Category Archives family

Challah, apples and lots of honey – Rosh Hashana 2009/5770

The boys and I went to my parents house for dinner Saturday evening to celebrate Rosh Hashana together. Shhh. . . don’t tell anyone that I took photos, but I did.

Before we sat down the eat, the boys played for a little while. They had fun running around. The little guy was not as thanks to a nap after his meltdown at temple. NHL and JSL had a lot of jump tackling Daddy on the ground.

Play time

Soon it was time to sit down at the table to eat. Here is a look at everything that we had from start to finish: 

Foods for our meal

1. Almost ready to eat, 2. Round challah with raisins, 3. Delicious chicken, 4. Green beans, 5. Corn and couscous, 6. Apple turnover  Not pictured are the rainbow cookies that I splurged and bought. They were eaten rather quickly.

The boys both had fun dipping their apples in honey. JSL was a little confused about the sticky "dip-dip" as he calls it. 

Apples and dip-dip

NHL was enjoying his honey so much, that he opted to have some challah with the sweetness on top as well. 

NHL eats his apples with honey

We all enjoyed our meal, dessert and then it was time to head home. Nana requested a photo of the two boys with the shorts that they had given them. Do you think the boys were willing subjects?  Here are two photos to answer this question.

Exhibit 1: 

My silly boys

Exhibit 2: 

Hugs for the little guy

Did you really expect anything different?!  Oh well, we tried.

Next up is Yom Kippur on Monday. We will have to see whether the little guy and I head to services. These long days in temple are tough for him with nap time and not being able to settle there.




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Happy 2nd B-day to my sweet niece

Two years ago today we received a phone call from my parents. They called to tell us that my sister-in-law was in labor. Yes, my little brother was going to be a father. We sat around waiting for updates to hear when the little one would be born. Finally, they called and announced that SG was here. The first little Princess of the next generation was here.

The last two years have been amazing. I have watched my brother and sister-in-law become parents, seen SG learn to walk, talk, sing and dance. She has grown so much, just in the last year alone. Of course, the best part is when the kids are all together and play. Sadly, we do not live extremely close and only see each other a handful of times each year. Still, these times are treasured and lots of photos are taken. Last weekend we ventured out for SG’s second birthday party. Here are some photos of the memories from the day.

Before the party started, the three cousins had fun being lions. They wore the lion masks around and had fun together. 

The three lion cousins

The boys enjoyed eating their dinosaur chicken nuggets at the Princess table. 

Boys eating lunch at Princess table

It was a gorgeous day, so the kids were able to go and play outside. They had fun with chalk, the sand, toys and even a pinata. Once the candy was out everyone enjoyed eating some while the kids made a lion face craft.

Outside time at the party

When all of the candy was picked up, crafts were made and kids inside it was time to sing Happy Birthday to SG and cut the cake.

Time to eat some cake

As you can see SG (and the rest of us) thought the cake her Mommy made was delicious. 

Yummy cake

Soon after this SG opened up her presents. Now that she is a big girl she really understood everything about unwrapping and playing with new things.

Look what she got

One of the big hits with the kids were the balloons. They seemed to keep all of the little ones happy and running during the time they were inside. Here is JSL running around with one. 

Balloons were a hit

We all had a wonderful time at SG’s birthday party. We wish we could be with her today on her special day, but will have these photo memories to remember the fun.

Happy Birthday SG, we all love you!


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Favorite new family photo

Anyone with children will tell you that it can be tough to get a good photo of your entire family. The more children you have, the more "interesting" it can get. JSL just turned two, so we had his portraits done. Thanks to the little guy running out of the shot and being cute yet painfully uncooperative, we opted to try a family photo. I think this is my favorite photo of the session.

My Family July '09

This seemed like the perfect new photo to add to this MckLinky Blog Hop about Favorite Photos this week. Feel free to join in the fun by clicking on the information below.



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