Category Archives family

Dads and Disney Memories

Father’s Day is this weekend and so many of my memories of Walt Disney World include the fathers in my life. Magical moments going on Space Mountain with my father and seeing him experiencing the wonder with my boys for two trips. In addition to this, I have watched TechyDad bond with the boys in Orlando. Here are few of my favorite memories from my last trip with Nana, Papa, TechyDad, and the kids.

Magical Memories with Nana and Papa

TechyDad and big kid head on Expedition Everest

TechyDad the Star Wars Geek

Time at the Magic Kingdom

TechyDad and the boys

Focused on the Magic

Be sure to stop by Focused on the Magic by clicking on the button above to join in the Disney magic this week.

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Schenectady Museum of Innovation and Science

Visiting museums with my family is something I can vividly remember as a child. I can still recall the first time I went to a genuine science museum in Boston. The Museum of Science quickly became a favorite. I went there numerous times with school, Girl Scouts, my family, and then as a teacher.

My boys have been to a several science museums over the years. For some reason, we had never made it to what used to be called the Schenectady Museum and Planetarium. Over Memorial Day weekend, we fixed this and went to visit what is now called miSci, Museum of Innovation and Science, to check it out with Nana, Papa, Uncle I, Cousin S, and Cousin B.

miSci - Museum of Innovation and Science

I had not been to this museum in more years than I would like to admit. The minute we walked in, I knew it was something special. All four of the kids were immediately drawn to the different items on display. Watching my two boys, niece, and nephew explore was priceless. Although a lot may have been lost on my three year old nephew, he had a blast trying things and running from exhibit to exhibit. The two kindergarten kids, and especially my fourth grader, were actively engaged and learning as they explored.

Exploring the miSci in Schenectady

We all spent a lot of time checking out Seeing which was a hands-on area from San Francisco’s Exploratorium. This was the last weekend of the exhibit that had an amazing array of optical illusions. As someone that loved to teach this in the classroom, it was fun to see how they shared different principals in a fun way for young learners.

Seeing Exhibit at miSci

There is a lot more that I want to share, but I will save that for another day. What I will mention is that we are now members of the Museum of Innovation and Science in Schenectady. We will be going back many more times over the next year as they add in new exhibits like Dinosaurs! (opens June 29) and Notion of Motion (opens June 15).

In addition to this, as a member of miSci, we have a reciprocal membership in participating Empire State Museums and free admission to several hundred participating museums and science centers with the ASTC Travel Passport Program. This will allow us to bring the boys to the Boston Museum of Science and other destinations this summer for small trips. If you live near one of the participating museums, I would love to know other locations that we need to pencil into our travels.

It's Me

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Looking Back at Mother’s Day

Ten years ago in May, I was  expecting my first son and looking forward to being a new mother. I had no idea how my life was about to change and the love that I would immediately feel for this new little life.

NHL is hours old - August 2003

NHL changed the way that I forever see the world. This is nothing negative, but he has given me the inner “Mama Bear” moments where I will fight and advocate until I am blue in the face.

Six years ago, I spent mothers day, extremely pregnant with my second son. I was days from my due date and feeling so tired because I was also battling an infection during the last month or so. Little did I know that the very next morning, I would see my second little boy and fall head over heals in love with another child. At the time, I worried that I would not have enough love for both of my children. Of course, I quickly learned that it would simply expand to fit the needs of our growing family.

Brothers forever

Watching the boys on the day that we took JSL home was amazing. The boys have grown so much over the last six years and are now such good friends. They have their moments as all siblings do, but the two will protect each other like nobody else can.

I rarely take photos with the boys because I am usually the one with the camera in my hands, but this mother’s day I asked TechyDad to get one of the three of us.

Mother's Day 2013

I always want to remember these moments because my babies are growing up before my eyes and each time I blink more and more milestones are gone forever.

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Time for UBP 2013

It is that time of year again. Time to introduce yourself, hop around to new blogs, and make some great new friends. Yes, it is…

Ultimate Blog Party 2013

The Ultimate Blog Party is so much fun each year. It allows those that are part of the blogging community to get to know more people. So pull up a chair, have some of this cake, and let me share a little bit about myself.

Tie-Dye Cheesecake for the Party

My name is Beth and I am TechyDad’s wife, mother of two boys, educator, Disney enthusiast, long time knitter, new crocheter, tech geek, and freelance writer/blogger. I started blogging in 2007 when I was expecting my youngest son, who will turn 6 in just over a month (*GULP*). The Angel Forever is a combination of items in my life. I feature books on Tuesday Tales each week, share my Disney love every Wednesday (and sometimes more), write about out travels, and toss in items about life in general. Recently, I also started to share our journey into the world of autism advocacy. Yes, my son is an Aspie and I poured my heart out into a post about my wishes as a mother.

Ready for Purim

Life is never dull over here in The Angel Forever and I would not change a thing most days (being honest). Thanks to blogging, I have come out of my shell, learned a lot, and figured out more about the person I am and want to be.

TechyDad and TheAngelForever

Are you participating in the Ultimate Blog Party? If you are, please let me know your post link and I will be sure to stop by. If not, why not join the fun? Take some time to look around and enjoy. I look forward to the fun over the next week and beyond!

FYI, you can also find me on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest.

It's Me

Previous post about The Ultimate Blog Party:

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Rainy Memories at Disney

April showers seemed to come to mind for me when I was thinking about my April Disney calendar photos. We have been lucky and, during our April trip to Disney, did not encounter any rain. Of course, this was not true during other visits. So, in the spirit of the rainy days ahead, I am sharing some rain filled memories of visits to Walt Disney World. Some were from JSL’s 2nd birthday during our stay in May 2009 and the other February 2010 when the boys were stuck in a major downpour while I was at a conference. As you will see, they met a lot of interesting characters trying to stay dry.

Rainy day at The Magic Kingdom

Meeting Aladdin and Jasmin

Rainy going to The Crystal Palace

Friends from UP!

Talking to the Evil Queen

Focused on the Magic

Be sure to stop by Focused on the Magic by clicking on the button above to join in the Disney magic this week.

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