Today is the start of the 2012 school year for my boys. As they enter fourth grade and kindergarten, we are smiling and positive about everything. Of course, challenges along the way may happen and sometimes it is hard to help children to overcome these obstacles to keep going toward positive thinking. Thanks to Wiley Publishing, I heard about an inspirational new book to read in the classroom, at home, or any other time you need a reminder about being positive.
The Energy Bus for Kids – Written by bestselling author and speaker Jon Gordon – Illustrated by Korey Scott – Published by Wiley – On sale August 21, 2012 – ISBN 9781118287354 – Hardcover 48 pages – Ages 4+ – $16.95
Being a child in school is a lot different these days than it was when we would little. Now, we not only have peer pressure, we have multiple types of bullying situations, social media presence, and beyond. Parents, educators, and other influential adults need to help children to step off on the right foot thinking about things in a positive manner. I have to admit, as someone who often things of things as the glass is “half empty” attitude – The Energy Bus for Kids: A Story about Staying Positive and Overcoming Challenges got me thinking as well.
When JSL, entering kindergarten today, and I read the book together we immediately felt like we had entered the world that George lives in thanks to the beautiful illustrations from Korey Scott. We watched George worry, wonder, and learn in front of our eyes. We saw how he learned to focus on the positive, see the best in others, and not dwell on what could have been. His new bus driver Joy opens his eyes to new valuable lessons that he is able to apply each day at school and at home.
Jon Gordon takes a topic that even adults often need reminders on and makes it perfect for children. As we go through the story, George learns five extremely valuable lessons:
Rule #1: Create a Positive Vision
Rule #2: Fuel Your Ride with Positive Energy
Rule #3: No Bullies Allowed
Rule #4: Love Your Passengers
Rule #5: Enjoy the Ride
My kindergarten kid has years of academics and other adventures in front of him. Reading this book before he starts his academic career was interesting. He truly had a positive view of everything. I do believe The Energy Bus for Kids will be great to keep around in case we have a rough day and need a gentle reminder of positive goals and outlook. My plan is to read this on the eve of fourth grade with my nine year old son. As a child who has had ups and downs and been removed from a school because he was being bullied, this will be a nice conversation starter about letting go of the past and keeping a positive approach to this brand new school year. Jon Gordon reminds us that we have the ability to fuel our lives with positive energy to overcome challenges by using your attitude as your guide.
I would highly recommend this book inside and out of the classroom to use with children. It would make a great beginning of the year character building mini-lesson and can easily be built on for more getting to know you activities and beyond. There is even a free teachers guide (with lesson plans) and activity journal to download on, along with other resources. There are bus tickets, kindness cards, ticket of appreciation, rules card, license plate, and items for parents/teachers. I may even print out the journal to use with my own boys at over the next week for enrichment.
What books are you reading right now? I would love to know. Please be sure to link up to your book posts in the comments below. Include something you read on your own, with a child, or someone else. Tuesday Tales are all about spreading the love for books.
Disclosure: I received this book complimentary of Wiley in order to facilitate this review. No other compensation was given. The opinions expressed in the review are my own. An Amazon Affiliate link is included in this post for the book mentioned. I will receive a percentage of money for the sale should you opt to buy the book through that link.