Category Archives family

Toddler sand storm

Dear JSL,

Last weekend you had a fabulous time at the lake and beyond. You loved playing with Cousin S and your big brother. You especially had a blast when we allowed you to go onto the beach. Unlike last year you were quite mobile when you hit the sand. This year you braved the the strange feeling on your toes and had fun experimenting. Much to our surprise you decided to develop your own sand catapult. This was too much fun not to record, so I quickly pulled out the camera and made a video. Years from now you will never believe that you purposely launched sand at your own head. Of course, this week all you have been saying is "Eat up dirt!"  Daddy and I think it is cute, but are a little afraid since we are heading back to the beach today. We hope that you will always find joy in the world outside, especially when with your family.






Dear Kid Saturdays at Cutest Kid Ever

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The three cousin shuffle

We all know how difficult it can be to capture photos of kids, especially when they are together. This weekend my brother, sister-in-law and niece were in town. Thursday evening we had dinner at my parent’s house. This gave the three cousins time to play and enjoy time together. Of course, it also meant a chance to take photos of the three musketeers. If you look back in my archives this has been an ongoing project. No matter what we do, something always happens to make it even more memorable. This time was no different. Here are the out takes from the impromptu session.

First we have NHL with the way a kindergarten kid smiles so naturally. 

Goofy cheese face

Perhaps JSL thought it was time to play "Head Shoulders Knees and Toes!" 

Time to touch my toes

Now everyone look THAT way . . . not THAT way silly! 

Look that way - or maybe that way

Will all of the girls in the group please stand up?  (Thank goodness only one kiddo stood up)

Can I see the camera please

Apparently NHL thought that a football game was going on in the room. 

Touchdown time

No clue what the two little kids are looking at. It is obvious that JSL has no clue that his brother’s big foot is so very close to his head. 

What were they looking at?

Of course, I love how real these photos are. They show exactly how silly and fun the kids were during this time. After a while the kindergarten kid was bored by the two toddlers and left. So the two little ones continued to play in front of the camera. 

Silly Toddlers

They even stopped for a quick hug. We will cherish these because in a few short years they will probably think each other have cooties! 

Hugs to her big cousin

In a few weeks the kids will all be together again. No doubt they will make many more memories together as we tackle cherry picking with three walkers!



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A Big Birthday for Mom

My mother has always been there for me. Whether it was when I was a little girl, a teenager confused with life, college student trying to follow her dreams, or a new wife and mother,  Mom has always been right there or a simple phone call away. Last year, I mentioned that she will always be my hero. My mother was unselfish and sacrificed a lot  for her children because she wanted what was best for us. Still, there is more that comes to mind as I sit here with tears streaming down my cheeks. Once again on her birthday, I recall how my mother saved my little guy by breathing life back into JSL on that terrible night in February 2008.

Mom has shown me how to be an advocate for myself and my family. Mom stayed home with my younger brother and me when we were growing up. She helped to arrange play groups with friends, take me to endless swim lessons, watch at softball games, and was the leader of my Girl Scout troop. My mother was the one that always stood up for us when she knew there was something wrong at school or beyond. She made sure that each vacation we went on had something educational involved and always stopped to tell us the proper names of everything scientific (and I do mean EVERYTHING).

Today my mother is celebrating a big birthday. Recently, we have been talking about this milestone in her young life. You see, both my Nana and Papa passed away quite young. I think this birthday is hitting her hard and while I am typing this it is having a similar feelings. Just thinking too much makes my brain and heart hurt.

For this Aloha Friday please send a message to my mother on her special day in the comments. Thanks!

Nana and Chef Mickey

Dear Mom,

Happy Birthday! Please know that no matter how we may disagree from time to time, I love you with all of my heart. You have given so much to me and I owe you for all that you have taught me. We are all going to continue to work together, as a family, so we have many more fun filled years with you. I want and need you to be there for all of us. The boys constantly talk about seeing Nana and spending time with you. It was so wonderful to see you and Dad with us and so happy at Disney World. It brought back so many wonderful memories from our Disney adventures when I was little. We will have many more fabulous memories, I promise you. Thank you for being such a great mother and Nana. I love you <3



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the Mr. Linky there if you are participating.

 Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #51



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A Figment of my childhood imagination

While at Disney World a few weeks ago, memories from my childhood came flooding back. I recalled going on certain rides with my parents, eating at specific restaurants, shopping at many stores. Of course, these memories were more powerful since my parents joined us on our Disney adventure.

It was only fitting that Papa was with NHL the first time he went on the wild rides at Disney World. He went on the Tower of Terror with NHL and JL. I think Papa and NHL enjoyed the ride compared to my then green looking husband. Papa also went with NHL and I on Expedition Everest. As we were winding our way through the line to the coaster, Papa told NHL a story. The story was about my first time on Space Mountain (currently closed and being refurbished).

I believe i was also in kindergarten. We had gone to Disney World with some family friends. My father asked me to go on Space Mountain with him. As incentive he made a deal with me. He told me that if I went on Space Mountain I could have ANYTHING I wanted afterward.

Dangerous promise no?!

Well, I took the bait and went on the line with him. I still remember being spooked out by the movies that they showed on the line. Add to this the fact that I was by far the shortest and youngest person on the line. When we got on the ride and sat down to start I told my father something. I told him that I had to pee. His fatherly words still remain fresh in my head. He told me to pee since there was no going back.

My father said I was fine with the ride when I got off, that was until I saw my mother. I went crying to her arms. Then the conversation turned as we had to finalize my deal for the ride. I told my parents that I wanted a Figment stuffed toy. We eventually went back to EPCOT. My father tried to get me to pick the small Figment, but my mother reminded him that he had said I could pick anything. Boy was he lucky that I settled on the medium sized Figment, or they may have had a life sized one to haul on the airplane.

Figment still has a special place in my heart. When we went back to EPCOT this time I had to ride the Journey into Imagination and spend time looking at Figment merchandise. I opted to get myself a new Figment keychain. 

Just a Figment of your Imagination

In case you were wondering, this memory has taught me something as a parent as well. NEVER promise your child anything they want to pick out when orchestrating a bribe. Always be sure to set limits on items that may be purchased. After all, your child may not be as nice as I was about the terms of the agreement.



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First full day at the Magic Kingdom

Tuesday we were finally back on our way to the Magic Kingdom. The boys were ready for some fun with Mickey Mouse after spending a day at Hollywood Studios and Animal Kingdom. That morning I called to cancel our reservation for Tonga Toast at the Polynesian resort. We were not entirely sure when we would be able to get there without a taxi and thought it would be easiest just to get to the Magic Kingdom at our own pace. My parents went off on their own. My mother was told to take it slow today since she was watching an infection that had started on her toe.

We arrived at the Magic Kingdom just after it opened at 9:00. Before heading in we stopped and had a PhotoPass picture taken. 

Entering the Magic Kingdom

The boys were busy looking at everything else going on since it was quite busy. Check out what was on the ground as you walk into the park in the morning. A very easy and clever little touch. 

The message on the street when the park opens

We decided to walk down Main Street USA to the bakery for breakfast. We figured it would be perfect to use three snack credits and go. On the way we saw the trolley coming down the street with singers and dancers inside

Right down Main Street USA 

1. Here come the dancers, 2. First thing in the morning, 3. Main Street USA show

After a yummy breakfast, we walked by the castle and over to Tomorrowland. While on the way we saw another photographer and grabbed our PhotoPass card for another picture. The sun was blinding us and thanks to that the boys were looking every other way. 

Lots of distractions

After this we kept walking into Tomorrowland. We were shocked that there was NO line for Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin. We quickly left the stroller in the parking area and jumped into line. Without any trouble we went back on right away and did it again. Here are some photos from the first ride.

To Infinity and Beyond

1. Ready to go, 2. Buzz greets guests, 3. A little distracted by things, 4. Not too sure about him, 5. One of the targets, 6. My hands were full with a toddler, 7. Concentrating on targets, 8. Zorg is captured, 9. Even Stitch plays

This ride was fun, but it is hard to get used to the laser guns that register points. Much more difficult to use than the technology with Toy Story Midway Mania at Hollywood Studios.

When we were exiting for the second time our eyes noticed that Buzz Lightyear was outside signing stamping autographs and taking photos. This was another great chance for us to ease the boys into the characters. Neither was thrilled with the idea, but they both went and no tears were shed. 

The boys with Buzz Lightyear

From here we got right onto Walt Disney’s Caousel of Progress. In hindsight, we probably should have skipped this. Still it was sitting down and had air conditioning. The boys tolerated it and we were lucky. Next we saw that there was going to be a show at the Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor soon. We parked the stroller and hopped onto line for that. This is an interactive show. While on line there are instructions on how to text message jokes in for the show. Then they involve people in the show with parts. We all loved this attraction since it was hilarious and kept everyone engaged. Here are some photos from things.

Hello from Monstropolis

1. Actually text message in jokes, 2. Got jokes?, 3. Snacks in Montropolis

After this we looked around at a few places and went to Mickey’s Toontown Fair. Whoa baby was it crazy here. There were tons of people packed into a small area. While NHL and JL went to get on line to go on The Barnstormer at Goofy’s Wiseacre Farm someone stopped by to say hello. Of all places to bump into someone from home. A mom from NHL’s school recognized me from PTA meetings and said hello. We found out that we were going to be on the same flight going home. Small world I tell you! 

Some views of Mickey's Toontown Fair area 

1. Other wise known as CRAZY land, 2. Goofy’s roller coaster, 3. Tired with Mouse ears, 4. Minnie’s House

The crowds in this area quickly scared us away. We left and went to look at a ride NHL had been nagging to go on. Unfortunately the line for Dumbo the Flying Elephant was insane. We told NHL that we would do this first thing in the morning on our next day at the Magic Kingdom. We decided to go over and see Mickey’s Philharmagic. This is another 3-D movie experience with a bunch of Disney characters involved. By this point JSL was not thrilled, but tolerated the movie and the rest of us enjoyed it. When we got out we met my parents to say hello. Then we went to Cosmic Ray’s Starlight Cafe for lunch. This was by far our worst meal at Disney World. JL ordered a Greek salad for lunch. When it was put on my tray I noticed there was ham on it. WHAT? I have never seen a Greek salad with meat, not less ham, and it certainly did not say anything about it (the Caesar salad specifically mentioned chicken). I was too tired to say anything and brought it to JL. In hindsight one of us should have brought it back to exchange for something else since we were not at fault. *sigh*

When we were finished with lunch we walked over to It’s a Small World We wanted to do something that JSL would appreciate while he was still awake. The line moved pretty quickly and the boys amused themselves while waiting.

Waiting for It's a Small World

Both of the boys LOVED this ride. They enjoyed the boat, the song and all of the things to see. Here are some views from It’s a Small World: 

It's A Small World

Of course, I still have fond memories from my childhood on It’s A Small World. I always loved the goodbyes in different languages at the end. 

Goodbye to It's a Small World The end of It's a Small World

At this point we decided to move in another direction. We walked over toward The Haunted Mansion. NHL was intrigued by this. JL went off to do a diaper change and while NHL and I waited on line. By the time they came back we were very close to the door of the mansion. JSL was not a happy camper when we walked into the darkness. As soon as we went into the elevator he was spooked and to cope, he went to sleep. NHL thought the ride was neat and did not seem spooked by anything.

Since JSL was sleeping at this point we decided to walk over toward Splash Mountain and Big Thunder Mountain. Both rides that JSL could not go on. At this point in the day Splash Mountain had over an hour standby wait and the Fast Pass returns were for very late at night. Meanwhile we were shocked to see that there was hardly a wait for Big Thunder Mountain. JL went on with NHL and I received a Child Swap pass to go back on. Sleeping JSL and I went into a store nearby to stay cool. Then I noticed the big parade was about to begin. I had NHL and JL meet me over by the end of the route in Frontier Town. While JSL slept the rest of us watched Celebrations. 

Celebrations Parade at the Magic Kingdom

 1. Chip, 2. Mickey and Minnie, 3. Pinocchio and Jimney , 4. Snow White, 5. Aladin, 6. Alice, 7. Cinderella’s step-family, 8. Cinderella’s mice, 9. Cinderella, 10. Ariel and Eric, 11. Donald Duck, 12. Goofy

 When the parade ended the wind was really picking up. It looked like it was going to storm. NHL and I went back to Big Thunder Mountain with the Child Swap Fast Pass. They told us that we may not be able to ride, but to try. Thank goodness we were able to get on. Within 5 minutes we were off. When we found JL and JSL the little guy was up. We decided to head toward the front of the park since the sky was getting darker by the minute. On the way we stopped by to get a Fast Pass for

Fast Passes for this

We figured if the weather was better we could head back to the Park after our dinner. So we managed to get to the Monorail just before it started to downpour. Of course silly us, we got on the Express Monorail. When we arrived at the transportation area we swapped to the ones that went to the resorts. My parents were already at the Contemporary, so we met up with them there. It was early for our reservations, so we shopped around some. Then we went down to where The Wave is located. They were not seating people yet, so we went to wait in the lobby. While there my mother mentioned that her toe was a lot worse. It was now oozing and throbbing. The infection was not going to clear without something stronger. Dad went to the desk at the Contemporary where they gave him the number for a pharmacy in Orlando that will deliver medications to the Disney Resorts for a $5 fee. Sweet!

We had a very nice dinner at The Wave. Our meals were very nice, the atmosphere more relaxed and the server was great with the kids. Of course this was also the night that I had my allergic reaction to walnuts that was in my dessert. When we were done with our meal we went back to the hotel since it was still raining. Mom needed to look at her foot and call the doctor, and I had to figure out something to do with my breathing.

Delicious, but deadly for me

The boys were still awake and played on the bed while I helped my mother. NHL and JSL were content with the Aqua Doodle Travel and an activity book. 

Getting along

Meanwhile, JL asked me how to get our cell phones to work. I told him the signal was tough and he may have to stand on his head while on the bed. Seriously it was pretty hard at times. This was his response: 

Trying to get cell phone signal

Luckily he was able to get a signal and call his sister. He had to get a hold of her to find out when her surgery was scheduled for the next day. When that was done NHL and I went for a walk to meet Nana and Papa. They were trying to schedule the pharmacy delivery at the main desk. After that we went back to the room for showers and the boys went to sleep. We all fell asleep quickly and were anticipating a fun day at EPCOT on Wednesday.


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