Category Archives family

Toddling Times

Do you remember where your children were the first time they walked multiple steps on their own?  JSL started really toddling on his own in the last two weeks. It made me think back to when NHL took his first steps. We waited so long for that day to come that I recall where we were, what was going on, and exactly what the little guy was wearing.

We were visiting my brother and sister-in-law. NHL had just started physical therapy after qualifying through Early Intervention. He was diagnosed as having low muscle tone and was hyper flexible. In other words he could touch his nose to the floor while sitting and struggled just to have enough balance to stand, no less walk on his own.

We had no clue at the time that this was going on. He was our first born and we thought he was so close to walking for months. He could toddle holding simply a finger, but without it could not.

Just a few days after starting PT we went away for a weekend. All of the adults were talking when we suddenly noticed a little boy walk by us. We did many double takes and then hooted and hollered since NHL was indeed walking on his own. JL quickly went to get the camera to capture these first steps on his own. Before we knew it he went back down the hall on his own. Later that afternoon we went to the Fisher Price outlet store. My little guy walked in the store on his own, chanting Elmo when he saw all of the toys he wanted to go to.

Here are NHL’s first of many solo steps and relaxing on the couch in his Mickey Mouse PJ’s. These were taken July 6, 2005 when NHL was almost 23 months old.

First steps - July 6, 2005

So proud of his walking

We always joked that JSL would walk for the first time at Uncle I and Aunt M’s house. That was not to be in July when we visited. JSL did things on his own schedule and really started to perfect things this past week. By the end of the weekend visiting for Cousin S’s first birthday he had really picked up speed.

While gathering clothing from NHL to get ready for JSL I found a lot of summer items. Included in this were the Mickey Mouse PJ’s that NHL was wearing when he walked. I thought it was only fitting to take these with us this weekend to get some photos of JSL. These photos were taken September 14, 2008 as JSL turned 16 months old. 

Ready to get big brother

Sitting on the job

Now the adventure really begins as JSL is starting to chase after his big brother. . . . ah the memories!


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Plans – they often change

When you become a parent, you learn how to go with the flow a lot more. Heck, you also learn how to function (or so they say) with little or no sleep. This weekend would be a great example of that.

Friday we were supposed to leave after JL arrived home from work to travel five hours to see my brother, SIL, and niece S for a first birthday party weekend. My parents left earlier in the day and told me that the rain was horrible going in the direction. By the time JL was home from work it was 3:40 in the afternoon. We knew that by the time we finished packing, loading the car and kids to head out it would be 4:30-5:00 at best. That means with a stop to eat we would not arrive at our destination until 10:00 at best. Add the weather and kids into the travel and it would likely be later.

We quickly looked at the radar of weather conditions for the evening. It looked miserable. The rain showed no end and was quite heavy in the direction we were going in. We changed our plans. Rather than leave at night we would get up VERY early and load the sleeping boys into the car and go before the sun was up.

Dinner was made, a quick errand and everyone went to sleep early. I set the alarm for 3:00 and hoped to be on the road at 4:00. NHL was up at 2:00 and hardly went back to sleep after that. I moved the alarm to 4:00. Since it was shabbat I was doing all of the driving and wanted a little extra sleep. At 4:00 I quickly packed the rest of the items, both boys were up (GAH) and we hauled everything into the car. We were on the road by 5:00 heading to see Uncle I, Aunt M, and Cousin S.

Do you prefer getting up early to drive or doing the trip at night?  Although I was exhausted and the sun was not out and there was thick fog, it was smooth sailing at this hour of day. I was pretty much the only car on the road with all of the big trucks. We made it to our destination in just under 5 hours including a stop at Dunkin Donuts for breakfast and a pit stop.

Once we were there the kids quickly started to play. Here is Uncle I reading all of the kiddos a story. 

Story time at the Princess Table

We had a fabulous weekend spending lots of time with family. The kids enjoyed playing with Cousin S and did not want to leave yesterday afternoon. We arrived home late last night. JL and I were exhausted from little sleep. This is what we hope to catch up on soon. 

Got sleep? 

The boys are pros at it!

Great photos of the kids playing and of course Cousin S’s birthday party from yesterday coming soon.




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A whole lot of rides going on

Lots of happy thoughts as we head home today from our weekend away for my niece’s first birthday (a long drive home with the boys). Trying to think optimistically, holding back on the positively pessimistic Eeyore thoughts from within.

Here are happy pictures from Labor Day to give us good road tripping vibes. 

Labor Day Family Fun

Thanks to Aunt L, Uncle J, Nana and Papa for a fabulous end of summer!


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Train time

Memories from childhood are wonderful, especially when you can relive them with your own children. I vividly recall going to our local amusement park and riding on their train. The train there is very special. It is old fashioned, has amazing details and has been taken care of with extreme care by the owner of the park through the years.

Train before the park opened

On Labor Day we went to the park before it opened. JL was thrilled to be able to get close to the train for some gorgeous photos. I have to admit, prior to this I had never seen the train without swarms of people around it. These photos show the real beauty of these antique trains. 

The legendary train

It really is a wonderful place to take our kids. The park is small enough with lots of choices and most importantly it is SO clean. The people that work there love their jobs and are so polite with the guests, and especially patient with the kids.

Of course our visit would not be complete without a ride on the legendary train. JL, Aunt L, Uncle J, NHL, and JSL all climbed aboard and went for a ride before it was time to leave (almost two hours later). 

Train time for almost all 

Last ride of the day

More ride photos to come soon!


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Aloha Friday #13

Aloha and TGIF everyone!

Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the Mr. Linky there if you are participating.

 Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

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My questions for this week are:

Do you like to pack when you go away? Do you make lists when you do so? Has your style of packing changed since you had kids (if you have any?

See the theme going here?

Seriously, I sit here getting this ready for Friday (it is Thursday now) and have a list of things to do. This weekend we are traveling to my niece’s 1st birthday party. There is a lot to do. The laundry is almost finished, I am making a list of items to pack for everyone, and this evening when the boys are in bed I will get the clothing into a suitcase.

Packing used to be so easy for me. I could just do it on the fly when it was only adults I had to worry about. Now things are more complicated. How many days of clothing do we need? How many spares for the boys should I take? Do I have enough to keep them busy on the road? This is why I make a list and check the items off as we load them into the car/bags. It just may be the teacher in me making lists, but it helps me organize what needs to be done and ready to go.

In honor of the trip a little song that we love to sing when driving. 



Have a wonderful weekend!


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