The summer programs at our local libraries have been absolutely amazing this summer. I could not imagine what we would do if we did not have them to go to. While at the chocolate tasting experience, the librarian mentioned another event coming up. It was going to be Reptile Adventure with Jessica Shea. The description was “Touch a snake, pet a turtle, and see eye-to-eye with a South American frog.” Yes, Reptile Adventure was coming to help the kids learn and meet some of their friends.
NHL was very excited about the program, but JSL opted not to go. He was tired and stayed back with Papa to rest and relax. I thought this was an amazing opportunity to introduce the kids to the wonders of reptiles. I still remember meeting several snakes and other critters during a Girl Scout event when I was a child.
When NHL and I walked into the meeting room, there were several reptiles already out to greet the excited children. One of them was Plaid.
True story, NHL walked right by Plaid and did not notice him sitting there until he nearly bumped into him and it scared him. It was definitely a kodak moment since I had watched the entire event (wish I had my video camera turned on).
Jessica was so patient with the rather large and young crowd before her. She introduced all of her reptile friends that were visiting. Then the best part for the kids, every animal was brought around for them to get a close look, and in most instances touch. Here are a few of the reptile friends that came to visit:
The part that the kids loved, was the opportunity to touch and hold any of the reptiles that Jessica said were up to it. NHL did not want to hold the big lizard, but he asked to hold the spotted turtle named Seurat (love the name):
Then, we went to wait on line to hold the Python. NHL was not too sure about this, but he allowed the Python on his lap and was petting it while chatting away about snakes. A special thanks for the patience of Chris from the library. He was a rock star handling the reptiles and helping with the kids.
After this, we went back over to Jessica who had the Legless Lizard out. I was floored with what I witnessed. Without even blinking NHL picked it up and I got this photo to prove how great he did:
Yes, this truly was a FUN and EDUCATIONAL experience for everyone that was there. When it was time to go, Jessica told the kids to each take a special sticker. NHL did and was so proud to show it to others the rest of the afternoon.
Thanks to the library, we now know about another great business that helps to educate children in our area and may be a fantastic future birthday party experience. Can you imagine?!
So my question to you this week is inspired by our reptile encounter:
What reptile would you love to know/learn more about and why? Oh and no saying you don’t like them – you probably have never met any like these to appreciate them.

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Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the linky there if you are participating.
Aloha #162