Category Archives family

Weekend Review (10/21 – 10/22)

The weekend was a whirlwind of errands and things all packed into one. Justing thinking about it makes my head hurt. . . oh wait I already had this stupid headache!

Saturday morning NHL received a phone call from Nana and Papa. They wanted to know if he would like to go with them to breakfast and out. So we quickly got him ready to head out with them. Then a little while later they all called to see if we wanted to head to the new Lowes with them. We said sure. When we got there NHL was so excited to go in. He had watched the building get knocked down and the new one slowly go up and was thrilled to see the final product. When we walked in my father knew to ask for a coupon. If you asked they had buy $25 get $10 off coupons. So we took one. I needed a new extended snow brush for my van and we also bought the new energy saving fan bulbs for our dining room. Now we’re investigating new insulation for the attic to try to help prevent the monster ice damns that form. So we used the coupon and the snow brush was free!

After that we were going to head to Sams. Then my father pulled his car over and asked if we wanted to stop at Toys R Us. He explained that he had heard on the radio the day before that they were having a special sale on all Fisher Price Sesame Street items (50% on them except the TMX line). We arrived before they opened and within 5 minutes they opened the door. We bought a bunch of things for Chanukah gifts for cousins and a few items to put away for future baby gifts. Then we went to Sams and NHL loves snacking there on all of the samples. Then it was time to head to Target to turn in NHL’s antibiotic medicine chart for a prize (LOVE Target pharmacy).

Once we were done with this we went our separate way from my parents. We went home to do lunch. JL decided to make applesauce in the crock pot. Once it was set and on we went to Michaels to buy some items for NHL to have for The Wiggles concert. He bought a rose for Dorothy the Dinosaur and bought things to make a bone for Wags the dog (photo of this to come later). Then it was back home to eat and then we went to the grocery store.

Sunday we got up and went to our Shul for a Story time and craft hour that is for 3-5 year olds. This was the first time we went. Noah really seemed to enjoy it. There were only 5-6 kids there (we’re told there are usually 12-14). They read the kids Five Little Gefiltes. The book was hilarious! Then it was time to do the craft. They had big plates, glue, and all different types of beans for the kids to make mosaics. Some kids made Star of Davids and others made their own things.

After this we had to do to Verizon Wireless to get our phone fixed. My parents met us there and we all got new phones ($150 ones for FREE x 4) and added my mother onto the plan. We were there FOREVER. We left there called my friend L to confirm plans to meet at the park for the boys to get energy out. We went back home had lunch and I tossed laundry in (I found all of NHL’s old 6-9 month clothing to wash and get ready). At 3:15 we went to the park to meet L and IA to play. The boys had a blast. Here are some of the 100+ photos that JL took while we were there (he was in his glory getting some autumn shots).

NHL going down the slide: 

NHL slide time

I LOVE this shot of NHL having fun crunching the leaves. It’s a great photo representing the fun in fall.

 Fall time in the park - NHL crunches leaves

NHL and IA on the train. This was one of the few times they stood still long enough for a photo with both of them in it.

 NHL & IA on the train 2

Both boys on the slide together:

 NHL & IA sliding 2

Most of the time NHL was running after IA. Here’s a shot of what it was like!

 NHL chasing after IA

NHL on the swings being a goofballs:

 The face says it all

JL decided to help both boys on the swing, so I took over on camera detail. Note that both boys were chatting with each other at one point.

 NHL & IA talk as they swing

Soon after this IA was chanting "Higher! Faster!" to JL. You will see he was in heaven since we saw his feet most of the time.

 WHEEE - IA goes higher per request

During this time JSL was in his stroller enjoying the almost 80 degree day. He was taking in the sites.

 JSL hanging out in the stroller

Next it was time to break out the soccer net and ball. Here are a few shots of how the boys played soccer.

 Soccer time

 Novel concept - kicking the ball!

 NHL saves the ball, but IA was scored

 Note what the boys were more interested in


You can just hear the leaves crunching:

 Can you just hear the crunching leaves?

Here’s an amazing macro shot by JL: 

Macro of the leaves

The boys on top of the climbing wall:

 NHL & IA on top together

My cool dude!

 Hey cool dude!

JSL so fascinated with his big brother:

 JSL is SO fascinated with NHL

Before leaving the boys were fooling around and they fell onto the ground. IA was on the bottom and clocked his head on the ground pretty bad. Luckily he seemed to be fine, aside from biting his lips.

From here we picked up my grandmother and went to dinner at my parents house. I now LOVE tilapia since it is SO low in points (Weight Watchers that is). I programed my father’s new phone, JL uploaded their photos to WinkFlash and we had a nice meal. JSL started crying hysterically at 7:00. Nothing stopped him. The poor kiddo was teething. As I posted before this those suckers on the bottom broke through Monday.

Well, that’s basically the weekend. I best be off to get ready. We are going to see The Wiggles tonight and have front row seats. I need to gather supplies for JSL to have at Nana and Papa’s house

C’est Moi

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New rocking chair

Last Sunday we traveled about 2 1/2 hours each way to help celebrate JL’s grandmother’s 93rd birthday. JL’s parents, sister and her family, aunt, uncle and their three children and all of their kids were there. It was at a really fancy shmancy hotel. Several of his cousin’s had just heard about JSL – not sure how they were never told that I was pregnant, but it happened. I guess that shows how close people are in JL’s family (sad).

We had a nice time visiting with everyone. Grandma had her two children, 5 grandchildren, and 10 great grandkids all there to celebrate with her (along with spouses of everyone) and was a little overwhelmed with what was going on. NHL had a blast seeing his cousin AG and JSL enjoyed smiling at everyone. JL took a lot of photos, but I don’t have them to share now. I will update those later.

Uncle D and Aunt R gave JSL a gift for his birth. The day before they went to a craft show and bought him a hand painted rocking chair. It’s gorgeous and both boys will get a lot of use from it. Here are some photos.

 JSL new rocking chair from Uncle D & Aunt R


Top of rocking chair


Closer view of JSL's rocking chair

Soon after I took these photos of the rocking chair I placed JSL in it for the first time. Here is his reaction:

 First reaction in the rocking chair


JSL in his new rocking chair

Next it was time for both of the boys together. Please note how both of them are not able to smile together, but a silly face works.


NHL and JSL in rocking chair

After that it was time for tacking daddy – or maybe they just wanted to watch the television:

 NHL & JSL tackling daddy

And last but not least my three boys!

 My boys

C’est Moi

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Is the baby coming out now?

Sorry I couldn’t help the title since NHL is sleeping now and can’t record anything like in the past.

At about 10:22 I received a call from my brother. He calmly told me that they are pretty sure M’s water broke. The doctor on (her doctor is away until some time tomorrow) told them to go into the hospital to see. We all had a feeling it would happen when her doctor was out of town, but I figured some time tomorrow when my parents were on their way back home. They have been there visiting since Thursday.

I can’t wait to hear more and see my new little niece. Will post more details later if the little princess makes her debut.

C’est Moi

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Lots of Bzzzz-ing in the family

Flying insects of the stinging kind be gone!

That is the message from our family after too many of these suckers have gotten too up close and personal with us.

1 – Friday while while my parents were visiting my brother and his wife they went apple picking. They apparently got some bees angry and one stung my mother.

2 – Yesterday after shopping at BJ’s, JL was putting JSL and his carrier into the car. Suddenly he yelped and started flapping his arm. Yup, he was also stung by a bee. His arm must have blocked the path of the angry bee and  voila! Luckily he is not allergic. He just has a small welt and is very itchy this morning.

3 – Just before dinner last night I was going around opening windows since it was cool out. I had to climb up to open the kitchen window since I am vertically challenged. I opened the shade all the way and climbed up. Then I yelled to JL. I found a bee/wasp nest in the awning that is over the window with a few pesky friends right on it. GRRRR!

With some research we are not pretty sure that those stinging neighbors that are on our house are paper wasps. The nest looks just like the one pictured here on Wikipedia. In addition to the the Terminex website makes their behavior match up where other buzzing pests do not. So later this morning JL will be heading to get something to spray the nest with (at night of course) to dispose of these critters.

Hopefully the count stays at 3 and does not need an addition later.

C’est Moi

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