Category Archives family

Merry-go-round memories

Each year we take photos on the Merry-go-round as a tradition with the boys. We started this when NHL was little. On Labor Day we went back to the local park with my parents, Aunt L and Uncle J (in town visiting) for some fun in the sun. We had a wonderful time. Since we arrived at the park before it opened JL was able to get some gorgeous photos before the crowds arrived. I love how the park takes amazing care of their ride.


Here are some of the horses up close. 

Nana's favorite horse

Another face shot

Another gorgeous horse

Gorgeous details

Once the park was opened, it was time for the boys to ride. NHL went with Aunt L for a spin and JSL with Papa (starting the tradition). 

NHL with Aunt L on the merry-go-round

Papa and JSL 2008

Of course we HAD to get a photo of Papa with NHL since we were not thrilled with the ones from May of this year. In order to keep the tradition going Aunt L switched with Papa for a few seconds. 

Papa and NHL 2008

*** Please note, no flags were injured in the making of my father’s shirt!

There are many more photos from the day, but I figured I would split it up some. We hope to go back to the park one more time before they close for the season, but if not we have fabulous memories from our trips this year.



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Birthday balloon crown for Mimi

Today is a special day, it is Mimi’s birthday. 


Happy Birthday Mimi!!!!


As I have mentioned before, my boys are extremely close to my grandmother. They see her as often as possible, love to visit her apartment to have chicken soup with matzoh balls (and other goodies), and more important to play and snuggle with her. JSL still loves to sit on her lap where she will sing him to sleep.

Mimi with the boys

Yesterday night we went out to dinner to celebrate Mimi’s birthday. Much to our surprise there was a special someone at the restaurant. It was none other than Mr. Twisty!

Mr. Twisty at Mimi's birthday

When Mr. Twisty heard that it was Mimi’s birthday he was very careful not to ruin the secret. He did not want to bother other people at the restaurant, so he made her a very small birthday crown. Here it is on Mimi’s head. 

Mr. Twisty and the birthday girl

We all had a lot of laughs thanks to Mr. Twisty. He also made something special for NHL. NHL did not even need to hear the list of possible balloon creation. He immediately asked for a lion. ROAR! 

R-O-A-R - lion by Mr. Twisty

After our delicious meal (thank you Aunt S and Uncle M) we decided to order some cotton candy. I was convinced to let JSL try some of it. At first he did not want anything to do with it, he simply played. Check out what he created. 

Noodles a la Cotton Candy anyone?

Unfortunately for us, he soon discovered that the cotton candy was sweet and enjoyed it. Needless to say he was up quite late last night. Apparently the sugar rush got him, but not NHL. Here are both of the boys enjoying. 

Cotton candy kids

We all want to wish Mimi a wonderful birthday. We are so glad that you live so close by. The boys and I love spending time with you. We hope to make many more special memories together for years to come.

Mimi and her birthday balloon crown

We love you Mimi!



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A Knitting Tale

Ooops! I am late blogging again. Not to worry, I have not been sitting around on my head, no I leave that to my kids!

Head over heels

Please note, no toddler was hurt in the taking of that photo. JSL is strange and actually asks us to flip him upside down. If we do not understand this he will bend over and put his head down and bark at us to grant his wish.

Silly me, I decided to work on a hobby that I have been putting on the back burner recently. Of course I am talking about knitting. With both boys home for almost three weeks before kindergarten started, birthday party preparations (including building Mount Dinocake), time with family, a newly walking 15 month old, and of course reading Breaking Dawn – knitting was put on hiatus.

That is not to say that no knitting has been going on. After my summer bloggy giveaway I immediately set to work to make two M&M cloths for my winner. Since she had two children I made one for each in their favorite color to include in my package. This is what I sent to her (along with some pens that were not in the photo):

My Bloggy giveaway from Summer 2008

I have also been making DW Cloths here and there. Tonight I took out the collection of them that I have on hand that have not been given as gifts (whether for birthdays, just because, weddings, bridal showers, baby gifts. . . ) or used by us. I have thirteen of them in a wide variety of colors.

A Yarn Rainbow

Here is another view of the thirteen DW cloths that remain.

The 13 that remain unused or givenaway 

Right now I am going to take a break from the DW cloths to knit a scarf for my niece who turns one in a few short weeks. Something I learned last winter was that they do not make scarves for little toddlers and in our neck of the woods, kids need them! I called my sister-in-law up today to find out what colors would be best. After several conference calls from the yarn store we came up with a lilac color. 


Slowly I will play catch up on things that have been going on here, but I wanted to update on my knitty goodness.


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Aloha Friday #12

Aloha and TGIF everyone!

Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the Mr. Linky there if you are participating.

 Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

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My question for this week is:

What song did you have your first dance to at your wedding? Was there a special reason for this song? If you are not married yet, what song would you pick and why?

Talk about your random questions, but I needed something not related to school, so please humor me!

JL and I had a tough time coming up with songs to dance to at our wedding. We knew that we would start off the reception with the traditional Horah, but after that it was tough. Decisions had to be made for our first dance and for the one with my father and JL’s mother.  We did not want to use things that were constantly used at the time.

A few months before our wedding my father bought a new CD from the BeeGee’s. He sat us down to listen to a song. The song was Wedding Day and had just been released. JL and I had never heard it before. Once we heard it we fell in love with the song. We knew we wanted this for our wedding day. I called our band to find out if they would be able to do it. It was new to them, but she said with some information they would likely be able to do it.

Our first dance - June 2001

Thanks to my father’s suggestion we had a beautiful song for our wedding day. Here is a video of the BeeGee’s performing this song not long after it was released.


 Have a wonderful weekend!


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It only took 15 months

Why is it that after the first child we become so lax with each subsequent child and often put things off?

Seriously, JSL is 15 months old now and we JUST had the first family photo with all four of us in it today. We had them done regularly when NHL was a baby, but never did it before this with JSL.

Of course there is a likely reason. Perhaps it is trying to wrangle all four of us into a photo. More specifically the two non-adult members of the family. Just trying to get a photo of each of them alone is a challenge, no less with each other and then the two of us.

Case in point, it happened Monday. Late Monday morning we went to a local amusement park with my parents and Aunt L and Uncle J (in from CA). We had a fabulous time out in the nice warm weather. At the end we happened to bump into someone we knew. JL asked her to take a photo of the four of us.

*** Please be warned – YES we were dorks and all had the same basic shirt on. NO, I did not purchase them. My parents brought them back for us after they went to Disneyland in April and we wore them Sunday for the first time.

The first photo is not too bad when you consider we had been in the sun and heat for two hours and both boys were hungry. In addition to this JSL had not napped.

Family shot - take 1

My friend asked if she should take another one just to make sure we had a decent one. We thought it was a good idea. The result is below.

Family shot - Take 2

Yes, this is why we have never attempted to do anything before this point. I believe I have now scared off a person that has volunteered to take some family photos for us. Hmmm. . . maybe I should not have blogged this! Of course if we do those it will not be after 2 hours of play without rest/nap time.

There are so many other items that I need to catch up on (like we have another walker in the family!), but this was a busy weekend and NHL starts kindergarten tomorrow. Today we have orientation of sorts for a little while in the afternoon. More to come soon! That is a promise not a threat.


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