Category Archives doctor

Taking care of Mommy – lesson learned

Since NHL was born, almost six years ago, taking care of myself when I am sick has taken a back burner. As a mother, you have to move on and do things through sickness. Basically I often ignore things until they get SO bad. Needless to say I am at the doctor immediately when the boys are sick and need anything.

Prior to going to Disney World I was feeling amazing. I had lost almost thirty pounds, was exercising up a storm thanks to Leslie Sansone (and my pedometer), plus I was inspired by others on the same journey.  When we arrived at Disney World I was the only one that barely complained about my legs/feet bothering me from all of the walking. My mother noted that the "walking and kicking" with Leslie Sansone had paid off.

During our forth dinner at Disney World we ate at The Wave in the Contemporary Resort. We had a delicious meal. Since we were on the dining plan we were able to order a tasty treat for the end. I selected the crunchy trio that included Baklava.

Delicious, but deadly for me

I thought nothing of it. After a few minutes I noticed that my throat was itching some. In addition to this, I was having a difficult time swallowing. It was raining out after the meal so we decided to head back to the Magic Kingdom and get a bus back to Pop Century.

After the boys were in bed I was still having a really tough time getting air in. I had my rescue inhaler with me and decided to give it a try. By this point I was starting to put the pieces together. I recalled during Passover when I told JL that my throat was itching after I had some charoset (apple mixture with honey and walnuts). Do you see where I am going with this?

I hardly use my rescue inhaler and was not used to the new propellant ones. I took my two puffs and then realized I had made a horrible mistake. In taking the medication, I had burned my throat. *sigh*   I did not think to use my spacer that was packed and just took it. Lesson learned the hard way. The rest of the vacation I was winded easily, was coughing thanks to my throat trying to get better from the Albuterol burn, and had no energy at night.

When we came back from Disney I knew that I had to talk to our doctor about my walnut allergy concern. When I took JSL in for his 2 year check up last week I spoke with the doctor. At that point I told her that I had a physical appointment made with her (have not done that in way too long either). When she heard what happened her reply was "What pharmacy do you go to?"   She was already on her little techy machine writing a prescription for an EpiPen into the pharmacy. She told me that I should obviously avoid walnuts now and must always have my EpiPen on me (something I still have to do as it is sitting on the dining room table).

This appointment was less than a week after my attack episode. She told me that the cough and everything should go away and give it time. Flash forward to this week. I still had no energy, was winded talking/walking across the room and obviously was not working out with Leslie Sansone. I felt depressed about what had happened since I had come so far. Blogging has been pushed to the side because when I typically blog at night I was fast asleep.

I called the doctor’s office to see what I should be doing.  Since we were home I was still using my rescue inhaler daily and explained how I felt. They said they would call me back the next morning since the doctor had already left for the day. Yesterday morning they called back. Much to my surprise, the doctor did not request to see me. She called in a prescription for an inhaler to help my lungs rebound. The nurse said that I should feel a difference soon. Last night I started the medicine and it was the first evening that I have not needed my rescue inhaler (of course I had already used it a few hours earlier).

Tuesday I did a two mile Leslie Sansone and it felt great, although I was nervous about having an asthma attack. Now I’m hoping that by the weekend I will get back into the swing of things and be up to it. Feeling as though you are gasping for air and have a brick on your chest when breathing is not something I ever want to experience again.

Lesson learned – DO NOT ignore your body. I learned the hard way and was very lucky. Now I will be watching for walnuts as I walk and kick my way through life.


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I do not want to go

A little less than a year ago I made a decision to make a switch, a switch of medical practices that is. For years I had been unhappy with several of the doctors in my OB/GYN group (I have written about this before – especially after JSL’s birth). Still I stayed. Why? Well, when I was pregnant with NHL a new doctor came into the practice. This doctor was young, fresh, a woman and also pregnant herself. She actually sat, listened to me and did not rush from the room. In addition to her, I loved the staff at the office. I stayed out of pure laziness and knowing what I was in for at this practice.

What finally put me over the edge was what happened when I was pregnant with JSL. Numerous times the other doctors were uncaring, got nasty and turned their ear the other way which landed me in surgery. When I went to make an appointment with the doctor I loved for my follow up exam last year, I was told she would only be in the far away office. Very odd.

Lucky for me, when we were at a craft event for kids one weekend, I heard a familiar voice. I looked up and there was the doctor that I really liked. She asked if I had heard the news. After five years, she was moving to a new practice because she could not tolerate what the other three doctors were doing to the practice. I was stunned. I got the information about the new practice and waited a few weeks to call. The new practice had a policy that I had to be seen even if it was not time for my annual visit. So in the early fall I went in and chatted with my doctor in her new office. When I switched my files over I was able to read through them and had some questions for her. She agreed that there were several instances that indicated nobody listened after JSL’s birth. Signs were there on the placenta that it may not be intact. Yet, for weeks they allowed me to bleed and never once looked at the report right in my chart. It sealed the deal that I had made the right decision. Clearly the other doctors had become too busy with things to take a patient who knew something was wrong seriously.

About a month ago, I finally had my annual GYN visit scheduled at the new office. To say that I am not a fan of the nurse the takes you back would be an understatement. I truly do miss the ladies from my old office that did these things. After that I went back to the waiting room. 45 minutes later I was called to the desk. I was told that my doctor was off at a delivery, even though she was not on call. I was offered to see one of the other doctors, but I declined. That’s the beauty of not being pregnant, I can wait and see the person I want to and nobody can say boo.

Last week, I had to cancel the make up appointment on Tuesday. Thank goodness I did since JSL’s temeprature spiked to 104 Monday evening. Today I am supposed to go again. My grandmother is watching JSL, so he will not have to endure waiting with me at the office during his typical nap time. The problem, I just do not want to go. I want to call and cancel. I do not want to deal with the witchy nurse or any of the rest of this.

These are the days that men should be happy they are not a woman and do not have to think about this "fun" event.


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Up and down battles

My boys are pretty healthy (*knock on wood*). The problem, when they get sick they like to drag it out for a while. Nothing is ever simple with NHL and JSL. It seems to be a major uphill battle with them when we are fighting an illness. Just when we seem like we are at the top and all better.

Looking happy and healthy

BAM!  Right back to where we started again with a climb back to the top.

Struggling to get back up

As I mentioned Tuesday, JSL had been on an antibiotic for three days and spiked a 104 fever Monday night. Obviously we had to go back to the doctor to have his ear rechecked. After some hoopla at the doctor’s office, we were lucky enough to see the doctor we really like. She looked into his left ear and there was now fluid in it. That had not been the case Saturday at Urgent Care. The infected right ear was still horrible looking and red. We were put on a new antibiotic.

While there I voiced my concern about being sick so close to when we go to Disney World. I was floored when she not only suggested a prescription for antibiotics go with us on our trip, but we fill it and take it with us. So we have a refill on the antibiotic just in case we need it while visiting Mickey Mouse and friends. We head back for a recheck a little before our trip. The doctor is holding off on an ENT visit for now. Since we only have 3-4 confirmed ear infections during the 2008-2009 season he is on the line. IF we get one more infections before the fall we are off for a consult.

Thank goodness this antibiotic seems to be kicking JSL’s infection. We can now see signs of everything draining from his ear. The poor kid is coughing and sneezing, but at least it is breaking up. With any luck he will be feeling great and we can head to the park for some fun again. As you can see he truly does love it there. 

Happy, healthy and playing


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Helpless Mommy Syndrome

Just 24 hours ago I thought JSL was doing better. His fever broke Sunday night and his  temperature was back down to 97 (he has low normal temperature). He floored me and asked to "walk and kick" with Leslie Sansone. By the time it was noon, it was up to 99-100. It never got above that during the day. I gave him small amounts of Motrin, per nurses orders, to help with his discomfort from the ear infection. Last night before bed he was playing, running and laughing with Nana and Papa. He settled into bed in my old room and wanted to sleep with a pillow over his head. Here is my silly little monkey.

Playing peek-a-boo

Here are his sweet little feet at about 8:30 last night.

Sweet little toddler feet

Soon after this he fell asleep and was very content sleeping comfortably.

Sleeping peacefully

While surfing online and sitting in a chair by the bed, I listened to JSL’s breathing. It was getting more labored. Then at about 10:00, in the faint light, I noted his cheeks were bright red. I stayed pretty calm at that point and grabbed the ear thermometer and checked things.


Please start the panic mode. I ran to my mother and told her he was burning up. With Motrin in him just two hours earlier he was spiking a fever again. Flashbacks of the two febrile seizures just three weeks ago haunted me. This was the exact reason I stayed with the boys at my parent’s house. I did not want something like this to happen and be alone while JL went to Grandma’s funeral.

I quickly pulled his PJ’s off and he saw there shivering from the soaring temperature in his onesie. Papa tried to keep him focused and he would laugh at his silly antics from time to time. When I attempted to put a cloth on his forehead, thighs and arms he was beyond agitated. He cried in agony, similar to when I tried to go near his infected ear.

Burning up    Red red fever face

Every two hours I set the alarm, woke JSL up for more fever reducers. He was Still feverish most of the night. This morning he woke up and was quite cranky, but the temperature is down again. Needless to say I called our doctor’s office and we are going in early this afternoon to get that ear and the rest of him checked again. After three days of antibiotic we should not be spiking a 103+ fever.

With any luck we will have answers and JL will be home later in the afternoon.




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Spring FEVER update

Here is a brief history of what has happened so far with an update:

  • Just before dinner Saturday night JSL slumped over on the floor. Minutes before this he was playing and chasing after his big brother.
  • He turned blue, was rigid and had a locked jaw.
  • Eventually realized he was having a febrile seizure (previously had one 13 months before).
  • Went via ambulance to what we thought was the best ER for pediatric cases.
  • In the ER the only things they did was to take his temperature (confirmed it was a fever), gave him motrin, listened to his chest, looked in his ear.
  • WE had to ask for them to look in his mouth and down his throat to make sure it was not something there (strep/coxsakie virus)
  • Discharged by the ER quickly with NADA of a cause for the febrile seizure. They never once asked to do a blood test or anything further.
  • Sunday JSL played in the house and we kept Motrin and Tylenol in him.
  • I fell asleep next to him that night and woke up at midnight to the little guy thrashing about and frothing from his mouth. Temperature was at least 103.5 and he had his second febrile seizure in less than 30 hours.
  • Called our doctor at 12:30 at night. Agreed we should combat fever at home and not go back to useless ER.
  • Monday we took JSL to our doctor. Did strep test (negative) and checked other items.
  • Finally someone listened to us about the congestion JSL had been having at night for the past week (thought it was teething). Doctor saw his bloody nose, heard about the discolored mucous and said it sounded like a sinus infection.
  • One ear was blocked by a lot of wax and may have also been hiding an infection.
  • Given strong antibiotic to give JSL to attack whatever is getting his little body.
  • Kept alternating fever reducers every two hours for fear of another febrile seizure.
  • Wednesday morning JSL woke up and seemed cool at first. Within 15 minutes he was VERY warm again. 101 with the thermometer.
  • Called our doctor to let them know that we were still running a fever on day 2 of 5 with the antibiotic.
  • Doctor’s office wanted a urine specimen to check that possibility of infection that would not be covered on the antibiotic.
  • I questioned if a CBC blood test should be run. Sure enough our doctor did not know that it had not been done in the ER and requested one.
  • Took JSL to another hospital for the blood work. No luck getting blood. The phlebotomist was great, but JSL is a hard stick even without being partially dehydrated.
  • Last night got some urine to bring to the doctor today and got up every few hours all night to check on temperature.
  • This morning JSL’s temperature is at about 99 without any medications in him. His normal body temperature is 96, so this is still slightly elevated.
  • While doing a diaper change I now see a rash all over his tiny body. With new development off to call the doctor again.

This is the little guy yesterday. He climbed up on the couch and immediately took a nap on his own. 

Tired sick little guy


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