Can you tell JL had fun with this? Inspired by Manbabies website.
Monday morning we went to breakfast at my parents house. It is rare that everyone has a holiday off, so we took advantage of it.
While there we decided it would be a great opportunity to head out to my car to turn JSL’s car seat around. Sure he loved being able to look at NHL while turned around, but another milestone has come. The little guy was officially a year old and had long since topped 20 pounds.
JL and I fought with the latch system for a little while to get the seat out. Then we flipped it around, set it upright and struggled to get it latched back in.
Not long after that it was time to head to the car to witness JSL’s reaction to being turned around.
Once he was all buckled in he was a little confused. He was not used to looking to the right for big brother. Still it was the first thing he did – watched to make sure NHL got into his cow seat.
This face tells the story:
Luckily once NHL was on board JSL was content. He soon realized that he could swing his feet around and not have to hit into the seat in front of him.
Soon it was time to test drive both car seats facing forward. Both of the boys seemed content and ready to go.
JSL was very tired at this point since he was lacking a morning nap. Before we even got to the main road to our destination he was sleeping. Clearly he was quite comfy in his newly turned car seat.
JSL was so tired that he managed to sleep through most of our shopping trip. On the way home he let us know he was quite happy with the new view from the car.
Did you miss me?
I have not had a chance to blog since Thursday because this weekend was spent with my father’s side of theamily. Thursday was the Yartzeit for my Poppy Sol who passed away a year ago according to the Hebrew calendar. Friday night we had a big family dinner, Saturday a nice lunch together and then temple in the evening. Sunday everyone except us went to the cemetery. We figured that may be too much for the boys. We had a really nice time seeing my Aunt J and Aunt A, along with my cousin J and everyone else. The boys loved all of the attention. No photos to share so I am going to catch up on last weekend.
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Last weekend before the big birthday party for JSL we spent the day with my family. My brother, sister-in-law and niece were in town. We had a wonderful day with them. We all had breakfast together, the kids played and before we knew it we were heading out and about. After a great lunch at Nothing But Noddles we decided to head to a local kiddie amusement park to let NHL romp.
Everyone had a lot of fun. There was laughter and smiles on all of our faces. My parents and grandmother enjoyed watching everyone. NHL got to go on the Merry-Go-Round with Papa for their annual photo shoot. JSL went on his first and second ride – Merry-Go-Round and Train. Even Cousin S joined the fun for a ride on the train with Aunt M and Uncle I.
Of course NHL did the most since he is the big boy of almost 5. He went from the Merry-Go-Round to the Ferris wheel with Papa. Next he grabbed Uncle I and went on the huge Para-Trooper ride. My brother said he was chatty before the ride, but once it started he never said a word. In fact we all laughed back on the ground because NHL had his head plastered on the bar. After the ride he said he had fun and would do it again. Right after that Uncle I went on the little roller coaster with NHL. NHL was thrilled to be first on line and get front row seats.
After this Larry, Moe and Curly Papa, Uncle I and NHL went onto the Tilt-a-Whirl. They had a blast. I have never seen my father smile so much or laugh so hard in a long time. It was hilarious. Thanks to the two adults on both sides, they kept spinning and spinning and spinning the entire time. By this point, the tickets were winding down and it was time to get almost everyone onto the train. JSL went with Daddy, Mimi rode with NHL, and Cousin S went with her Mommy and Daddy for her first ride. My parents stayed back with me to take photos and watch.
When they all came back from two loops around the park, NHL was upset that it was the last ride. We usually warn him and he gets to picks something special for the last ride. Papa graciously went and bought a few more tickets. Uncle I, NHL and I went on the Scrambler. This was not the most intelligent selection for me since my head hurt before the ride. Still it was worth it for laughs. The three of us were butt cheek to butt cheek and thought we would never move an inch when the ride started.
LOL – the laugh was on us thanks to the amazing Centripical Force (ah my days as a physcial science teacher come back to get me) Uncle I was squished by the two of us. Ah, the memories! We had a great time. Since I was on that ride, I have no photos of that (they are with other family cameras) – so you shall not see my crazy hair. Still just picture my hair standing up all over and my eyeballs ready to leap out of my head.
After we were finished, we went to Carvel for ice cream and a quick stop at the mall to go to a store that Uncle I and Aunt M do not have near them. Then we went back home to let the kids play, eat dinner and pack up. We got home rather late that night and had to make that famous giant cupcake for the party the next day.
Here are some photos from last Saturday. Please bear with me as I experiment with something new to use for slide shows. I also wanted to have more pictures for family members to see. HI ALL!
It is still hard to believe that JSL is one already. Last year at this time I was threatening to leave the hospital after a really horrible night. Now I am home with all three of my boys and my baby is getting so big. Last Sunday (yes on Mother’s Day) we had JSL’s first birthday party at my parent’s house.
Saturday night JL and I baked the giant cupcake and twelve other cupcakes with the left over batter. We were up until almost 1:00 in the morning waiting for them to go into the freezer. In the morning we packed up the boys and went to my parents house. I quickly got everything out and started to frost the little cupcakes and decorate the big one. Thanks to my handy dandy decorating tool it came out really great and did not take too long in the scheme of things.
Once the cake was done it was time to work with my mother and Aunt M (my sister-in-law) to get the food baked and ready to go. We served an egg bake with scallions, baked peach french toast, bagels, lox, cream cheese, vegetarian liver (Mimi’s specialty), hummus, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, and potato kuggel (Mimi’s again). I could not have had such amazing things if my mother and grandmother (Mimi) had not helped with the menu and Aunt M had not helped with everything on Sunday – thank you all!
While the preparations were being done in the kitchen the kids were busy playing. NHL, JSL and Cousin S were enjoying time with my brother, Papa and JL.
An attempt was also made to get a photo of the three grandkids together. This did not work out too well. Apparently this was the best that was captured.
Everyone started to arrive at 11:00. While the food finished baking people talked and watched the kids play. JSL had an interesting time with my parent’s massager. All I can say is – he is a total BOY!
All of the kids ate in the kitchen. It was too funny watching them interact with each other.
After brunch the kids went to play and we put the left over food away. Then it was time to set up all of the good stuff on the table for round two of food. It was finally time to put the giant cupcake on the table!
Everyone came to the dining room so we could light the candle, sing Happy Birthday to JSL and have him attempt to blow out the candle. He was quite serious at one point with everyone standing around watching him.
While I was busy cutting pieces of giant cupcake for everyone JSL was in the kitchen digging in. JL said that he was quite careful at first. After a little while he figured out that he could get more into his hands and stuff that into his mouth faster. Be glad that you did not have to clean up the little guy and/or his booster seat. NHL was amused with his brother’s mess and declared that JSL looked like Grandpa thanks to his white frosting beard.
Once JSL was cleaned up (read – the best that could be done without a tub) it was time to open presents. This was something pretty new for him. Sure he had a few items at Chanukah time, but he was so little in December. NHL was quite eager to help his little brother dig into the gifts. JSL did not understand why he could not play with his first gift and started to have a mini temper tantrum when we tried to hand him a new package. He did not want that and wanted to play with his new toy.
Of course the real fun came soon after this when all five of the kids started to romp in the wrapping paper. Oh wait, some adults also got into the mix. Check it out. . .
Being the birthday boy was hard work. The little guy had to stop at one point to chug some water from his sippy cup since he was so thirsty.
It was a very nice day. Seeing all of our family members, eating good food was nice but soon it was time for everyone to leave. Uncle I and Aunt M had a big trip ahead of them. Cousin S was all ready to go after hugging everyone goodbye.
Before we knew it everyone was gone. It was time to clean up, pack up and go home. JSL did not nap all day and quickly had a bath, ate an early dinner and went to sleep dreaming of giant cupcakes.
Now we can sit back for a few weeks until we start to plan NHL’s 5th birthday party for August. He has ideas, but we shall see what we agree to.
My mother and I both share something in common. Both of us lived at the house when we were little. We both played in the same backyard as children and were shaded by the same trusty tree. Over the years tree’s growth took off. In recent years the tree was starting to cause some problems. The roots from this big monster were ruining not only the driveway, but were also causing issue with the garage (already in rough shape from another tree falling on it).
Last year my parent’s neighbors put in a pool and asked my parents if they ever thought about taking the tree down. For them it was a nuisance thanks to allowing almost no sun in their yard, and also dumping stuff in their pool. They all agreed it was good to look into options before nature decided when the tree would come down on a house and injure someone.
Last Thursday at 7:30 the all day project of removing the giant tree took place. Unfortunately, I was not able to get there for photos of it before they started. I arrived at about 1:30 in the afternoon with the boys.
When we arrived my father took us to the yard to see what they had already done. They were just taking wood to the front so it was safe to look at from the neighbor’s driveway. Here is what we saw.
Papa held NHL’s hand since he was a little nervous of all of the noises coming from the other side of the house.
NHL was not too impressed. He did not realize how long they had been working. The four year old child’s mind did not stare like I did at the 60+ year old tree. I stood there recalling days past being shaded by the tree while on the swings with my friends, or getting dizzy on our spinning machine. As a pale child that tree saved me from many a sun burns!
Soon it was time to go back inside to see Nana.
Inside the house we were also able to see what was making the noise outside. This is the machine that was guilty of making our ears ring.
NHL, JSL and I stayed for a few hours to wait and see the remaining part of the tree come down. With each big "thump" in the backyard we knew it was getting closer. It was amazing to see how they were able to maneuver big machines and trucks into the tiny yards. This is one that was needed again in the end of the process.
While the boys did not really seem to care what was going, my mother, father and I kept going to watch the events. The boys and Whiskers (their cockatoo) were more interested in other things.
And this is the birdy:
Finally, after quite some time we heard and felt a final thump and the entire tree was gone. The tree was officially gone and this is all that was left.
Sad to see such a big part of our family go, yet glad to see it go safely without problems.