Category Archives doctor

Physical, allergy testing and dentist…oh my!

This week has been pretty busy. Originally, I thought NHL was going to the allergist on Tuesday. Monday they called and told me the visit was Wednesday. I was not happy since I know I put it on my calendar immediately. My main concern was we already had NHL’s 6 year old physical exam at our family doctor Wednesday afternoon. I knew we could swing both of them, but it would be "interesting" to say the least.

Monday I also called the pediatric dentist. I told them that this tooth was not budging and the new one was really coming in behind it. In adddition to this I reminded them that hubby only lost one tooth on his own. Every other tooth was pulled by the dentist, so perhaps NHL was going to have some troubles. They offered me a Tuesday appointment, which I did not take since I thought we were going to the allergist. The only other option was Thursday. I took it with the hopes that we could get his tooth out by that point.

Tuesday night JL and NHL sat down on the couch and really worked on the tooth. Here they are getting ready and going for some wiggles with gauze to assist the grip: 

Getting ready to wiggle  Attempt with gauze to assist

After this, I thought we were really close. Check it out. In this photo you can see the new tooth in back and that tiny speck in front is the front edge of the baby tooth that will not let go.

Barely hanging on, but will not budge more

Shortly after this photo was taken I opted to do a video of this hopeful milestone. While filming, JL felt a pop and suddenly the tooth was bleeding. This really freaked NHL out. No matter what we tried, NHL refused to let us back into his mouth. We called it a night and got both of the boys into bed. JSL was getting quite concerned about his big brother. Check out the serious face.

What should I do?

Wednesday NHL went to the doctor for his physical. When we arrived we found out that they were already giving flu shots. This sent NHL over the edge, but he and I both had them. Everything else went well during his appointment. The doctor’s only concern was that one of his eyes is not moving along with the other. Since NHL has low muscle tone it may be related to this. When we got into the car after everything I called and made an appointment with the specialist for the end of September. Hopefully it is nothing, but we will have to wait and see (no pun intended).

Less than an hour after this we went to the allergists office. JL met us there because I was afraid NHL would put up a huge fight. We talked with the doctor for a while about how things have been great this summer – no medications needed. We talked over a plan of action for back to school and onto the rest of the year. Then it was time for allergy testing. While we waited for JL to show up at the right doctor’s office NHL colored. Then it was time to check things out. He was a pretty good sport and was glad it was done on his back so he could continue to color.

Before allergy testing    During the allergy testing

Much to our surprise nothing came up positive on the test. The doctor can not explain why it did a few years ago and nothing now. So we left with our game plan that was used last year. Our goal is to control the items that bother him and prevent an asthmatic reaction that usually comes during the school year.

Last night JL tried to work on NHL’s tooth again. After much crying and wiggling the tooth just did not want to move in the one spot. JL said that it was just the way his teeth used to hold on. NHL was very upset about not getting it out on his own and going to the dentist. We explained that it was not his fault and we are lucky to have the dentist that may be able to help.

On a last ditch effort we had corn on the cob to try to see what it could do. NHL refused to eat it. No worries though, JSL devoured his piece and then here is a video of him with NHL’s cob.


So today we head to the dentist to have her check NHL’s tooth. We shall see how it goes. I will mention to her that the position of the tooth is really altering his speech and that concerns me (our family doctor even noted it until I explained the tooth troubles).


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Wiggle tooth woes

It has now been a little over a month since NHL discovered his first two wiggly teeth. At first, he was scared of the tooth wiggling and was careful about the food that he ate. He refused to bite into anything like an apple or corn on the cob. If it was tough to chew, it was avoided.

During the last two weeks, we really tried to talk about how fun it can be when losing a tooth. We have read a lot of  books on the subject,  talked to NHL about wiggling the tooth more, and patiently waited for NHL to show less fear. This approach seems to have worked since, slowly, we have watched him with hands in his mouth moving the tooth. Last week, we noticed that one tooth in particular was pushed way out and not straight anymore.

Growing up way too quickly

Yesterday morning, I asked NHL if I could peek into his mouth and test how wiggly the tooth was. He let me check and I was a little shocked with what I saw. The tooth is definitely is moving nicely, but behind it I saw three little white dots. Sure enough, the new adult tooth is cutting behind the tiny wiggler. Oy!

When we went to the dentist about 4-5 months ago, I asked her what we should do if that happened. Of course, at the time, she told me not to worry because she doubted that NHL would even have a tooth that would be ready to wiggle before his next appointment at the end of September. Clearly, she was off on that one. I told her that I was worried because hubby only lost one tooth without the dentist having to pull them. JL’s teeth did not loosen up and all had to be extracted. I was the opposite. I lost my teeth easily and only had two teeth pulled when my upper eye teeth refused to budge.

Almost 6 years old

I decided to call our pediatric dentist office yesterday. I explained the situation. The woman told me that this is quite common (which I knew) and said they do not pull teeth immediately. She explained that if he has any pain to call them immediately, but to really have NHL work on wiggling that tooth and try to get it out quickly. She suggested apples and other items that are tough to bite into and put force on the tooth in question. I also questioned how much time we should give before calling back again. She told me another week or two and then give them a call if the tooth is still being stubborn.

We are going to try a few more wiggling tactics today and add some foods to help expedite this process. When we tried to move the tooth as far forward as we could, NHL was able to do that and it moved quite a bit. When it was time to push it the opposite way, he complained that it hurt. My guess is that the tooth now coming in back there could be causing some discomfort.

Ready to tackle new things

So, to all of you out there: Do you have any suggestions on how to help that little tooth that has to move out?  We need ideas for helping it along. Right now it is not wiggly enough to even think about pulling, so that is not a good option. JL and I would love any things that worked for you and/or your children.

Thanks so much in advance. With any luck we may have this tooth out in time for NHL’s 6th birthday on Monday. All I have to say is the Tooth Fairy is all ready here, so bring it on! 


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Oy, it has soy

Did you know that almost all foods contain soy? It seems to be a very popular filler that many of us are unaware of in the foods we eat. Of course, as a mostly vegetarian house (kosher meat is too expensive) we eat a lot of veggie burgers, "burger" crumbles, veggie dogs, tofu and the like. I was well aware that these were mostly made of soy products. You are probably wondering why I am suddenly noticing all of the soy in our daily lives. The answer is a little complicated.

Varieties of soybeans

Over the last 3-4 weeks I have been quite sick. For days I would end up on the couch with the boys doubled over in pain. Then to add insult to my injury, I was sick to my stomach and running to the bathroom. At first I thought it may be from all of the new vitamins that I added to my diet. I was taking them with food, but they are still harsh. I stopped taking them for 3-4 days and nothing stopped. The abdominal pain intensified to the point where I could no longer ignore it. I made an appointment to see my doctor to try to get some answers. One other odd symptom – I was horribly itchy. I was literally clawing my arms and legs because they itched so badly.

I went in wondering if it had anything to do with my endometriosis, might be IBS or something else. In the back of my mind I also wondered about my gallbladder. My doctor immediately suspected my gallbladder was to blame. She sent me home with a TON of items to do and scheduled me for a gallbladder ultrasound. She mentioned that if that was clear another test would be ordered soon after that.

Last Thursday night I went for the ultrasound. The technician hinted that she saw nothing wrong when I wondered why it was taking so long (got a little nervous). On Friday evening I was miserable. I have a high pain tolerance, but that night I was in agony. I was crying hysterically and almost called my parents to watch the boys so I could go to the ER. As I told JL, the pain was worse than when I had no epidural and was getting pitocin during labor. Seriously!

Suddenly, in the middle of my agony it dawned on me. The last major attack was on a night that we had Morning Star riblets as part of our dinner, the time before that when we had  fake burger meat balls. Friday night we happened to have veggie dogs. Hmmm. . . . . all of them are mainly compromised of SOY! Could this be the problem when it had never been for all of these years?

I told JL my theory and we made a conscious effort to avoid foods with soy in it. Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday I ate nothing that had a major amount of soy, took my vitamins, workout out with Leslie Sansone DVDs and felt pretty good. Yesterday my doctor’s office called to tell me that the ultrasound results were perfect and to schedule me for another test. I asked the nurse to give the new information to my doctor. They called back and agreed that it very well could be a soy allergy/intolerance. I spent part of the afternoon yesterday reading up on soy. How do soy allergies present in adults? Why  are soy allergies becoming more prevalent in adults? And the big question of the day, what items have soy hidden in them?

I was floored to learn that most vitamins – including almost all of mine have soy listed as an ingredient. All of our breads, cereal, Fiber One bars, and even the sprinkles in our house list soy. The nice thing is since it is a common allergan, companies must clearly list if the item contains even traces of soy.

Yummy treat that I used to love

Tuesday I am heading to an allergist. I have not been to one since I was in elementary school. Clearly something has changed in my bod with the newly found anaphylactic response to walnuts and now this suspected soy allergy. IF I do have a soy allergy I really do not know how I can completely avoid it in my life, but at this point I will take it one day at a time.

Do you have a soy allergy or know someone that does? I would love any advice or information from anyone that can provide it.


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Calcium, Vitamin D and Fish Oil . . . oh my!

In recent months, I have been trying to spend more time taking care of myself. Most of the time, this means working out either with EA Sports Active or Leslie Sansone. If you had asked me a few short months ago what I thought of exercise, I would have complained. Now I know that it makes me feel better. I have energy and love knowing that I did well when I am sweaty. Who knew that I would ever feel that way.

Another part of this was finally making an appointment for a physcial. It had been a LONG time since I had done this. I finally made the appointment and had the papers for blood work to do before seeing my doctor. She warned me that since I am still nursing JSL my numbers may be elevated in triglyceroids and cholesterol. I went the Saturday morning before my appointment early in the morning since I had to fast for the tests. In addition to the CBC, the doctor also wanted a lipid screen, A1C (my mother is diabetic), kidney function (I have gout), TSH (thyroid was enlarged when pregnant), and Vitamin D levels.

I went last week to see my doctor. My blood pressure was fabulous and she was happy to hear about my lifestyle changes. Of course, she was most thrilled that I had lost almost 30 pounds and was exercising regularly. The day I went I was quite sore after just starting EA Sports Active. The nurse went to track down my test results. As expected, my triglyceroids and cholesterol levels were slightly elevated. Most likely they are due to nursing. The part she was not happy with was the low good cholesterol number. In addition to that, my Vitamin D numbers showed that I have a major deficiency. This has become something that more doctors are looking into now with people using sun screen all the time and blocking the much needed Vitamin D into their body.

At the end of the appointment, I left with a list of vitamins to get and how much to take each day. Here is my new routine. Each morning, I take 3 Fish Oil capsules with Omega-3 Fatty Acids, 1  Calcium w/D, 4 Vitamin D, and a multi-vitamin. At dinner each night, I take 3 more Omega-3 Fatty Acids and another Calcium w/ D. For those keeping track, that is 13 vitamins each day. Below is a photo of my mini-pharmacy which also includes my inhaler and allergy pills that I take for a few more weeks (still boosting up my lungs after the allergic reaction to walnuts at Disney World). 

My home pharmacy

In three months, I go back for a recheck on my lipid test along with the Vitamin D levels. With any luck, the combination should help get everything back on track. The best news is now that I know about the Vitamin D and work on it I may have more energy. I always assumed the exhaustion was from being an overtired Mommy. Sure, that may have been part of it, but my extremely low levels were a huge factor.

So my question for you this week:

Do you take vitamins daily? If so, what do you take and are you good about taking them regularly.




Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the Mr. Linky there if you are participating.

 Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #52


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Toddler name games

JSL recently went to the doctor for his two year check-up. Everything went well during the visit. The only concern the doctor had was that JSL does not refer to himself by name. Well, that isn’t entirely true. When he wants to, the little guy will say "Me JSL!" Of course, he rarely does that. Instead he insists on showing his quirky sense of humor. When asked by the doctor for his name he quickly replied "Me walk kick!"    Walk kick = Leslie Sansone….the walk aerobics DVD guru that JSL does with me all the time. When he states that this is his name he gets a huge grin on his face and giggles. He is definitely showing his sense of humor and knows how to answer when he feels like it. The doctor was not too amused, but she just did not understand his mini toddler crush on Leslie Sansone.

The other day the boys were playing on NHL’s bed. I went in with the camera and asked him the burning question . . ."What is your name?"

Here is a video of his reply for the day:

Oh and just in case you were worried, he has not ditched being "Walk kick" either. This morning when asked his name, he immediately replied with his usual answer. *sigh*  

Have any of your kids done something similar? For now, I am just going to chalk this up to a quirky toddler sense of humor.




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