Category Archives family

Getting ready for Halloween 2010

Dear NHL and JSL,

The two of you are so excited about Halloween this year. Since you were both sick a year ago, we did not have a lot of celebrating to do. Last night, we went to the school Halloween party. The two of you got dressed in your costumes and were ready to go in minutes.

Off to the Halloween Party

When we got there, you both ran to the doors of the gym. Once inside, you were in love with all of the fun games to play. Of course, the prizes in the end were also a nice perk.

Halloween Party Fun

Then, after some pizza and a radioactive looking drink, you both decorated a pumpkin. JSL was so proud of his work.

Proud little Tigger

Today, we decided to carve our pumpkin. When it was time to do it, only JSL was really excited. Of course, that changed you were asked to touch the pumpkin guts. This was the first pumpking that we have carved (more about that soon).

Pumpkin Carving Time

Lots more fun coming tomorrow. I can not wait to watch the two of you trick-or-treating together, the way it always should be.




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Holiday park fun with the boys

Since today is Columbus Day, NHL does not have school. I took the boys to get something special out for lunch and we brought it back to Nana’s house. Nana went with us to the library after that to return some items. We picked up a few new books and then went to the park. This is the point that I realized I had left my camera at home (batteries are acting up again). So please excuse my cell phone photo quality, but it helped to capure some moments in time.

Here is the little guy hamming it up on the train:

Choo-Choo Time

NHL was trying to avoid me while on the slide, but he stopped for a few seconds:

Picnik collage

Then I asked for a photo of the two of them together – NOT! A three year old and seven year old do not stay still long enough on a playground for long.

Just as NHL got hurt

Nana had the boys stop to check out the acorns on the ground. NHL was really into investigating the holes in the ground where they were located.

Checking out acorns

After that, it was big blue slide time. For some reason, JSL wanted to hold Nana’s hand on the way down.

The boys and Nana

Next, they were both eaten by a hippo, flew on an airplane, and rode on a giant purple T-Rex.

Hippo, Airplanes & T-Rex Oh My!

And last but not least they spun themselves dizzy, were swinging to the sky, and went rock climbing before heading home.

More fun at the park

Sorry for the day off, but I am spending it with my two sepcial little boys. With any luck, the weather will continue to be like this and I will get a few more fun afternoons outside with my kiddos.


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Happy Birthday to my California Cousin

Growing up, I still remember the summers that my cousins MC and DN would come from California to stay and visit us in New York.

Four cousins

They would stay a block away at my Nana and Papa’s house. Over the years, MC and I became closer. (I grew up and stopped being a complete brat). I recall polishing Nana’s bracelets together, knitting, swimming, having cherry pit spitting contests and more. We sent snail mails to each other like pen pals (dinosaur days before e-mail). I still remember my first cross county trip to her Bat Mitzvah. It was an adventure that included sleeping in O’Haire International Airport in Chicago on the floor on the way back home.

Touring California in rental van

We saw a lot of the San Francisco area and beyond while spending time praying for our lives in a rental van. (Above: Back row Moi and MC. Front row DN and my little brother). We were quite the mix during that trip. Here is another photo of our Nana, MC, me and my brother when we went to see a robotic dinosaur exhibit at Berkley. This was long before the days of Walking With Dinosaurs.

Checking out robotic dinosaurs at the museum

When TechyDad and I were planning a trip to Las Vegas as a last hurrah before starting our family, MC and her parents met us there for a few days. The three of us had a blast walking around and seeing the sites. We explored all of the resorts that were featuring the Cows on Parade. Then, one night, we went to see an old style Vegas show. We had no clue it was going to be topless. Rather than be uncomfortable, the three of us sat there and made up a game. The "R" and "F" game. You know… R = Real or F = Fake. I kid you not, the three of us played this game for quite some time and had a blast. Must locate some of the photos from that trip – NOT that show!

Today is Cousin MC’s birthday and I wish I could be there to give her a hug in person. We do not see each other in person nearly enough. Still, my boys talk about Cousin MC and her hubby BP. They remember seeing them in the snow storm when they visitied over a year ago. MC is also one of the people that inspired me to start my own blog. She had a blog that she wrote on regularly. My cousin has quite the talent for the written word. So, today, I wanted to thank her for being my California Cuz and being such a special person in my life. I miss you and hope to see you for an extended time again soon.



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Bouncing with my boys

Dear NHL & JSL,

Today was a fantastic day. We were with a lot of family for cousin SG’s birthday party. This morning, they delivered a castle bounce house. The two of you were mesmerized. Many hours were spent in the bounce house and running/playing with everyone here. Of course, my memories will be when I spent time in the castle being silly with both of you and Daddy. Lots of great photos from there, but right now I am too tired to put them here. For now here is one of JSL dragging me out of the bouncer to go to the slide.

Bounce time

Thank you both for being silly, laughing, jumping and playing while making family memories with us today.




If you want to participate in Dear Kid Saturday, head on over to Cutest Kid Ever by clicking on the button below.

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Kid<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />


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