Category Archives family

3rd Birthday Parties, Cupcakes and fires…oh my!

Friday was JSL’s third birthday. Thanks to this, the weekend involved lots of celebration, family and goodies. It has also left Mommy, Daddy and the boys quite tired. Here is a look at Friday and Saturday and a sneak peek from today’s family party.

We went to the park with big brother, Uncle I and Cousin SG for fun on JSL’s birthday.

Park time for the 3 year old

Later on Friday, we had dinner at Nana and Papa’s house with Mimi. Lots of time for the four cousins to play.

Play time at Nana and Papa's House

Baby BA has gotten so big. After a bunch of dirty looks from JSL (while I was holding the baby), he warmed up and wanted a closer look at his baby cousin. 

Big cousin at 3 years old

NHL also asked to hold him with some assistance. Thanks Aunt M for saying it was fine to try later one with some help from one of us. He was a very proud big cousin.

Holding baby cousin

Of course, we had to take a photo of Mimi with all four of her great grandkids. This is one of the better shots.

Great Grandkids and Mimi

Saturday, we spent the day with Bubbe and Grandpa who were in town for the weekend. First, we stopped by NHL’s school for their fun day. NHL was so proud to introduce his grandparents to teachers, friends and anyone else that he knew. We walked around the school showing them classrooms, the computer lab and stopped by NHL’s reading display. Yes, from last July to the end of April NHL read the number of books on the monkey banana chart. below!

Books read in 1st grade

After that, it was time to go out to lunch at Buca di Beppo. The decorations here are fun. Two of my favorites are here:

Buca di Beppo decor

Of course, we also took photos of the meals that we had. Yes, it was just as amazing as it look (probably more so).

What TechyDad and I had

Then we went shopping at L.L. Bean and after to get some food for the party. After a rest at our house, we went back out to dinner at a delicious local Chinese restaurant. Then Bubbe and Grandpa went back to the hotel while we stopped at the store quickly. We had some cooking and baking to do once the boys were in bed.

Early this morning, we packed up and went to Nana and Papa’s house to get the party started. We had food to make/bake, cupcakes to frost and fires to put out. <— WHAT? Oh yes, we had a small fire in the oven. Everyone was fine after a little fun and "excitement" thanks to the fire. I will leave you with a look at the Winne the Pooh cupcakes display from the table.

Three year old Winnie The Pooh Cupcakes

More food photos coming soon. Now, it is time for all of us to rest up some. It has been a busy weekend. 

Tired little birthday boy


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What’s in a name?

Expectant parents often labor over names for the children. Hours are spent searching for just the right name for their baby whether with books or online sources. When TechyDad and I found out that we were expecting our first child, we did not have to think too much. It is a tradition in most Ashkenazi Jewish families to name for relatives that have passed away. We immediately knew who we wanted to name our baby after. TechyDad and I agreed that we would name our first baby for my Nana and TechyDad’s paternal grandfather.

For quite some time, we looked at boy and girl names that started with our target alphabet letters.Needless to say, we had no problem finding girl names, but always had difficulty with boy names. Then when our ultrasound confirmed that we were expecting a son, the name hunt intensified. We stretched the traditional rules a little when naming NHL, but we were happy and that is what matters.

The people NHL is named for

When we were expecting our second child, we did not think about names until we knew if we were having a boy or a girl. I knew that I wanted to name for my other maternal grandfather, but beyond that things were up in the air. Several weeks before the little guy was born, my paternal grandfather passed away from a long fight with Parkinson’s Disease. From that moment, we knew that our second son would be named for both of my grandfathers. There was no debate really, JSL’s name was very quick and easy.

The people JSL is named for

So my question for you this week:

How did you decide on the names for your children? If you do not have children yet, do you know the story behind your name?

Have a great weekend everyone and Happy Mother’s Day to all of the moms out there! 



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the MckLinky there if you are participating.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #98

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Making Planters at Home Depot

Dear NHL and JSL,

It has been a while since we all went to Home Depot for their free Kids Workshop. We thought it would be a nice treat for the two of you to go and make something. Today, they had picket fence planters for kids to make and take with them. Papa met us there to watch and keep us company.

Picket Fence Planters

Today was a special day for you JSL. Even though you are probably too little, we decided to let you "build" one with Daddy. You had a lot of fun banging with the hammer. Of course, I think your favorite part may have been wearing your Home Depot apron and goggles that we brought with us. When we were done with the project and shopping around the store, you refused to take everything off and rode around just like that.

Little guy learning to build

NHL, you really liked this project as well. You wanted to do things on your own, but I tried to help you out. Of course, I messed up on something when I was trying to take photos at the same time. Daddy and I quickly told you it was so we could tell your planter apart from JSL’s. . . which technically is true.

Big kid building time

When it was time to get your plants, the always friendly Melissa allowed NHL to pick out the flowers. You picked purple and asked for a pink one for JSL. In the end, we had a wonderful time. 

My boys together

Next week, they are doing something new and we will try to go again. If not, I hope we can go next month to make the soccer game. It has been so much fun watching both of you build things together.



Home Depot Kids Workshop


If you want to participate in Dear Kid Saturday, head on over to Cutest Kid Ever by clicking on the button below.

Dear Kid Saturday

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Yom HaShoah 2010

Today, Jewish people around the world will unite to remember. We will recall the 6 million Jewish people that lost their lives during the Holocaust, along with the people that helped to save lives.  In the United States, Yom HaShoah it is more commonly called Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Growing up, my parents made it a point to teach my brother and me about the events of the Holocaust. We heard stories about relatives that had survived. Members of our synagogue were honored for being the Kinder that were transported out of Germany and other Nazi territories during the war. When I read The Diary of Anne Frank in fifth grade, I made it a point to read anything and everything I could on the subject. I wanted to know all that I could on the topic.

I still remember the day that one of my Hebrew School teachers rolled up the sleeve on her shirt and showed us the numbers etched on her arm. She and her husband had both survived time in Concentration Camps. The pain in her eyes was still there, but she made it a point to go into Jewish education to keep our traditions alive.

While in high school, I worked with my 11th Grade American History teacher to have a field trip for our class to see Schindler’s List. The power of Steven Spielberg’s movie in black and white still haunts me to this day. When I was teaching Language Arts, I made it a point to incorporate Lois Lowry’s Number the Stars in my curriculum. Teaching the history in this fictional book was powerful. My students connected and learned so much from this amazing novel. Many went on to read other books about this time period. Teaching about tolerance and learning about other religions and cultures through literature is an important goal in my educational philosophy. My hope is that others would not have to worry about living in the fear of hatred like I had at times as a child.

Today, I had planned on sharing a review of a book that was written by my Aunt’s father about his time during the Holocaust and World War II. The book by Herman Rothman is called Hitler’s Will. I read the book several months ago and was in awe of this amazing man. I want to be sure to do this right and will leave a teaser that a review and interview will be coming in the future. I hope to learn more about Hermie to share with my family and friends. It is my goal that NHL and JSL meet my aunt’s mother and father one day because they truly are special people. Knowing all that I do from the book, I am even more honored to say that Herman Rothman signed my Ketubah on my wedding day.

On this day, I hope that you will take a moment to remember the six million Jewish lives that were lost during this dark time in history. We must not forget and have to continue to teach our children about this period to make sure that it stops happening again and again in different parts of the world. It is only through educating children and fellow people about tolerance that this vicious cycle of hatred will end.


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A week gone by – Passover 2010

The count down begins. There are only three more Passover meals left until we can officially say the holiday is over and begin eating chametz again. The funny thing is I do not miss bread. I miss the little things. Here are a few of the items I can not wait to have again: 

  • Fiber One Bars – missing these a lot
  • Greek Yogurt – the Dannon All Natural that is for Passover is just not the same. It passes with fruits mixed in . . . or other items as I will mention later.
  • Cereal – Quinoa for breakfast is not my thing, the pilaf for lunch and dinner – YUM!
  • Gum – The Passover sugar free gum leaves a lot to be desired. It has little flavor and goes stale quickly. Really miss my Extra Watermelon Gum.
  • Cheese – The Kosher for Passover cheese is just not my favorite. The other ones we get during the year are SO much better.

No doubt, there are other items that I miss, but those were a few that came to mind. We have been eating a lot of fruits and vegetables. Broccoli stir fry with mushrooms was amazing. TechyDad also cut up sweet potatoes and put a little olive oil on them with salt and pepper. Those were delicious with chicken and quinoa pilaf.

The little guy did not eat much during the Passover Seders. The second night he devoured four giant matzoh balls. Check him out here:

Matzoh Ball time

For days, he would not eat matzoh in any other form. He would lick cream cheese off and pick off cheese when I made him matzoh pizza. Aside from slices of cheese, he would only eat "chocolate" yogurt. What exactly is "chocolate" yogurt you ask? Well, it is the Dannon All Natural Yogurt with a special mix in. The little guy was begging for his Chobani chocolate Greek yogurt and could not have it for Passover. I improvised with what we had. I took a chocolate macaroon and crumbled it up within the yogurt. Mix it all together. . . voila "chocolate" yogurt is born! This has been a huge life saver.

NHL has been a lot easier to please. He loves hard boiled eggs. I fear that he make start to cluck from eating so many over the last week. His favorite meal, aside from Aunt S’s matzoh ball soup, was the potato crusted fish fillets that we bought the boys. He absolutely loved them.

Eggs - not just for Easter

This year, we did not bake. We only had a few boxes of macaroon and the pre-made cakes that came with items we received from a gift basket. The only candy we bought were two bags taffy. No Chocolate bon-bon cookies, rainbow cookies, jelly rings or marshmallow logs. Keeping things simple, having delicious Seder food at Aunt S and Uncle M’s house, and not buying pre-packaged items was the way to go for us.

Passover Seder Foods - 2010

The week went by with a lot less fuss than I expected. How were your holidays?


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