Today is JL’s birthday and I wanted to take a look down memory lane at my amazing hubby. This is the man that swept me off my feet, taught me how to keep a kosher kitchen, made me a mother, stayed up late with me when I graded papers, built me several websites, cooks us dinner almost every night and above all is the most wonderful daddy to our boys.
This is what a little geek looks like when he is approximately five months old.

Fast forward approximately 24 years later to the time we met in 1999. JL showed my family just how caring a person he is. After we met in person for the first time, I went back home with my friends. The trip was almost two hours and he knew this. I had no cell phone, so he called my house. He asked my parents if I was home. I was not. My friends and I decided to shop a little longer before heading back. JL continued to call my house until he finally heard that I had arrived safely several hours later. He instantly won the hearts of my parents who were impressed. Little did he know that I was in trouble for that one. Yes, at 22 years old my parents scolded me for being inconsiderate to JL. *sigh*
Our long distance relationship days were horrible. Finally after we were engaged JL was able to get the company he worked for to let him telecommute from home. Soon after that division of the company that he had worked for since he graduated from college closed. Here he was in a strange city looking for a new job while planning out wedding. Luckily many places were looking for a webmaster and JL got a job. My entire family embraced JL from the start. Here we are on Mother’s Day 2001 just a little over a month before our wedding.

Here is my happy groom dancing away on our wedding day. He never stopped smiling the entire day.

JL also knew that my birds were very important to me. He quickly was able to make even the feathered members of our family like him.

Here he is with my feathered angel Moose.

Both of our lives changed in December 2002 when we found out that we were expecting our first baby. Exactly two weeks after JL’s birthday our first son NHL was born. Together we entered into the world of parenting together. We both learned how to survive on little or no sleep together.

The following April we jumped into home-ownership learning together that owning a house is not all it is cracked up to be. JL worked his rear off painting and getting things ready for us to move in while the contractors did the rest. So many memories of us inhaling BIN and trying to figure out who to call since the landlord was no longer an option.

JL is a kid at heart and loves being a daddy. He lives through experiences that we have had over the last five years with NHL. Whether this is going to the zoo and feeding giraffes (July 2005), protecting NHL from costumes (July 2005), or being brave and going on a ride that the little guy asked for (August 2006).

In May 2007 the two of us became parents again. Our second son, JSL, joined our family and once again my husband was able to rise to the occassion. JL does an amazing job splitting his time between the boys, making special memories with each of them. He helped to decide that it was best for me to be a SAHM and put my teaching career on hold for now to be with our boys. JL has never once made me regret this decision.

JL, happy birthday. May you always know that you are truly the geek of my dreams. I love you now and forever and cherish all of the memories that we have made together. Here is to many more years of making memories together.