Category Archives dreams

Disney Every Day and dreaming with songs

In my dream world, I would live near Disney World. The reality is that we are a 3 hour airplane ride from Mickey Mouse and friends. Luckily there are people that do live close to Disney World and share the magic and wonder with us daily. As I have mentioned before, I love the blog Disney Every Day by Amanda Tinney 

While I was at the Disney Social Media Moms celebration, I had the pleasure to meet up and chat with Amanda. She and her family were sitting at a table right next to ours the night that we ate at Epcot for a meal that was extra special (more coming on that soon). I told Amanda that I love her adventures into Disney World and looked forward to more projects with readers.

Last week Amanda asked for people to help do another Disney song in pictures. This will be her third project, and of course TechyDad and I jumped in again. This time Amanda selected the song "If I Didn’t Have You" from Monsters Inc. The song is quite a bit longer than the previous adventures on Disney Every Day, but people signed up to help Amanda out. Here is the line that I had this time (all photos from the most recent Disney trip):

Those dreams do come true

To see past Disney Song in Pictures please check out the following:

I know that we can not wait to see the finished project this time and are looking forward to hear what the next song will be. Thanks for the fun Amanda!



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Mama’s Holiday Wish List Meme

TodaysMama and Provo Craft are giving away a sleighful of gifts this holiday season and to enter I’m sharing this meme with you.

1. What 5 items are on your holiday wish list this year?

  • A new laptop that does not make funky noises, has all of the letters visible on the keyboard (not worn off), and is ready to roll. This is more practical than diamond earrings.
  • Train tickets and entry tickets to BlogHer ’10 for TechyDad and me to go in August.
  • DVC Membership – all Disney people will know what this is.
  • A nice new, bigger house with more space for all of us (dreaming big here)
  • Season passes for Six Flags again – lots of family fun.

2. What is your favorite handmade gift you have received?

Love the afghans that my Aunt T and Mimi have made for us (hoping to have their patience to knit/crochet something that big one day). They are gorgeous. Also in love with the quilt that my Cousin M made us – wish I had her talent.

3. What handmade gift have you always wanted to tackle?

Would love to make some larger knit items. Working my way up by knitting a baby blanket now for my nephew due in February.

4. What was the best Christmas Chanukah gift you received as a child?

Loved my original Cabbage Patch Kid that my parents nearly were killed trying to get for me. Her name was Christina and I took her all over for a long time.

5. What items are on your kid’s wish list this year?

My 6 year old would like the Toy Story Mania Nintendo Wii game (loved the ride when we were at Disney World in May),  Up, Bolt, books and not sure what else.He is at a tough age to shop for.

My 2 year old would like more Duplo LEGO blocks, Leap Frog Text & Learn, Cars/Trucks, Kota & pals Triceratops, Transformers RPMs, Nintendo Wii game for his age, and books.

6. What is your favorite holiday food?

Love potato latkes with apple sauce.

7. What will you be hand-crafting for the holidays?

Will be knitting some items for people. At least I think I will since Chanukah starts December 11.

8. What is your favorite holiday movie?

A Rugrats Chanukah

9. Favorite holiday song?

Hanukkah Blessings from Barenaked Ladies gives me chills. It is the most amazing and beautiful song (blogged about the song and our traditions here last year).

10. Favorite holiday pastime?

We’re Jewish . . . is there something other than eating?!

Our early Chanukah meal


Yummy in our tummies

Feel free to play along. The amazing prizes up for grabs can be found here. Thanks to TodaysMama for all of the fun. You have until December 13 to join in


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My Blogging Sisterhood

Growing up, I always wanted a sister. Do not get me wrong, I love my brother, but there are some things that you can not chat about with your younger brother about. Eventually, I grew up and became a mother. While pregnant with my oldest son, I joined an online Mommy group. Six years later, a core group of us still remain active. I not only became friends with these woman who had children the same age as my son, they became my sisters. We talked about everything from giving birth, nursing, marriage, life and the list goes on. When my water broke, I actually stopped and e-mailed all of them to tell them the fabulous news.

Fast forward to February 2007. I was pregnant with my second son and started to blog. I was suddenly thurst into a completely new world. Thanks to the blogosphere I met many amazing women online who helped me to smile as I was dealing with the death of my grandfather, febrile seizures hospitalizing my son and learning to be the mother of two little boys. While I sat nursing my infant, I made connections with people that are still in my life today.

Right after my son was born, I became friends with CityStreams through an online Flickr Swap group. We had so much in common, yet we were so different. We had both left a medical profession for a teaching career. Her first born was due soon after my youngest was born. I followed her adventures in the south, as she laughed at my battles with snow and ice. I watched as she became a police officers wife, and she saw me transition to being a stay at home mother.

Another one of my online sister’s is Renee. When I was pregnant with my youngest, she was the support I needed during a major scare. We were not sure if our baby had Downs Syndrome. Had it not been for online group and blogs I never would have met Renee and her Special K’s. I love keeping in touch with her family and seeing all that they do.

So to me . . . You Know You’re a Sister… when women who used to be complete strangers come into your life and change you. They become a part of you and you genuinely care about them and they care for you, even from a great distance. Through tweets, comments and online talks they motivate me and bring a smile to my face. One day, I hope to meet many of my online sisters, perhaps even at the Type-A Mom Conference in September so I can have photo evidence of me with my sisters!


This blog post was written as an entry for a chance to win an all-expense paid trip to the Type-A Mom Conference in Asheville, N.C.   The Sister Project is running a contest to give one lucky blogger an all-expenses paid trip to the conference, as well as two additional prizes. This post is my entry in that contest, which asks entrants to fill in this blank-”You know you’re a sister when…? 


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No go for BlogHer ’09

As we all know, plans often change and usually for a reason. This is the case for me and the BlogHer convention that is right around the corner. At first, we were going to take a family vacation to Chicago so I could attend BlogHer 2009. Then in December, our plans changed. I started to hear about the deals for Walt Disney World. We went into a travel agency on a whim and came out stunned. The price for a Disney vacation was just too good to pass up. By New Years Eve, we had finally opted to book the trip to Walt Disney World for May. At that instant, I knew that my chances of going to BlogHer were slim to none. I was accepting of that since I knew it meant going on a magical family vacation to Orlando.

My Ohana

Our May vacation to Disney World was fabulous. One of these days, I will finish blogging about the last few days of the trip, including JSL’s 2nd B-day at the Magic Kingdom. I often find myself thinking about those days and wishing I was back there. Life was good, we were carefree and the boys, my parents, JL and I were having the time of our lives together.

Looking down Main Street USA

Now I sit here sad and jealous. Everyone on Facebook, Twitter and the blogosphere are a buzz about BlogHer in Chicago. Friends from the interenet that I had hoped to meet are packing, checking off get togethers to meet at and swag that they are hoping to get. Meanwhile, I am going to be gearing up to have my in-laws visit for the first ever weekend stay.

Ready for the day of fun

I keep reminding myself that although I can not be in Chicago, I was already in Orlando. Still, the memories of Disney World in May seem like distant memories at times. The boys have already grown so much, my kindergarten kid is going to first grade and the summer is already half over. I am sure that during these next few days I will often sit reading my blog posts about Disney, looking at the thousands of photos that we have from the trip, and dreaming of our next magical vacation.

Please excuse the roller coaster hair

To all of my bloggy friends, have a safe and wonderful trip. Take lots of photos, Tweet often and know that I wish you a wonderful time in Chicago.


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He had a dream

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream. It was a dream that many of us feared would never be seen in our lives, no less by our children. How  fitting, that on this Martin Luther King Jr. Day our country is gearing up for a historic inauguration that will take place tomorrow. In 24 hours, all eyes will shift to Washington DC where Barack Obama will be sworn in as the 44th President of the United States of America. 

Like many other events in our country’s history, people will likely be asked in years to come where they were during this moment in time.

Do you have any special plans?

Tomorrow NHL has a big day at school for the festivities. The children were all asked to wear red, white and blue. There will be a full school assembly and other activities taking place throughout the day. No doubt he will remember where he was during the time. I will try to watch as much of the television coverage as possible so I can tell JSL all about it when he is older.

Hopefully, everything will go smoothly for all of those in Washington DC  as our country gears up for a monumental change. No matter which political party you belong to, we are all wishing this administration the best of luck in this very difficult world that we live in.



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