Category Archives family

The 2009 Sesame Street Live Pre-Game Show

We arrived at the theater for Sesame Street Live about an hour before the show started. We wanted to make sure we had time to find parking and settle the kids in. After looking at the Sesame Street merchandise, that we did not purchase, we went to find out seats and take our winter gear off. The three kids sat down to check everything out.

The three cousins wait for the show

As you can see JSL brought his Cookie Monster stuffed friend and Cousin S brought her Baby Elmo. NHL preferred just to sit back and wait for the show. He was afraid to move, go say hello to friends or do anything. He simply wanted to sit and watch the stage. In fact he got quite upset with photo taking that disrupted his view. 

Mr. Serious did not want to be bothered

Meanwhile the two little kiddos were having fun checking out each other’s stuffed friend. 

Yup, Elmo is still on my tummy! The toddlers talk

The little kids got a little antsy waiting, so we gave them some snacks brought from home. They enjoyed and then Cousin S decided she had to explore the theater some more.

On the move with Elmo Yes, these seats are good

Finally the time was near. We had to get the kids seated. When we started JSL was sitting with me, Cousin S with Uncle I, NHL solo and JL taking photos. 

Uncle I and Cousin S ready for their first show C'est Moi with JSL and NHL next to me

The lights went out and Big Bird started to talk to the crowd. It was finally time for the show!

The stage Our 2009 show

More from the show coming soon.



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Cookie Monster here we come

Just over two years ago I started my blog. Back then it was on Live Journal and I was experimenting with how to do things. My second ever post was about our first time at Sesame Street Live with NHL. Last February we went to our second Sesame Street Live. JSL had just gotten out of the hospital, so JL and I took NHL alone. It was just the escape from reality that we needed. There is just something about Sesame Street Live.

This year we were not planning on going to see the show. Since we are going to Disney World we were going to skip it entirely. Then I realized that my brother and niece were going to be visiting when Sesame Street Live is here. I casually mentioned it to Uncle I. He said it was up to us. We decided it would be a lot of fun to take JSL and Cousin S to their first shows together.

JSL does not really watch Sesame Street much. Not to worry though, he knows the characters and has what we think is a favorite already (see title). He loves to sing along with Sesame Street songs in the car, so he will be all set to do that today. This morning I even found the Elmo sweatshirt that NHL wore last year. It is a little bit big on JSL, but it makes today even more special. Here is my little guy all ready to see his Sesame Street friends.

All ready to go see Elmo, Cookie and friends

More photos to follow soon. We have to make sure to share so Aunt M does not feel left out. She will not be with us so JL will capture lots of memories for her.


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100 days to go

Starting tomorrow, there will no longer be a three digit number standing between us and Disney World. The magic number is 100 today and it seems quite surreal. Of course, part of that could be the snow and ice that was left on our lawn yesterday turning our front  porch into a hockey rink.

Since I last wrote about our family Disney trip some things have changed. My parents, otherwise known as Nana and Papa on my blog, will be joining us. They were not sure about it at first, but eventually were excited to jump at the opportunity. JL and I think it will be fabulous to have them there to see the boys on their first trip to see the magic of Disney. My parents are the ones that started this "illness" with me so many years ago. We will be going down on the same flight, staying at the same hotel and making some dinner reservations together.

We have a little over a week to go until we can make our advanced dining reservations (ADRs) with Disney. This means that we are in the final preparations of making our list for dinner sit down restaurants. Some of this is complicated right now thanks to the calendars for May still not being available at the parks. We would like to know which nights certain events will be at locations so we can be there. It obviously makes sense to have dinner at those parks, or nearby so we can get to them.

One other little item, we need restaurants that are vegetarian friendly. JL and I have a kosher kitchen at home. When dining out JL prefers to eat vegetarian or fish (like salmon, mahi mahi, tuna…. not seafood) to make things easier for him. This has certainly nixed going to some restaurants that barely had any food options for him.

At this point we know that we will make the following reservations:

  • Chef Mickey – the evening that we arrive. Perhaps this will become an arrival day tradition. This reservation is already made since it can be done 180 days out.
  • Crystal Palace – likely for JSL’s 2nd birthday. He knows Winnie the Pooh and friends and should have a blast there (assuming the characters do not freak him out).
  • Boma – at the Animal Kingdom Lodge this restaurant has a buffet that has African specialities that look amazing.
  • 50’s Prime Time Cafe – fun restuarant that has really expanded more options to JL since our honeymoon. We did not go there 8 years ago, but I loved the antics there when I was a kid.

With the four choices above, it only leaves us with three sit down meals that need to be covered. Of course we also need to figure out if we want to do a more leisurely breakfast and make reservations for that.

Places that are on the likely list for dinner:

  • Le Cellier – JL and I ate here twice on our honeymoon. It is an amazing restaurant that is now quite difficult to get into. Who knew it would become so popular over the years?!
  • Coral Reef – although it has mixed reviews we think the boys will love watching the fish. My parents and I also have fond memories of eating there years ago. Nothing like watching a waiter teach your little brother how to eat a lobster!

Still debating:

  • Spoodles – JL and I also ate here twice on our honeymoon. It was on the Boardwalk right near our hotel and had amazing food. Not too sure how the boys and my father will do here thanks to the limited menu that is online.
  • Marrakesh – The restaurant at Morocco in EPCOT looks fabulous, but I have read that the quick service Tangierine Cafe is great, so that may just hit the mediterranean fix we need.
  • Sci Fi Drive In – A really neat restaurant with decent food. JL and I went there on our honeymoon and think that the seating with the boys may be hard to deal with. This is probably a place we will leave to do when they are older and will appreciate the fun movies more.

That is the short list of places that we came up with using the restaurant information here, in the DIS discussion forums, and in books. There are so many options and everything sounds so amazing. This week we hope to have more information on park hours and night events so we can make our plans. With any luck, we will be able to get our reservations with no issue on the 90 day mark. I know my alarm will be set on that morning.

If you have been to Disney lately any dining suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!



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