Category Archives family

Unlucky lip lessons

JL and I have been married for eight years now. Over the years, his parents have only come to visit for day trips. My father-in-law refused to leave their dog at a kennel. It has been frustrating over the years for JL because they have missed out on so much with the kids. NHL was their first grandchild and he has only seen them a handful of times. Even more telling, the other day he had to be reminded about what he calls them.

Not too long ago, my in-laws dog passed away from illness and old age. Years ago, they had promised that they would come to stay for a weekend as soon as they no longer had their beloved dog. True to their words, when the dog passed away they asked if they could come here the weekend that we were scheduled to visit them. We were floored! Sure we thought they would follow up on this promise, but we never thought it would happen so quickly.

So, Thursday evening my in-laws arrived. They spent the long weekend here and stayed at a hotel not far from us since our house is really small. The visit was nice, but it was almost ruined mid-day on Friday. Friday, JL had to run into work to deliver some things to co-workers and fix a problem. While he went there, my in-laws, NHL, JSL and I went to the park for NHL’s tennis lesson. It was interesting listening to my in-laws. They were floored with how much NHL is a mini-JL. Apparently, many of my big kid’s quirks are exactly the same as his Daddy was when he was little. Makes a lot of sense, but they had never told me this before.

After tennis, we met JL back at home and went to lunch. We had an amazing lunch at an Italian restaurant. From there, we met my father at the car dealership. My father-in-law wanted to look at some cars to possibly replace his second car. While they were chatting with the saleman, the boys and I were walking around looking at fish in a little indoor pond with a waterfall. JSL was following NHL and suddenly, CRASH! JSL went face first into the floor, just missing the bricks on the pond area. When JL picked him up off the floor he howled. The agony in his screams brought back memories of a night in March when he fell on his face running.

JL moved him into the light so I could check his mouth. Immediately, I saw a pool of blood in JSL’s mouth. At a quick glance, I could see his teeth seemed fine, but there was a HUGE gash in his bottom lip. It was pretty obvious that he had bitten it when he fell. We had to try to assess how bad it was quickly. NHL went to get my father to come and help. Other people heard the little guy screaming and helped us to get some ice. We went to the bathroom to try to stop the bleeding. By the time we had ice, the swelling was really bad. I went to the car to get water for JSL and some motrin. I knew he would be hurting and need it to help the throbbing and swelling.

Thank goodness we did not need to head to the ER for a fieldtrip with my in-laws. JSL fell asleep in the car on our way to the mall and was clingy the rest of the night. He only ate challah for dinner, but was able to nurse and use his pacifier. So far we still think his teeth are fine, but wil try to get more of a look in a day or two when he is not as swollen and in pain.

Here are two photos of the little guy from the weekend. The first is Friday at the tennis lesson before the accident .

Cool dude watching tennis

Now a photos of the little monkey Saturday night a little more than 24 hours after the fall.

My poor little monkey

Oy. . . boys certainly do know how to keep their parents on their toes! More about our weekend with JL’s parents coming soon.



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No go for BlogHer ’09

As we all know, plans often change and usually for a reason. This is the case for me and the BlogHer convention that is right around the corner. At first, we were going to take a family vacation to Chicago so I could attend BlogHer 2009. Then in December, our plans changed. I started to hear about the deals for Walt Disney World. We went into a travel agency on a whim and came out stunned. The price for a Disney vacation was just too good to pass up. By New Years Eve, we had finally opted to book the trip to Walt Disney World for May. At that instant, I knew that my chances of going to BlogHer were slim to none. I was accepting of that since I knew it meant going on a magical family vacation to Orlando.

My Ohana

Our May vacation to Disney World was fabulous. One of these days, I will finish blogging about the last few days of the trip, including JSL’s 2nd B-day at the Magic Kingdom. I often find myself thinking about those days and wishing I was back there. Life was good, we were carefree and the boys, my parents, JL and I were having the time of our lives together.

Looking down Main Street USA

Now I sit here sad and jealous. Everyone on Facebook, Twitter and the blogosphere are a buzz about BlogHer in Chicago. Friends from the interenet that I had hoped to meet are packing, checking off get togethers to meet at and swag that they are hoping to get. Meanwhile, I am going to be gearing up to have my in-laws visit for the first ever weekend stay.

Ready for the day of fun

I keep reminding myself that although I can not be in Chicago, I was already in Orlando. Still, the memories of Disney World in May seem like distant memories at times. The boys have already grown so much, my kindergarten kid is going to first grade and the summer is already half over. I am sure that during these next few days I will often sit reading my blog posts about Disney, looking at the thousands of photos that we have from the trip, and dreaming of our next magical vacation.

Please excuse the roller coaster hair

To all of my bloggy friends, have a safe and wonderful trip. Take lots of photos, Tweet often and know that I wish you a wonderful time in Chicago.


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Red, White and Blueberry goodness

Happy belated 4th of July to everyone! We were lucky enough to have gorgeous weather this 4th of July. Of course after weeks of rain, we almost had forgotten what to do with sunshine. In the morning we went to the free Home Depot event where NHL was able to make and take home a project (more on this soon). 

Newest Home Depot crew

After that we went to the grocery store to pick up some cherries, fruit and a few other items. Then we went to BJ’s to buy diapers, wipes, a new toaster oven and other items. While there something else caught our eyes. Yes, we opted to splurge and buy this cheesecake for the 4th of July.

4th of July Cheesecake Splurge

I called my father to see if he and my mother would share it with us after dinner. In the end we were invited to have dinner with Nana and Papa. We had a fun evening. Yummy hamburgers, corn on the cob (which NHL refused after Friday night), pierogies, and salad.

Yummy corn

After dinner we went outside with the kids to run around some. We came back in to have dessert. There were grapes, watermelon and of course the cheesecake. Everything was delicious and the little guy especially loved the watermelon. He never tried the cheesecake – strange child!

Watermelon goodness

After that everyone piled onto the couch to watch the 4th of July celebration from Washington DC. The boys were anxiously waiting to see the crew from Sesame Street. Of course my father had fun teasing me about my former crush on Barry Manilow when I was in preschool.Oy!

The boys loved watching Sesame Street and managed to stay awake to see the fireworks on the show. Once they were over we packed the sleepy boys up and took them home. Much to our surprise both of the boys slept until 8:20 Sunday morning! This is something that never happens. They are both usually up well before 7:00.

So what did you do for the 4th of July this year?


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Craving some sun this summer

Right now the rain song from Winnie the Pooh is stuck in my head.

The rain rain rain came down down down
In rushing, rising riv’lets,
‘Til the river crept out of it’s bed
And crept right into Piglet’s!
Poor Piglet, he was frightened,
With quite a rightful fright.
And so, in desperation
A message he did write.
He placed it in a bottle
And it floated out of sight.

It seems like it has been raining here forever. Flood watches are posted for all over the area and it scares me. Our basement has flooded before when the rain backs-up in the archaic city sewer system. Needless to say that is not a charming thing to find when you head to do laundry.

Trying to entertain two little boys in such nasty weather has proven to be a challenge. If only there was a little sunshine. If the sun would come out like we had on Saturday while visiting Uncle I, Aunt M and Cousin S the possibilities would be endless. The boys would be able to splash in their little pool like Cousin S was doing:

Splashes from the little cousin

We would be able to take out lots of water toys to keep them busy for hours of fun in the sun (with sun screen of course):

The boys cooling off in little pool

NHL could perfect sprinkler running some more. This would certainly be something easy for me to set up and let the boys do on a warm and SUNNY day.

Sprinkler tim

Another perk is my Vitamin D deficient self could obtain some natural Vitamin D from the sun. Of course, it would also help these  white legs to look a little less vampire like while outside. I’m a fan of Twilight, but well I could easily blend in with Edward and family. Do not adjust your monitors, I really am this pale and sadly do not tan.

C'est Moi legs and Teva

With any luck the seven day extended forecast will be incorrect and we may actually see more sun than rain, but I will not be holding my breath over here.




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