C’est Moi

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What brings me joy.

Blog reading has become a hobby to this new SAHM. Thanks to OMSH’s blog I found Kerflop’s spot in the blogosphere. Today Jessica asked her readers to write an essay  to try to win parts of a JOYS filing system. The topic of the essay is What brings you Joy?

How fitting this question is on the day that I became a mommy 4 years ago. All you have to do is look at my blog entries about my family to know my choice. Clearly I prefer to spend quality time with them and could use the JOYS system to assist me in more of this important time. 

Prior to being married and having children I would have said that material items, travel and hockey games  brought joy to my life. Since then I know that all of that means nothing without your family. Whether it is my nuclear family or the wonderful extended family that I am blessed with, being with them and spending quality time together is what brings me joy.

My husband of 6 years and our two sons bring me the most joy.  Spending time with “my boys” is something I love to do. Just the simple times together like curling up in bed on a Sunday morning to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse or read a book together is a special moment. The  simple smile from my three month old’s face melts my heart and makes me know that all of the sacrifices to be at home with him to watch him grow is worth it.  There is also nothing like a big hug and wet kiss from a 4 year old before he heads out of the house to school to let you know you are loved.

Being able to reminisce  about the milestones of your children, flipping through old photos of my childhood, talking with old friends, and imagining growing old with my husband (the love of my life) and seeing our boys as fathers brings me extreme joy. *sigh*  The sad thing is I will blink and before I know it my little boys will be grown men. So the real gift of joy in my life is taking time to enjoy the little moments while they are here. As I see today, with my now 4 year old, they grow up too quickly and you can not get those precious, joyful moments back.

Here are my boys together:

C’est Moi

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The long trip home

Sunday morning we all got up and Uncle I and Aunt M gave NHL the other part of his early birthday present. Here are some photos of the munchkin opening up he gift.

NHL open gift from Uncle I and Aunt M

NHL open gift from Uncle I and Aunt M

NHL open gift from Uncle I and Aunt M

And his reaction when he sees what it is:
NHL open gift from Uncle I and Aunt M

Now it was time for JL to help to put the Jolly Roger pirate ship together. There were 30+ steps and a lot of little parts, but finally it was ready for NHL to play with.

NHL's new B-day present

Uncle I playing with NHL's Peter Pan ship

Soon after this Papa and Nana came over. It was Papa’s birthday on Sunday. So everyone was busy getting ready. While we all got ready Papa took photos.

Papa taking a picture

A photo of Aunt M feeding JSL before we went to brunch:
Aunt M feeding JSL

We finally got out of the house at 10:30 to head to the Cheesecake Factory for Sunday brunch. YUMMY! The rents left to go home right after our meal. We went back to pack up and were on the road at 2:10 in the afternoon. So begins the LONG road home (note this trip normally takes 4 – 4 1/2 hours without kids).

Let’s see, at our first stop (the rest area as soon as we got on the road) we were just getting gas for the car. All of the sudden I heard a rumble of thunder coming from the back seat. I got out while we were waiting in line to get the car gas. So I went to take a peak in JSL’s diaper. As I barely touched him I was lucky enough to be the recipient of baby poop all over my hand. So I left JL and NHL and hauled JSL in his car seat carrier into a nasty bathroom to change his entire outfit and diaper.

We got back into the car after the change and NHL started to say he was hungry soon after. So we stopped to get him something to eat and while he ate I nursed JSL in the backseat. Then we were back on the road. Once on the road NHL said he had to go to the bathroom. So for 40+ miles we listened to him tell us over and over that he had to go. So we stop at the next rest area and JL went to take him inside and he wouldn’t go, just a quick pee break. We got back into the car and he had to go AGAIN. So we stopped again at the next area. So JL took him in and again he didn’t go. They got something for us to eat and met us outside. I was nursing JSL who was playing more than eating. I should have known what was going to happen next. As I was nursing him another near diaper blow out. So JL was nice enough to change him while I ate my dinner and stayed to feed him more.

NHL was then asking to play with his new toy when he got home (B-day gift from my Uncle I and Aunt M). I told him he couldn’t if we got home too late and because we had to keep stopping we would not be home. If he would just sit with his buddy and take a nap for a little while we may finally get home. NHL calmed down and went to sleep and JSL cried for almost 40 minutes – likely his gums bothering him.

There were actually points on the trip that JL and I were in hysterics from being so tired. I was on the phone with my mother at one point updating her on our lack of progress on the road and broke into laughter and couldn’t stop. She was worried and soon started to laugh with me as she was telling my father what was going on.

We finally got home at 8:45. JL got NHL ready for bed and I fed JSL. Then it was time to unload the car and figure out why our phones weren’t working. So I was rushing around unpacking dirty laundry and next thing I know


That would be the noise of my toes slamming up against the wall in the hall. I was instantly in agony. I jumped into bedroom and looked at blood coming from a huge crack in my middle toe. I couldn’t move my toes and the crack looked horrible. I called my mother who eventually came out of the shower to rush over and help me close up the toe and tape three toes together. Can you say this just was the icing on the cake?

So I went to bed with my toes throbbing. Luckily it seems like the cut is healing and I can move my toes a little now. I don’t think they are broken, but very swollen and sore.

Here’s a photo of NHL the day after our journey home playing with the Jolly Roger.
NHL plays with his Peter Pan pirate ship at home

So the moral of the story is traveling with our two kids is a not so good thing. The trip was worth it to be with family, but it will be a while before we hop into the car for a road trip again.

C’est Moi

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Road trip for 4 anyone? – Part 2

After the tomato incident we all went inside. We sat around and talked about what to do for dinner. We eventually decided to order food to bring back in. We were all tired from traveling. Uncle I and Papa went to get the food. Aunt M was trying to find out what was going on with her friend B. She was coming in from Las Vegas and had been stuck in Philly forever. She was supposed to arrive in town at about 5:00 that evening, but was still on the ground at 8:00.

Dinner was super yummy. After dinner my parents went back to their hotel and Aunt M and her friend K went to pick up B at the airport. We managed to wrangle the boys into bed and went to socialize with my brother. Before I knew it every boy in the house was asleep. My two little ones upstairs and the my brother and husband on the couch. The phone rang and I got Uncle I up to get the phone. Aunt M was on the phone. Apparently B’s luggage didn’t make it with her and they were waiting to fill out paper work. At that point we all decided we were too tired and went to bed.

In the morning we all got up and went downstairs for breakfast and to take turns in the shower. B had to find out where her luggage went or go shopping for clothing to wear for the baby shower. JL, NHL, and Uncle I decided that they were going to get Papa and head to the Zoo while the girls did the baby shower thing. At 11:30 I was dressed, NHL and JL were all sun lotioned and JSL was ready to go with me. So we went to Aunt M’s parents house for the shower. The boys went with my father to the zoo. My father had his camera with him and I hope to get those photos later. We shall see since he JUST got his first digital camera and hasn’t really learned how to get the photos off.

The shower was great – lots of yummy food and fun games. JSL enjoyed smiling at all of the girls (he’s a big flirt) and sleeping on me. I can’t believe all of the things that M got for the baby. I will say “Whoa baby there was a lot of pink!” I sure hope my little brother and M are pink fans ;)

Since I had JL’s camera and JSL was up most of the time I didn’t have too many chances to take photos. Here’s one of the only boy at the shower, the table as it was being set up, and M’s friends that were also in the wedding party with me:

The only boy at the baby shower for Aunt M

Baby shower for Aunt M

At Aunt M's baby shower

After the shower my brother went with us to the Mecca that is known as Wegmens to get something for dinner. We got things and went back to his house to eat and get the boys into bed. Once they were in bed it was Fly aerobics. Yes, you read that right. The two men were running around the kitchen trying to get a fly that had attacked me. Once they gave up and we had a snack we took out Big Brain Academy for the Wii to show my brother. At about 10:30 I was having trouble breathing thanks to asthma issues from Zoe the cat. I went to bed. That’s when M and B came back home and continued to try the game. Apparently Uncle I and B stayed up until WAY late playing Big Brain Academy while drinking – would have been interesting to see how their scores changed after the drinking commenced.

On that note I am off to sleep. I will write about the return trip from you know where soon.

C’est Moi

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Road trip for 4 anyone?

So it was finally time to suck it up and do a road trip as a family of four. This past weekend there was a baby shower for my sister-in-law M. My little niece is due in September so the shower was planned and we decided to take the boys and head there.

So, Friday morning the plan was to head out of the house to my brother and SIL’s over 250 miles from here. Thanks to a rain storm and two kids to pack into the van we didn’t make it onto the main road until 9:30. We made 3 stops along the way for pit stops. I had to nurse JSL, we all needed lunch, and NHL need to use the restroom at one point.

We finally arrived at our destination at about 3:30. By this time we all needed to stretch. NHL got out of the car and went up the steps with Uncle I. As he arrived there he saw his name in chalk and a present. He didn’t know what to do. It was too funny. He finally opened it and saw a brand new soccer ball as part of his birthday present. We unpacked the car, but everything up in our room. At this point Aunt M and her friend from Washington DC came back. We all went outside to let NHL get some energy out.

Kicking the ball around with Uncle I and Daddy:
NHL runs after 6 hour car ride

Another action shot:
NHL runs after 6 hour car ride

Soon after this Aunt M thought that they should take NHL to see her garden. So Uncle I helped her to bring NHL there to pick some tomatoes. As you will see a certain almost 4 year old decided to test something out. I was back on the deck and had no clue until they told us exactly what happened and I saw the photos to prove everything.

Here’s NHL going into the garden with Aunt M & Uncle I:
Aunt M's garden

Here are a few of everyone just picking from tomatoes:
NHL with Aunt M and Uncle I in their garden

Aunt M's garden

Check out the look of trouble:
Looking around Aunt M's garden

Can you see the wheels turning in NHL’s head?
If I squish this, what happens?

What did the poor tomato ever do to NHL to deserve this fate?
NHL's priceless face after squishing Aunt M's tomato

Note the look of satisfaction on his face:
Wonder what this does?

LMAO – what a face!
NHL knows he did something wrong

Uncle I takes away the tomato and it’s time to leave the garden:
Tomato picking time w/Uncle  I

On that note I best be off to feed the baby. More updates about the weekend and the “fun” drive home (note the sarcasm please).

C’est Moi

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