Category Archives family

Mission Impossible – the photo shoots

Last week before we left to visit my brother and his family my mother gave us a mission.

Cue the Mission Impossible Music please. . .

"Your mission, should you decide to accept it is to capture a photograph of our three grandchildren together. Do not attempt to return home unless you accomplish this task!"

No recorder self destructed in five seconds, but our attempts to get photos of the three kids last weekend quickly did. 

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Attempt #1 – Friday morning while all of the kids were still in their pajamas and playing nicely. The resulting photos may be seen here: 

Three cousins - Take 1

Please note no children were hurt in any of the photo taking events shown.

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Attempt #2 – Friday afternoon before heading out to the zoo. The natives quickly got quite restless. A certain one year old dear too me was not cooperative, to say the least. 

Three cousins - Take 2

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Attempt #3 – Saturday early afternoon before heading out to lunch and cherry picking. The kids were all in a good mood so we thought it would be the perfect time. Unfortunately, they had other plans. 

Three cousins - Take 3

The results from this photo shoot were the best in that the kids were quite cute with one another.  Unfortunately, there is no photo with all faces visible.

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Attempt #4 – Saturday evening post tub (another "interesting" experience for another day) we gathered the kids in the room NHL was sleeping in for one last attempt at a group grandchild/cousin photo. 

Three cousins - Take 4

So there you have it, another no-go on the photo for Nana and Papa. The problem this time around was the little kids, JSL and Cousin S were just too busy and wanted to be on the move and play all the time.

We technically did accomplish our mission though. We have lots of photos of the three kids together, so we did travel back home. A few of the ones above are ok and should satisfy the mission – whew!


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Heigh-ho the cherry-o . . . a picking we will go

When I think of summer I automatically picture the fruits of the season. Watermelon, peaches, plums, nectarines and cherries to name a few. Talk about tasty healthy snacking. When the weather is so warm and nothing sounds good, fruit is always perfect and hits the spot.

My favorite fruit by far is the cherry. I love cherries! I have fond memories from my childhood of buying bags of cherries from the store to gobble up. One fun recollection is from a summer that my two cousins came to spend time here from the west coast. Cousin M and I went to the store with my mother and we stood there for a LONG time picking out the perfect cherries. We filled up an entire bag with probably 4-5 pounds or possibly more. When we went to our house we stood outside with my father and had a cherry pit spitting contest. I do not recall who won, but I know we had fun eating and spending time together as a family.

It is only fitting that this past weekend while visiting my brother, sister-in-law and niece that we made some cherry memories for our children (I wish Cousin M had been there). We heard that there was a cherry picking place not too far from their house that had dwarf cherry trees. Those would be perfect for all of us to pick from.

We all got into my car and wandered out into territory that nobody had been to before. After a while we finally arrived to cherry land. From the parking lot you could see the amazing trees ready to be picked. Our mouths were watering from the view. We had hardly had cherries this year thanks to the ridiculous price ($4.99 a pound and up for the bing variety). We slathered everyone with sun lotion and went to get buckets for collecting our fruit.

Then we were off to find the fields with the sweet cherries. Quickly we were walking in a cherry wonderland.

Heigh-ho, heigh-ho . . . it's off to cherry pick we go!

It was absolutely amazing. There were cherries everywhere. Hundreds of trees chock full of cherries ready for us to pick. We set up a place and I stayed with JSL and Cousin S.  Aunt M, Uncle I, JL and NHL set off to fill our buckets.

Wait one cherry pickin' minute!

The two little ones were quite content sitting back and watching everyone. At one point S wanted to hold JSL’s hand. He was sweet and played with his little cousin.  This was also where they taste tested some of their first cherries. JSL was quite partial to the white cherries that tasted much like peaches inside.

Babies by the cherries

NHL was really good and asked if he could try a cherry from one of the trees. We told him it was fine. He was too cute selecting just the right one, and then finding the perfect place to taste test. 

Time to taste test

After a short time both buckets were approximately half filled with both cherry varieties. We had no real clue how many pounds we had, so we figured it was best to stop at that point and check in. We got all of our things together and went to the line to check out, weigh in and pay. As you can see cherry picking made NHL quite thirsty! 

Time to head home with lots of cherries!

And for your viewing pleasure, I present you with our gorgeous cherries. All 22.4 pounds of the juicy summer goodness! 

Yum-o . . . . 22 pounds of cherries!

Those buckets are very deceptive in the amount they can hold. We were quite impressed with our haul and went back to the house to eat more cherries before giving the kids tubs and ordering our dinner.

What will our next picking adventure be? Perhaps veggies next time! Do you have any memories of summer time fruit or veggie picking fun? If you do please share.


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Memories of our wedding – 7 years ago today

In 1999, I met JL online. I was a goof and did not realize that I was in a chat room. Something caught my eye in his profile so I messaged him. We talked online and on the phone many times before we met in person half way between our homes. I brought my friends with me, just in case because you never know!

From the fall of 1999 to 2000 we had a long distance relationship. 

When I met JL's parents 11-28-99

It was rough, but at the time we drove (gas was cheap – 99 cents or less a gallon) or we flew (fares that were $49-79 each way) and visited often. I remember too vividly the days when JL would leave. I would sit and cry for hours wondering when I would see him again.

On July 2, 2000 JL proposed to me and soon after his employer allowed him to move here to telecommute (being a webmaster has perks ya know). Once here we went to hockey games from time to time, because I had to convince JL that hockey is THE sport. If you know JL he is not a sports nut. 

At a hockey game 11-25-00

That year was hectic. JL was getting used to this area, the company he worked for folded, he found a new job, I was student teaching, and we were wedding/honeymoon planning. This included lots of road trips to pick up my wedding dress about an hour north of here. 

01 Wedding dress before the big day

Finally our wedding day arrived. June 24, 2001 was a gorgeous summer day. Almost all of our family and friends were there to celebrate our special day. Below are some memories of the amazing day that JL and I became husband and wife. . . . the day I married my best friend.

Photos from the Bedeken, which is where the Ketubah (Jewish marriage license) is signed and we technically are married. Be sure to hover over the photos for explanations.

02 Mom and I during Bedecken

 03 Ketubah signing at Wedding

 04 Our ketubah

 05 Veil over me during Bedeken

06 Everyone at the Bedecken on one side of the room

After the Bedeken it was time for everyone to go in for the traditional (basically Orthodox) Jewish wedding ceremony. One of the things I love about the Jewish ceremony is that both parents walk the bride and groom down the aisle to the chuppah. What you may notice in the one of me is lots of smiles and laughter – even my father (SHOCK). He was laughing that I had to go to the bathroom and had a wedgie. Glad I shared that with you aren’t you?!?! 

08 My brother walking grandparents down aisle

 09 JL and parents walking down aisle

 10 My parents walking me down aisle

 11 Under the chuppah

Thanks to being a smart bride I made my own bridal sneakers and wore them for the entire wedding. I was not going to chance sores on my feet when we were going to Disney World for our honeymoon the next day. Here are some photos from the reception. 

12 Reception - Our table

 13 Horah time

 14 My father actually SMILES!!!

This is when I was lifted into the air on a chair and nearly dropped during the Horah.

 15  Help me . . . I'm going to die!

Our first dance was to the Bee Gee’s "Wedding Day" that was released right before our wedding. Thanks to my father for introducing us to this beautiful song. You can see a video of the song here.

 16 - Our first dance

It is a tradition for the eldest male member of the family to say the blessing over the challah and slice it. My Poppy did this with the help of my Uncle J and Dad.

 17 My Poppy cuts the challah

 18 My grandparents and all of their grandchildren

 19 Finally at our table for a few moments

Soon the time came to cut our wedding cake. There was a little mishap with JL’s kippah as you will see. 

20 Our wedding cake

 21 - JL has trouble with his kippah while cutting cake

 22 - Cutting the cake

 The next morning we flew early in the morning to Disney World and had an amazing honeymoon. 

Honeymoon artists - painting on our animation tour

JL thank you for seven wonderful years of memories together. Who knew seven years ago that we would have two little boys now. You are such an amazing person, husband and father.. You are truly my best friend and I look forward to many more wonderful years of memories together as we grow old and watch our boys have families of their own.


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Wordless Wednesday – Visit with Bubbe, Grandpa and Great Grandma

Bubbe and the boys

 Hamming it up with Great Grandma

 Bubbe, NHL and Grandpa

 Tired and sweaty baby


Quick note – The photos are JL’s parents and Grandma with the boys.

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Happy Birthday Mom!

Although it is late in the day, I wanted to get this in before the day is over.

Happy Birthday Mom!

 Digital camera + Grandkids = Fun!

To celebrate Mom’s birthday, the four of us had dinner with my parents. I also baked a red velvet cake with vanilla frosting (photos to follow soon). Since the boys were sleeping when I finished it, I make it in a style NHL would appreciate. I wrote Nana with three hearts in M&Ms! As a birthday present I am going to take mom to a girls night out. Perhaps we can find a play that we both want to see at the theater institute or catch a movie (something Dad will not do).

Mom, thank you for all that you have done for me. Although we may not always see things eye-to-eye I always know that your love for me and my family is there unconditionally. You have taught me the importance of family life and how to stick up for what I believe in, especially when it comes to the well being of my children. We are so lucky to live so close to you and Dad. There is a special bond that you have with the boys, especially JSL. I owe you so much for saving my little guy’s life back in February. You kept your cool and did what needed to be done and saved my baby. I cry just thinking about what could have been if you had not rushed over when we called frantic. That is just the way you have always been – there for us no matter what.

Thank you for everything and know that I love you always and forever.


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