Category Archives family

Disney on Ice – 100 Years of Magic

Twas the night before a snow storm and all through the arena, the people attending were thankful that they purchased tickets for the Thursday night show!

Last Thursday night we were gearing up for a HUGE weekend of snow. That was also the weekend that Disney on Ice was here for a bunch of shows. My parents had four tickets to take NHL and me. Thank goodness they wanted to see it on Thursday night. If we had selected another night we may not have been able to make it to the arena (Friday we had about a foot of snow and more Sunday).

Have you ever been to a Disney on Ice show?

If you have ever been to Disney World, Disneyland or any other Disney owned park, then you know they are the pros at merchandising. Well, Disney on Ice is 110% the same way. When you walked into the arena, both sides had at at least two merchandise stands,  two snack stands (with Disney cotton candy and snow cones), and multiple areas with photo taking stations (for a fee of course). 

Disney motto of sell sell sell

It was really interesting to watch NHL. We walked around the area at least one complete time and stopped at each of the selling areas. He looked each time, but never asked for anything. After a while, Nana asked NHL if he would like something. He thought the Mickey Mouse Binoculars were really neat. They were reasonably priced, so Nana and Papa bought them for him. 

New Mickey binoculars

Two years ago when Nana, JL and I took him to See Monsters Inc on Ice we bought him a work hat and program. To this day both of the boys still love the hard hat.

Next, it was time to go and find our seats. NHL walked along with Nana and his Mickey Mouse merchandise bag. When you walked into the arena, this is what you saw on the ice: 

Ice before the show

Nana and Papa bought NHL some popcorn and we sat and waited for the show to begin. NHL sat there taking everything in. I quickly learned that my camera did not do a great job at photos, but the video was decent. I took a few short videos so NHL can enjoy them. Here is one of the start of the show (more will be uploaded later). 

Start of Disney on Ice show from Angel Forever on Vimeo.

We all really enjoyed the show. Now NHL needs to catch up on some Disney movies since he has never seen Beauty and the Beast, Pinochio, and several others.



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the Mr. Linky there if you are participating.Aloha #28

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Keeping with traditions

Today while many of you are enjoying Christmas meals with your family (Merry Christmas!), the boys and I will be heading out to keep a tradition alive. This evening we will have Chinese food for dinner once JL is home from work.

Last Saturday, we had an early Chanukah celebration at my parents house.  Thanks to the snow storm, my brother and his family were not able to make it into town. Still, we had a very delicious dinner with my parents, grandmother, and Aunt T. Here are is the delicious meal that we had.

Our early Chanukah meal

Photo Key: 1. Sweet Potato latkes, 2. Sides and things, 3. Salmon, 4. Pierogi goodness, 5. Not officially Chanukah – so these candles will do, 6. Must have some veggies

Before sitting down to eat, NHL declared that he wanted to sit between Aunt T and Mimi. Thank goodness they are good sports and allowed his wish to come true. 

Excited about the meal

My mother had a Chanukah table cloth out and had napkins to match. Check these out. On one side it had holiday greetings, while the other told the story of the Festival of Lights. 

Gorgeous Hanukkah napkins

After we ate dinner, the kids played for some time,  while everything was cleaned up. Then the goodies were put on the table.

Yummy in our tummies

Right before we went to the table, JSL fell down running and landed on the back of his head. At first we did not think it was serious, but when looking back it is never right when the little guy refuses chocolate. Our time with the cheesecake and other delicious items was cut short by the call to 9-11, arrival of the paramedics, and ambulance ride to the emergency room.

This will certainly not be a Chanukah that we will soon forget.



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Feeling frazzled

Lack of sleep, an ambulance ride and visit to the emergency room can leave a family quite frazzled. I would be one of those family members this morning.

Last night, we went to Nana and Papa’s house to have an early Chanukah dinner with them, Mimi and Aunt T. We had a wonderful time opening presents, spending time with each other, and of course eating a delicious meal. After dinner, we decided to let the kids play. JSL loves to run around the large space at Nana and Papa’s house. At one point he was playing with my father and they were running through the kitchen. The rest of us were sitting in the living room and heard a gigantic THUD.

The night quickly changed at that moment.

That noise was JSL’s feet wiping out, his body flying into the air and him coming down on the back of his head. After a minute he cried and wanted JL. We figured the boys were getting tired, so we went to the table for cheesecake.

Of course after the fact, everyone else mentioned that they noticed the same thing when we sat down. JSL suddenly got very pale, stopped talking, was sweating horribly and then started shaking. Then the scariest part, he was unresponsive to us.

Nightmares of February came flashing back to me.

We got him out of the booster seat and took him into the kitchen. He was still not responding to us. Not to his name, tickles, nothing. He was trying to close his eye. When he did look at us, it was as if we were not there. I screamed for JL to call 911. He did and they sent out first responders.

During the time it took for them to arrive, JSL came in and out of it. When we tried to let him walk, he looked like he was drinking and could not walk in a straight line.

When the paramedics came into the kitchen we noted more odd behavior. Typically if a stranger tries to go near JSL he will recoil onto one of us and scream. Nada happened, he just sat there starring into space. They did vitals and said they were ok, but wanted to take him by ambulance to the hospital.

As I went running to get his coat and my boots I failed to notice all of the water from the paramedic’s shoes on the kitchen floor. I went flying into the basement door jamming my foot, hand and fingers. I was on an adrenaline rush and kept moving.

During the ambulance ride JSL was very quiet. He did move or do much. Finally minutes from the hospital he uttered "Mama" and pointed to the light. When we arrived into a room at the hospital the little guy started to perk up after about 30 minutes. He wanted to get down, explore and he was chatting up a storm.

When the PA came to see us you would never know there was anything wrong. The end product is JSL definitely had a concussion and may have had a mini-seizure. We have to follow up with our doctor Monday and keep a close eye on him today.

Last night he was up until midnight and was screaming and very restless during the night. Thankgoodness this morning he is in a great mood and playing nicely.

Today we will be staying in during another snow storm for a quiet day with the boys.


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Our Festival of Lights

This week it is time to dig out our menorah, dreidels and get ready for the Festival of Lights.

01 - Chanukah 2007

Yes, Chanukah begins next Sunday at sundown. Chanukah is a holiday about a miracle that happened long ago. JL and I have been working really hard to try to show our boys the meaning of this miracle. We read lots of Chanukah books, sing songs, bake/make traditional goodies, and try to make it less about gifts. It may be hard to believe, but traditionally Chanukah was not a time for gift giving. Over time, it has gotten that way because of the proximity of the holiday with Christmas.

Each night for Chanukah, we light our menorah as a family and sit watching the candles burn bright while eating our dinner. A new tradition that we have started with our boys is to play Chanukah music during this time. Of course we love Adam Sandler’s Chanukah song, but a new favorite is Hanukkah Blessings by Barenaked Ladies. The song sends chills down my spine. It is absolutely beautiful and includes the blessings that we say over the candles each night. The songs have helped NHL, now five, learn the blessings.

How lucky are we that we
Have lights so that we can see
All though the day is done
What a miracle that a spark
Lifts these candles out of the dark
Every evening one by one
Until the end of Hanukkah
Of Hanukkah
With the jingle bells and the toys
And the TV shows and the noise
It’s easy to forget
At the end of the day
Our whole family will say
These words for Hanukkah:
Barukh Atah
ADONAI Elohaynu Melekh h’olom
asher kid’shanu b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu
l’hadlik nehr shel hannukah
We light the candles for Hanukkah
For Hanukkah

We remember how Maccabees
Fought so all of us could be free
So we celebrate
On this festival of the lights
There’s a joyful time every night
Where we illuminate
The candles of Hanukkah
Of Hanukkah
Barukh atah ADONAI
Elohaynu Melekh ha’olom
She’asah neesim l’avotaynu
bayamim hahem ba’zman hazeh

JL and I also love to share our traditions with NHL’s peers. In the past, we have gone in to celebrate with his classes. JL went to NHL’s daycare to play the dreidel game with them. Last year, I went to NHL’s Chanukah party at school.

The Dreidel spinning center

This year, NHL’s kindergarten teacher asked me to come in next Wednesday to do something with the kids. I believe they are buying the materials to make potato latkes. We already bought each of the children their own dreidel. I plan on playing the game with them and doing some sort of craft.

Last year, we were lucky enough to celebrate part of Chanukah with our extended family. My parents had a Chanukah party during one of the nights. We had a wonderful time. JSL and Cousin S were celebrating their first Festival of Lights. My how the two of them have grown over the last year!

JSL's first Chanukah Mosaic 

Chanukah Party Mosaic

As you can see, we feel that it is very important to show the boys where our Jewish heritage is from and how to carry it on. We have been doing this since December 2003 when NHL celebrated his first Chanukah. 

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

It is our hope that our two boys will carry on these traditions for generations to come.


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