As a child I recall going to both of my grandparents houses and staring for hours at all of the family photos throughout their homes. I still find myself doing this when I visit my grandmother. It is amazing to see all of the family members at different points of their lives. Even NHL looks at them and names people that he can recognize.
My mother and father now have locations in their home that house photographs of family. The other day while visiting I had to take a photo. This is in the back family room where their cockatoo lives, along with my great-grandmother’s piano.
On one side of the piano there is a photo of everyone from my family at our wedding, along with photos of our boys and us. Note to self: Update Nana’s photo of NHL (he’s almost 6 after all) and give them the family portrait that was specially made.
On the other a big family photo from my brother’s wedding, photos of his daughter and his family.
The digital photography era has it’s perks and drawbacks. We can click away photos to our hearts content and not worry about wasting money on printing photos that are not worthy of processing. On the flip side, we could also store all of the photos and never print out real copies for family and friends….or ourselves. I admit it, we are 110% in the last grouping. Tons of photos taken, but hardly any made into prints for ourselves. We try to get them made for our family, but often are slackers at that.
I am trying to get better with this since I hardly have any printed photos of JSL and he is two years old!
How do you handle printing of digital photographs? Are you good about getting them made for family, friends and yourself? Any hints or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Eating cherries in summer brings back a lot of childhood memories. I remember going to the store and picking pounds of cherries and taking them home to gobble up. I also recall when cherries cost under a dollar a pound. *sigh*
Last summer we went to visit my brother and his family. While there we decided to try something new. We went cherry picking. We had an amazing time wandering the fields and picking 22 pounds of cherries.Yes, you read that correctly, just check out the buckets of cherries below.
Did I mention the cherries were amazing? The variety, size, sweetness and price of the cherries made it even better. We ate a ton of them over the time we were visiting and brought lots home to share with family and friends. We had hoped to be able to go cherry picking again while visiting, but sadly the crops are not ready. Instead we will find something else fun to do in the area (perhaps the zoo) and of course make another attempt at getting a cousin photo. Once again photo mission impossible remains. Here is one of them from last year:
So hard to believe that all of the kids have grown up so much. Memo to the kiddos –> stop growing up so quickly!
To my LIL, thank you for being all that I could ever dream for. The last eight years have gone by so quickly. It seems like yesterday that we were under the chuppah together on our special day. I am so lucky to have you in my life. Thank you for the past, current and future that we will have together, I love you with all of my heart.
To read the story that goes along with my almost Wordless Wednesday please click here.
Growing up I was very lucky. Both of my parents were in my life. Many of my friends had fathers that were never home or involved with them. Dad made the most of his time with us. He played baseball and taught my brother and I how to be catchers. Dad was the one that showed us how to appreciate wild rides at amusement parks, along with the ability to loathe the Yankees. Over the last almost six years, I have watched my father take on the new role, that of proud Papa. There is just something about watching your father let go and be carefree with your own kids. Papa is a huge part of our lives and I am so glad for that.
When I first met JL, I knew he was going to be a fantastic father. As soon as NHL was born, he proved me right. JL does everything for the boys and always puts their needs first. He is beyond caring, patient and loving. The boys light up at the end of the day when he walks through the door. Watching my three boys play together always bring a smile to my face.
I hope that all of the fathers out there have a special day. I hope that both of the most wonderful fathers in my life know just how important they are to me. I love you JL and Dad and hope you know how much you both mean to me.