Category Archives family

Time for UBP 2012


Ultimate Blog Party 2012

It’s that time of year again. Welcome to all coming from the 5 Minutes For Mom Ultimate Blog Party to The Angel Forever. I have been participating in the UBP for many years now. I started to follow Janice and Susan when I was home with my then infant son. JSL is now about to turn five and head into kindergarten this fall. Time sure flies when you are blogging and having fun.

If you are new to the UBP, pull up a seat and start blog hopping (linky on 5M4M goes live at midnight on April 13). It’s a great way to get to know new people and hang out with long time friends from around the blogosphere. Earlier in the week, I wrote about my UBP memories.

Let me introduce you to my boys. TechyDad is my husband and also blogs. NHL is my third grade son and JSL is the little guy who wants to be known as Supper JSL Buzz Lightyear.  My Boys

So who am I and where am I above? Typically, I am taking the photos and rarely seen in them. I am constantly wearing different hats. I am a teacher that is currently a work at home mother. I miss being in the classroom, but I wouldn’t trade the time with my boys and not having to worry about being there when they need me. If you look around my blog, I write about books, crafting (love to knit), travel, all things Disney, parenting, and beyond. Topics like religion are usually about how we celebrate holidays and politics is something I try to stay out of here.

Me and Dumbo

Are you participating in the Ultimate Blog Party? If you are, please let me know your post link and I will be sure to stop by. If not, why not join the fun? Of course, before you go here is a cupcake to enjoy while looking around.

Mickey Cupcake for you

Hope to see familiar faces and get to know a lot of new people. If this is your first time here, welcome again and I hope to see you again soon.

It's Me

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Quiet First Passover Seder 2012

Dear NHL and JSL,

This year, we had a quiet first Seder. It was just the four of us, plus Nana and Papa came to join us. I love Passover and being with lots of family, but it was nice to be silly, and get done a bit earlier. We kept things very, very, very simple. Nothing but our “finest china” would do. We also made sure that JSL’s Passover projects from school were ready to go.

Ready for our Seder

At first, everyone followed along in the Haggadah. NHL, you sang the four questions to us in Hebrew. You did a great job. It also impressed me that your little brother was able to sing along after learning the song in nursery school.

Time to retell the story of Passover

Then things got a bit off track once Daddy went to hide the Afikomen. Yes, we had to get our Seder Sillies out.

Getting our Seder Sillies out

Friday was a busy day getting ready for everything. Today, it will be nice to spend a more quiet day together while getting ready for our second Seder that will no doubt have more memories made.



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The Together Counts Pledge

Living in the snow region of the country, we have to be creative in getting active as a family. Now that it is spring, it is a lot easier. The kids love to head to the park with us. We wander around the playground, head onto trails, wander in the hedge mazes and more. Together Counts at the Park

NHL is 8 and is much more aware of being active, eating healthy foods, and junk foods in moderation. He actually started going to his school’s Just Run club. The kids also know that I wear a pedometer to try to track my activity. Both of the boys think it is a lot of fun to compete with our walks and see if we can beat our last pedometer adventure. This summer, I am sure we will be doing even more treks to try to visit places and save money on gas for the car.


Together Counts is a program for everyone. The goal is to help to inspire families to lead healthy and active lives. Energy Balance is a key element and major principle of the program. Quite simply, this means that the calories that we eat are the ones that we burn. Together Counts brings together 195 retailers, food/beverage manufacturers, restaurants, sporting goods stores, insurance companies, non-governmental organizations, and professional sports organizations to get the message across. For additional information, head to the Together Counts website learn more and take their pledge on finding balance and moderation.

Together Counts is having a sweepstakes right now on their Facebook page to celebrate their first anniversary. Prizes include gift cards, George Foreman Grills, and a membership to Anytime Fitness. Of course, Together Counts is also on Twitter and Pinterest. Tomorrow evening, April 3, be sure to join Together Counts as they celebrate Child Nutrition Month during a Twitter party from 8-9 EST. Prizes include $50 same-as-cash gift cards. There is more information and to RSVP over at Resourceful Mommy. 

So have you made the Together Counts pledge yet? If not, what are you waiting for?

It's Me

Disclosure: I wrote this post as part of a compensated Global Influence campaign. As someone who strives to find balance, I love the principles behind Together Counts and am happy to share this with my readers.

Global Influence Network

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Memories from July 2000

Saturday night, I sat in front of my computer searching our hard drive. I was on a mission to find photos of my parents. Yesterday, they celebrated their 39th anniversary and I had to find some pictures of them for the post. In my quest, I was side tracked a bit. Suddenly, I was sifting through photos from before I was married to TechyDad and WAY before we had the boys.

Just after TechyDad and I were engaged, we were invited to a celebration for Uncle M’s father’s 80th birthday. Here is a photo of TechyDad and I. This is just about two weeks after we were engaged.

TechyDad and Moi - newly engaged

My Mimi and Poppy were also there. Here is a photo of the four of us while at this dinner.

Mimi and Poppy with us

One other photo caught my eye. It was the two of us with three of my cousins. Hard to believe how we have all grown up. Everyone is out of college, on their own, and cousin AW was just married earlier this year.


Less than a year after these photos were taken, everyone was gathered again at our wedding. Hard to believe that it has been so long and some of these special people, like my Poppy are no longer with us. Thank goodness we captured these moments to remember and share with our kids.

These are just some of the pictures I came across the other night. Do you ever find yourself just sifting through old photos in books or digital ones on your computer?

It's Me

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39 Years of Marriage

Dear Mom and Dad,

I hope the two of you understand why the title of this post includes a number. As the shorter and older of your two children, I wanted to write something to the two of you. I think that number is amazing and shows something special. I am proud of that number and being your daughter.

Mom and Dad 2012

While digging through old photos, it was fun looking back on some amazing family memories. I will say, it was not easy locating photos with the two of you in them. If you are together these days, there is typically a grandchild, two, three, or four with you. Still, I found some fun items from over the years.

Here is one taken at a family event soon after TechyDad and I were engaged. Interesting to note, it was where my bridal shower would be less than a year later.

Mom and Dad 2000

Of course, the day when I would join the married world had to be included. At this point, you had been married 28 years. You made our special day extra magical by helping with everything leading up to the chuppah. This photo happens to be while walking me down the aisle. Note the smile on Dad’s face. I do believe that was  him telling everyone that I had a wedgie and needed to pee. Ah, we are a classy group.


Since that day, you have watched both of your children get married (to two amazing additions to our family), and become Nana and Papa to four fantastic kiddos. Although I have a feeling that number will not change, I am sure that we will add many more memories together for years to come.

Wishing both of you a wonderful 39th Anniversary and many more happy and healthy ones to come. Thank you for being an inspiration and showing that long term marriage commitments do in fact happen.



BTW – A big Happy Birthday to Uncle M today as well. Definitely a major celebratory day in our family.

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