Category Archives family

Tuesday Tales – Chicken Cheeks

Tuesday Tales

I will be the first to admit it. I enjoy books that are clever and make you laugh. As a teacher with a science background, I can even handle ones that use a little bathroom humor and/or items about body functions. I am a firm believer that we need to get children to read and why not learn about things in a fun manner.

One of NHL’s favorite books, when he was about JSL’s age (3), was Everyone Poops. He thought it was amazing and wanted everyone to read it to him. Thankfully, he expanded his horizons into many other books since that time. The other day, we all went to the library together. NHL and I immediately stopped at the new book cart. We picked up a lot of interesting titles that we have been reading. As a second grader, NHL is asked to read 100 books by the end of the school year. He did well over 200 last year since he enjoys reading so much.

While we were busy in the new book section, TechyDad and JSL were looking in another area. When I went over to them, TechyDad proclaimed that he had a book that Papa had to read to the boys. Here it is:

Chicken Cheeks

Yes, Chicken Cheeks by comedian Michael Ian Black has the subject matter that you think by looking at the front and back cover of the book. Page after page of fun and new ways to describe posterior parts of animals. Nothing inappropriate for kids and gets you thinking and giggling, of course. I could certainly see using this as a spring board for a lesson on synonyms. This book alone gives you countless options for your child to use rather than butt! The other part that makes the book even more special are the amazing illustrations by Kevin Hawkes.

More about Chicken Cheeks:

Some bears will go to any length to get some honey. This one recruits every animal that comes along to form, well, a stack. The result? Tail of the duck to the gluteus maximus of the duck-billed platypus (with many other rears in between). Readers will giggle with delight at the bird’s eye view of some hysterical animal bottoms. Follow this back-sided journey up the tree – where the real surprise awaits. The pairing of Black’s minimal text with Hawkes’s visual story line will keep you chuckling from the bottom up.

Chicken Cheeks – Written by Michael Ian Black – Illustrated by Kevin Hawkes – Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing – Published January 2009 – ISBN 978-1-4169-4864-3 – 40 pages – Ages 3-7

Photo from inside the book:

A view inside Chicken Cheeks

Although this book may not be everyones taste, we really enjoyed it. Sometimes, just having a fun book that makes you laugh as a family is well worth it. Thank you to Chicken Cheeks for a fun read along with Papa!

So what have you read recently? Please be sure to link up to your Tuesday Tales and/or leave a comment below. Include something you read on your own, with a child or someone else. Tuesday Tales are all about spreading the love for books.


Disclosure: My family took this book out of our local library compliments of our tax money. The opinions expressed in the review are my own and were in no way influenced by anything. Two links within the review are Amazon Affiliate where I will receive a percentage of money for the sale of the books should you opt to buy the books mentioned.

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Peace, Love and Pixie Dust

Anyone that knows me, understands that I have a love for all things Disney. Growing up, I went to Walt Disney World almost yearly. I still remember the time I was bribed to go on Space Mountain as a kindergartener and seeing EPCOT for the first time.

Love for Figment begins

When it was time to plan my honeymoon, I was able to convince TechyDad that Disney World would be the perfect destination for us. He had never been and it had a while since my last visit. I think I put as much, if not more, planning into our Disney World honeymoon. We stayed at the Beach Club Resort which was magical alone. We went on several behind the scene tours and dined at amazing restaurants each day.

2001 Disney Memories

As our boys got older, we thought it was the perfect time to take them to Disney World. I actually selected going to Disney World with the entire family over going to Chicago to BlogHer in 2009.  I sat and planned out our meals, hotel, and where we would go (park wise) each day. The trip was even more magical since my parents went with us. It was only fitting since they are the first generation of Disney vacation fanatics in the family. I learned so much from watching my mother plan each and every trip to Disney World over the years.

Our only photo with all 6 of us

Then it was announced that there would be the Disney Social Medial Moms Celebration at Disney World in February. With less than a month to spare, I planned a week long visit for the four of us to Disney World. It was beyond magical and amazing. Meeting people in person that I had talked with online at Walt Disney World was a dream come true.

Those dreams do come true

The truth is, I love talking, writing, and helping to plan Disney vactions. Family and friends often e-mail or call me for my thoughts and suggestions. I honestly will drop anything for my love of Disney since it is such a genuine passion of mine.

So today, I wish everyone applying to the Disney Moms Panel much Peace, Love & Pixie Dust. I know that I will be following my heart and hoping to be part of this special group of men and women. 


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Happy New Year 2010/5771

This is a scheduled post because I am really a figment of your imagination right now. Today, I will be celebrating the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashana with my family. No doubt, at one point today, we will be eating some round challah with raisins and dippng apples into honey for a sweet New Year. This is a photo of NHL from last year as we celebrated with my parents.

NHL eats his apples with honey

Along with these traditions, we also hope to have some pomegranate. Here is an explanation from Ariela Pelaia’s guide of Rosh HaShanah Food Customs – Symbolic Foods of the Jewish New Year:

New Fruit

On the second night of Rosh Hashanah, we eat a "new fruit" – meaning, a fruit that has recently come into season but that we have not yet had the opportunity to eat. When we eat this new fruit, we say the shehechiyanu blessing thanking God for keeping us alive and bringing us to this season. This ritual reminds us to appreciate the fruits of the earth and being alive to enjoy them.

A pomegranate is often used as this new fruit. In the Bible, the Land of Israel is praised for its pomegranates. It is also said that this fruit contains 613 seeds just as there are 613 mitzvot. Another reason given for blessing and eating pomegranate on Rosh HaShanah is that we wish that our good deeds in the ensuing year will be as plentiful as the seeds of the pomegranate.

Ariela’s also writes on her blog called Baking and Books which is on hiatus right now. Always love her holiday inspired recipes.

So my questions to you this week is inspired by Rosh Hashanah:

If you were to pick a "new fruit" to try, which would you select? Have you ever tried pomegranates and did you like them?

To all of those celebrating Rosh Hashanah I wish you and your family a Happy and Sweet New Year.

Be sure to enter for a chance to win with my two giveaways –>  the What Are the Odds? kids music CD (ends 9/12) and Seventh Generation Back to School Kit (ends 9/16).



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the linky there if you are participating.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An<br<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
/><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
Island<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

Aloha #116

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