A two toddler snuggle
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- family jsl winter Wordless Wednesday
When you have kids, you learn to expect pretty much anything can happen. Of course, after certain events happen over and ove,r under the same circumstances, you start to believe they are doomed.
For some reason my boys always seem to get sick just before, on the way to, or during a visit to see Uncle I, Aunt M and Cousin S. NHL started this tradition even before the wedding. Favorites to show up are pink eye, ear infections, and unexplained fevers. Driving to Uncle I and Aunt M’s wedding we noticed NHL had pinkeye. We managed to get treatment for that. Then the night before the wedding he opted to really scare all of us with a 103 fever. We were quite the medication police that weekend.
In recent years, the sickie jinx seems to not only be when we travel to their house, but also when they come here. JSL had a horrible case of pink eye last February when Aunt M and Cousin S came to visit. Of course that was the start of an illness that ended in a four day hospital stay after a febrile seizure.
This weekend we may have stopped this in it’s tracks. Aunt M is a PA and brought her medical equipment with her. Nothing scares illness away like having a medical professional with her tools in the vacinity. NHL even allowed Aunt M to check him.
Then it was Dr. NHL’s turn
So Aunt M, I think you know what this means. We must always have your medical bag whenever we visit or see you!
Several weeks ago my brother, sister-in-law and niece were supposed to head here for an early Chanukah celebration. The weather had different plans, so they never made it here. That was the weekend that we had 18 inches of snow, went to the ER via ambulance, and had the party at our synagogue canceled.
Friday night everyone made it into town safely before what was supposed to be a small snow storm on Saturday. Yesterday morning, we packed up the boys and our presents or Cousin S and brought them over to Nana and Papa’s house. The kids immediately started playing and had a wonderful time. Of course, the adults were planning strategies to get a photo of the three kids together. This has become an on going joke with us. The blooper photos are often more interesting than the so called "good’ photo that makes it from the group shoot.
Here is one of the three kids that was not too bad.
Everyone loved the David’s Cookies prize that I won. A lot of the ones on top of the container were gone long before dinner time. I was a good girl and snacked on tomatoes, a few pretzels, and hummus. I was saving my points for later in the day.
We watched to see if/when the snow would finally show up. Just as we sat down to eat dinner the snow started to come down. We ate dinner, and then quickly had some cookies and brownies and packed up the boys. By the time we went outside there was probably 1-2 inches out, but the roads were really slick. This morning there was probably 6-8 inches outside of our house. Thanks to this we opted to keep NHL home from Hebrew School. It is not worth the risk of going there for the few hours in this weather. JL just got my car out from under all of the snow and we are going back to Nana and Papa’s house. My parents live very close to us, so it should be doable.
In early November I won a fabulous David’s Cookie and Brownie tin in a giveaway on Mamanista.com. Debbie e-mailed me with the great news and I sent her my mailing information. To make a long story short, things were crazy during the holiday season at David’s and my prize never arrived. A contact at David’s Cookies was great the other day and told me that it was being shipped on Wednesday and would arrive via UPS on Friday. I was never overly worried, just concerned that it had been shipped and someone had taken it off my porch.
Yesterday right before dinner, I popped my head outside and sure enough a package was sitting on my front step. Here is what was inside:
The timing is perfect and ironic at the same time. My brother, sister-in-law and niece are in town this weekend. We kept the tin all ready to take with us to my parent’s house today. This will be our goodies to go with dinner tonight. The ironic part is that yesterday morning I finally signed up for Weight Watchers online. As a non-chocolate consuming person, not too much should tempt me, but I did see some oatmeal cookies. Thank goodness for extra weekly points!
Last Saturday, we celebrated Chanukah early with my family because of the threat of snow storms. My brother and his family were not able to make it into town thanks to all of the snow. Since the boys have been born, they have been spoiled by our families. Most of the toys in our house are purchased by people other than us. This Chanukah was no different.
Nana and Papa had all of the gifts labeled and ready to go. They wanted to try something different. Rather than give NHL and JSL a present or two and then more another day, they opted to do things Christmas style.
Note to casual Chanukah observers: Jewish kids do not really know how to handle present overload when it is not on their birthday.
NHL quickly tore through all of the packages and sat staring at his little brother. He wanted to know what was inside all of his wrapping paper. 5 year olds definitely burn through things quickly and 19 month olds want to take each and every item in. In fact, JSL did not understand why more and more was given to him. Still he was sweet and squealed at each and every item given to him.
Here are some photos of NHL from the evening:
Now time for JSL:
Photos from from Hurricane Chanukah:
Now of course we have to find homes for all of the new items. We have purchased a lot of new Rubbermaid containers to put things away in and sort for future garage sales. Tonight we will light the eighth and final candle and then will put all of the Chanukah items away until next year.