Category Archives family

Spring 2010 is here!

The first day of spring does not always give us nice weather in New York state. This year we were lucky, it was absolutely gorgeous on Saturday. We woke up and turned on the weather channel. We saw that it was going to be 65 degrees and sunny. We tossed sweatshirts on the boys to head to the post office quickly. After that, we went right to the park. It was time to let the boys run and get some energy out.

Spring at the park

The boys were so excited to take off to the slides. Once we got there, both boys were climbing and sliding up a storm. Much to my shock, the little monkey was trying to do everything on his own – oy! We continued to another section of the park and TechyDad noticed that the buds on the trees were out. Check it out:

Sure sign of spring

The boys went on a variety of other items while full of smiles and laughing along the way.

Lots to pick from at the park

Then, it was time to go on the swings. We stayed here for quite a while. Neither of the kids wanted to go. 

First swing time of spring

While I was busy sending out Twitpics, my phone started to ring. It was Papa and he was at the park. The boys loved seeing Papa and dragged him around.

Fun with Papa at the park

I was even able to get a photo of them all together on top of the rock climbing area.

Pictures with Papa

By this time, we were all getting too warm with our sweatshirts on. We noted that it was warmer here on this first day of spring than most of our trip to Disney World in February.

And the coats come off

The boys played a little while longer before we decided it was time to head home. Kisses were given to Papa as he went back to his house. The only way we got them to go was to promise a trip to see Mimi and ride on their bikes later. All of these were done and many more pictures taken.

Papa kisses

So have you been able to enjoy any spring weather where you are?

Of course, I know that even here the weather can easily get chilly again. No doubt, more cool temperatures will come before we thaw out completely for the spring.


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Road trip, new cousin and Team USA

Early Saturday morning, we left the house. At the time, it was snowing and we had a 4-5 hour drive ahead of us. I was doing the driving and the snow definitely made me nervous. By 7, we were on the road. Once we got out of the general area, the snow cleared up. Kick-up spray from other cars were the main concern. We stopped once and continued along on our way. My parents were about an hour and a half in front of us. We kept getting calls to update on road conditions. The last 30-40 minutes was a bit hairy. We saw several cars and a double truck off the road.

By noon, we finally made it to Uncle I and Aunt M’s house. Why were we heading there? It was time to meet Baby Cousin BA and play with new big sister SG. Here is a photo of the little guy all wrapped up and sleeping in the blanket that I knitted for him.

Baby B with Blanket

Now a close up of his teeny tiny handsome face:

Close view of Baby B with blanket

NHL had a blast playing with cousin SG. They ran around, used PlayDoh, colored and danced.  JSL was not feeling so great, but played from time to time. Let’s just leave it at MiraLAX was purchased to help what is bothering him . . . *sigh* 

Sunday morning, we packed back up before leaving to go to Baby BA’s bris and party afterward. Lots of photos of family coming from this later. TechyDad has those, so I am stuck sharing what I took with my cell phone quickly. At about 1:30, we figured it was time to leave the party. We had a 4-5 hour trip back home. Of course, on the way we stopped at Wegmans since we do not have them near up. It was fun to see how into the Team USA baked goods they were. Guess they were really cheering on Ryan Miller!

Team USA cake

JSL fell asleep before we got to Wegmans and managed to stay asleep for another two hours once we got into the car. He was a very tired little guy.

JSL sleeping in cow

Meanwhile, NHL amused himself in the backseat. He had fun playing games on his LeapFrog Didj since it was behaving. Note the level of concentration on his face = tongue sticking out.

Concentrating on the Didj

Thanks to my father, at about 3:30 we found the Team USA vs Canada hockey game on a radio station. Talk about an edge of your seat kind of game. As we were looking at scenes like this:

On the road again

TechyDad and I listened to the game and save after save that Miller made. We all know that Team Canada won the gold, but kuddos to Team USA for the nailbiting third period goal to tie up the game with 24 seconds left. They deserved better than Silver, but played their hearts out and deserve a lot of respect.

We arrived home at about 7:15 and got the boys into bed. After all of the traveling, everyone in the house went to bed very early. Today my mission is to make NHL a "Thing 1" from Dr. Seuss shirt to wear to school tomorrow. They are celebrating Dr. Seuss and also going on a field trip. Thanks to this, NHL’s costume will be minimalized – no red pants or blue hair. Promise to share later. Now off to be creative.


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Welcome to my baby nephew

This morning I woke up to my cell phone dancing around on the counter next to me. It was a picture message coming in from my brother. The minute I saw it was from him I knew what it was. He wanted to let us know that he was a Dad again. Apparently while we were all sleeping, my sister-in-law went to the hospital early this morning when her water broke. At about 7:00 this morning, Baby BA was born weighing in a 6 pounds 5 ounces.

Baby Nephew

Assuming everyone here is healthy (which has not been the case since we got home from Disney = the reason I am behind on those posts), we will be heading to the little guy’s bris in a week. We can not wait to meet Baby BA and see big sister SG.

Proud Papa

Mazel tov to Uncle I and Aunt M on their beautiful new baby boy!


P.S. For those of you following along my Tweets over the last month, this is the baby the blanket I was knitting is for. So glad it is done. Just need to wash and block it out.

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Happy Valentine’s Day 2010

Over the last week, I have been with the three loves of my life in a place that we all adore. There is so much to share, but getting back into the swing of things at home has been a major reality check.  It is still hard for me to process all that has happened on our family vacation at Disney World and at the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration.

For now, I would like to wish everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day. Here is a little something special from Disney World:

Disney Valentine's Day treat

And here are some new special memories of my three loves from our magical time last week.

Magical Memories of my boys

More from Disney World and the Social Media Moms Celebration coming soon.


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