Category Archives family

The “sick” week in photo review

Now that everyone is as healthy as we have been in months (I will not dare to say we are healthy – that would be bad news), it is time to play some catch up. Last week NHL was home sick from school and I then had what he was ill with, so blogging took a back seat. 

***Note to self: Be sure to work on the new rules of sharing with NHL. There are limits that are acceptable – flu is not included!

Last week I blogged, but I did not write as much as I have in the past since I was so exhausted at the end of the day. Thankfully I had the energy to take photos. Here are some highlights of the week gone by.

On Monday (3/24) JSL decided to try NHL’s Doodle Pro. He had fun with it at first and then realized that his big brother was missing.

I think I will try this. . .

 He set off on a mission to find NHL in their room. This was by far one of his longest crawling adventures to date!

 Little brother on a mission

 Finally he arrived at the destination of choice.

There he is - big brother and Daddy too

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

On Wednesday (3/26) I gave each of the boys a little gift. I wanted to give NHL something for doing his nebulizer treatment. JSL received a Fisher Price Little People egg that had a little boy in it. It was an Easter toy, but aside from the egg holding it you would never know. I was a sport for $1 (and the next day they were ten cents). JSL was in LOVE with his new toy. He would throw it out in front of himself and crawl to it. Here he is playing with me while NHL slept on the couch.

Come and get it! 


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

By Friday (3/28) NHL was going stir crazy from being in the house all week. We had to come up with things to keep him busy. All of this while Mommy was getting a fever and horrible body aches. 

Finished within seconds 

Cover that cough!

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

On Sunday (3/30) I was feeling slightly better. I forced myself to do all of the laundry from the week that had not been done. NHL went to his room for being naughty and actually fell asleep. At the same time JSL fell asleep in an interesting position on Daddy.   

Sleeping in Daddy's lap

After both boys were up from their naps, JSL decided he wanted his sippy cup. He noticed that he was under the dining room table. I thought it was hilarious how he was hunting for the cup. I grabbed my camera. Soon after this JL got his out and was shooting away with me. 

Adventures to a quiet spot

NHL even got into the act, but he apparently forgot his camera. 

NHL joins the fun

 Fun photo shoot

At one point both JL and I were taking a shot at the exact same time. The result of the front and back shot of this moment is really neat (also know that I was taking this photos blind since my hands were under the table and my head above). 

The Cameras duel

In the end we gave him some quiet time after bombarding him with all of the flashes from the camera. As you can see he just wanted to drink some water and read the newspaper! 

My quiet thinking place


So that is a sick week in review via photos of some memorable moments.


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Weekend Party Mini-Vacation – Part 3 The Party!

After checking out of the hotel we went to to my SIL’s house to let the kids play and celebrate Cousin A’s 4th birthday and Cousin S’s 1st birthday. We arrived at practically the same time as Bubbe and Grandpa (JL’s parents). They gave our boys presents outside. Then suddenly the fire department showed up. I kid you not, the entire department with trucks came to the party. Apparently they tried to call Aunt J, but did not get them. The fire alarm in their house was going off from the steam of Uncle J’s shower. Ooops!

Below are some photos of the party (sans the one from yesterday of JSL skirt chasing little S.)

NHL sporting his pirate gear. He was flying around the house with cousin A playing pirates. 

Ahoy there Captain NHL

JSL had a nice time visiting with Grandpa. Later on Grandpa really made him happy by feeding him some potato chips. 

Getting a close look at Grandpa


Bonding with Grandpa and potato chips


Are you talking to me?

Both boys had fun playing with new and exciting toys. 

Play time!


Trying to get away

A frightening scene was caught that I do not recall in Peter Pan. 

Darn crocodile! At Cousin S's 1st and Cousin A's 4th B-day party.

NHL did not seem bothered by it. 


Finally it was time to eat. Bubbe and Grandpa brought bagels and lox. Check out the cool bagels for the kids in honor of St. Patricks Day. 

Do you see a problem here?

After a yummy lunch it was time for cake. Aunt J made them herself. The Pirate was for Cousin A’s 4th birthday and Mickey Mouse for Cousin S’s 1st birthday. 

The cakes made by Aunt J

NHL and JSL both enjoyed the cakes. 

NHL loved the cake


Mickey ears taste yummy!

As you can see even Cousin S enjoyed his 1st birthday cake! 

1st B-day cake mash!

After the cake we cleaned up the kids and opened up presents. Then it was time to head off for our adventure home. Thankfully both of the boys fell asleep in the car and woke up when we were close to home.


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Weekend Party Mini-Vacation – Part 2

Saturday morning we all woke up from a rough night at the hotel. Thanks to nightmares, teething , and dreams of swarming ladybugs we slept in . . . at least for us. JL and I tossed on clothes while NHL and JSL stayed in pajamas to head down to the complimentary breakfast. The boys went down ahead of me so I could get myself set. By the time I was in the lobby NHL had already sat down and was chowing down. 

Chow time!

After JSL’s seat was ready Daddy went to make the little guy a waffle. 

Enough with the photos already - feed me!

JL making food for JSL

Finally his food was ready, so JSL checked it out and played with it for a little while. 

Inspecting the waffles

When everyone was done with breakfast we went back up to the room. It was finally time to fulfill our promise of swimming in the hotel pool to NHL. JL and NHL put their swimsuits on and JSL and I went down to the pool to watch and take photos.

Here is JSL watching Daddy and Big Brother in the pool. 

Mr. Serious watching everyone in the pool

NHL had a blast in the pool. He did not want to come out when it was time to go and get ready to pack up and head to the party. I think we now know we have to sign him up for swim lessons this spring and/or summer. Not only is it good for him to know how to do, it will be great for his muscles too. 

Getting ready to go into the pool


Swim time with Daddy


NHL loved the pool

After an hour in the pool it was time to head back up to the room. We packed up, checked out of the hotel and were on our way to a 1st and 4th birthday party for Cousin S and A.

A special Wordless Wednesday coming tomorrow from the party photos and then the final post from our mini-vacation with photos from the Mickey Mouse and Pirate Party.


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Weekend Party Mini-Vacation – Part 1

Did you miss me?  What? You did not even know I was away – sheesh! I guess I will have to try harder next time.

This weekend we had two nephew birthday parties together. JL and I were antsy about doing 5-6 hours of driving in one day with the boys. We toyed with staying at a hotel and making it a mini-vacation of sorts. Finally we decided Friday night to do it if NHL and JSL had a good night.

Saturday morning we got up and I packed everything up for the trip. We left the house with no reservations for a specific hotel. The hotel of choice was known and we had directions. On the way there we stopped about 45 minutes away at some outlets for lunch, potty break and retail therapy. I had a nice time at the HUGE Carters sale. Bought two things for JSL for next winter and had to purchase some girlie items for my only niece S. About two hours later we were back on the road.

We made it to the hotel of choice and I went in with the road saver coupon. I waited and waited for someone to come to the front desk – NADA. Finally I took out my cell phone, got the number and called. Suddenly a woman appeared and I hung up the phone and told her it was me calling since I had been out there for some time. No apology – nothing. This should have been my first clue. I asked about a room and showed her my coupon. She told me they were at 80% capacity and no honoring the coupon. WHAT? I questioned her and she got quite snippy.  I still do not understand why she would refuse a person a room over such a little amount of money to them. After all it was 4:30 and I doubt they would get a lot of people after that.

Rather than take a room I went out to the car to talk with JL. Apparently he thought I was joking about them not giving us the rate and took the kids out to go in. Finally I was able to get his attention and we went to the car to call two other hotels that were in the area. The first was a no go since their pool was being fixed. So I called the hotel that was directly across the street. They were wonderful on the telephone so we went right over. They were even better in person. We quickly were able to get a room for the coupon rate and this room also included a complimentary breakfast. Oh and important to NHL – they had a pool!

We gathered our things and went up to the room. We did a few things (diaper change and nursing were a must) and called JL’s sister. We were invited to their house and she suggested going out to dinner together. So we went there for a little while to let the boys play and then went to a diner right near their house.

At the end of the meal Cousin A and NHL split a sundae. Here is NHL eating his and he even shared a bite with JSL: 

Ice Cream - YUM!


Not too sure about the cold ice cream

We toyed with going to Trader Joe’s after this, but it was late and the boys were really tired. So we went back to the hotel. On the way in I asked them a question about our room. I had noticed a ladybug and was curious if there was an issue. She said in some rooms. So we went up hoping it was not in ours. Unfortunately we soon found out ours had an issue and we caught several and had others swarming at the lights before bed.

In the room we quickly set up the sofa bed for NHL. He was quite excited about sleeping in it alone. Although he fell asleep quickly the poor kiddo had a rough night. He woke up at about 2:00 asking to go home because he missed his bed. Awwwww! JL was sweet and climbed into the rough looking bed with him. Here is NHL before falling asleep and later on when he was in it alone. 

Tired boy


NHL sleeping on the sofa bed

Next it was time to get JSL ready to bunk with us in our king sized bed. He was so tired, but wanted to play on the big bed. JL helped to get him ready with me.

Time for cream, PJ's and bed!

JSL quickly fell asleep, along with his Daddy. One stayed in a single spot, the other rolled all over the bed. As you can see while all of the boys were sleeping, I took advantage of the quiet time to knit. As I watched for ladybugs I was knitting a dragonfly cloth. 

Sleeping baby and knitting - life is good


This is moi bed

Soon after this I turned off Saturday Night Live (one can only handle so many Spitzer jokes) and went to sleep with visions and feelings of ladybugs crawling on my head.

To be continued . . . .


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