Category Archives doctor

A LONG icy day

Yesterday morning every single school in the area was closed thanks to the 3-4 inches of snow that we received topped off with an icy mess. During the morning commute freezing rain was making for an even more treacherous drive in to work for hubby. NHL was home from school, so it was going to be an interesting day with both of the kids trapped inside thanks to the freezing rain and ice.

To make things even more "fun" JSL woke up and his eye was completely glued shut. Not a good sign after using antibiotic drops for almost two days. In addition to this I mentioned to JL that his face was puffy. Sure enough, not only were his upper and lower eyelids red and puffy, but his cheeks that are already big, was horribly distorted on that side of his face. The picture below shows how he can not open his right eye entirely and you can see the puffy cheek. At this point the redness was not as intense as it eventually got and the flash washed it out a lot.

The swelling is worse than this

I freaked out and immediately called the doctor’s office at 8:00. After that I called the pharmacy to see about an allergic reaction response to the drops. I was curious about this since I am allergic to that family of medicines. They told me to stop and wait until I heard back from the doctor. At 11:00 (yes, you read that right) the nurse from the doctor’s office called me. She basically said that JSL had to be seen. Ice or not they were very concerned. I took a 3:00 appointment and called hubby with the news. There was no way I could clean off my icy car, and the house with a clingy 9 month old and 4 year old in  the house with me.

This is what the hockey rink outside of my house looked like.

 Ice Prints

I nearly fell just trying to stick my nose out the door to take the photos. This is the tree right outside the door. Many other trees came down thanks to the icy . . . along with power lines galore.

Ice covered tree

Another look at the walkway an hour or so after JL left for work.

 Walking on ice

NHL enjoyed lounging on the couch in the morning, but was jealous that Mommy was with the baby most of the time.

Relaxing on a snow day

  JL took a half day off and met me home at about 1:00. We left our house at 2:00 after I broke my car out from under the ice. When we got to the doctor’s office his eye was performing nicely. I have NEVER in my life seen an eye ooze so much green nastiness. Mind you as a mommy of a 4 year old and a teacher, I have seen a lot of pinkeye. While there we also noticed that tooth #7 has officially cut and is moving up in the world rather nicely.  When the PA came in and said he had a really nasty case of pinkeye and thankfully he did not believe it was anything worse. He told us that the eye is draining into his cheek and causing the swelling. Basically JSL gets a beautiful first case of pinkeye at 9 months old. He changed the prescription to a different antibiotic, only this time I have to pry open his eye for an ointment four times a day for the next week. We also canceled his well baby visit for today and rescheduled for two weeks from now.

After picking up the baby’s new medicine we went home. As we were on the street before ours we saw that a firetruck was blocking the road. We went around another way and saw there were a lot of people there. Then we saw that the traffic light was out. Ugh, not a good sign at all.

Sure enough when I went inside to check we had no power. I grabbed a few things and checked in with my parents. They had power, so we went to crash there. Our sweet neighbor was kind enough to agree to call us when we got power back so we could try to avoid darkness, cold and candles with the boys. At 7:20 she finally called and we were on our way home with two very tired boys.


After the boys were in bed JL and I exchanged Valentine’s Day gifts early. Tonight we are going to my parent’s house for dinner since Aunt M, Cousin S, and M’s mother are in town (someone always has something when we see Aunt M and Uncle I).

JL gave me a Whirley Pop and a great knitting bag (thanks to Laura for helping him with that). I can not wait to use both of them. Hmmm. . . popcorn when knitting sounds yummy!

I bought JL some dark chocolate and Cooking Mama Cook Off for the Wii. He enjoyed it when we rented it, so I thought it would be nice for our chef to have.

JL played his game and I started knitting a Peek-A-Blue (basically Blues Clues) wash cloth.

Later the boys will get their gifts, as will Cousin S.


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Great green globs of eye boogers

Ugh, we have another first here on the baby front. Yes, JSL officially has become a member of the family and thanks to his first ever bout of pink eye right before Aunt M and Cousin S come to visit. For those that are new or may not remember, every time my brother and his family come here or we go to visit them someone gets sick. On the way to their wedding, almost two years ago, NHL had pink eye and the next evening had a 103 fever.  So here is it Monday before they come on Thursday and JSL is going to start antibiotics later.

I was not sure at first if it was just his eye being irritated from the cold, nasty wind when Mommy took him out this morning. When we went to pick NHL up from school it was oozing stuff, but not pink or swollen. This afternoon he napped again, woke up scared and shivering since he could not open his eye. Sure enough green eye boogers were staring me in the face. UGH! In addition to that his eye was swollen and didn’t open well and getting pretty pink.

The doctor was called and gave him a script for eye drops to kick this in the butt. Aunt M was then called to tell she’s a jink (just kidding) and she agreed we should treat both eyes since he is already rubbing from one eye to the other. You just can not tell an almost 9 month old NOT to do that.

So the poor kid has tooth sever coming in, a small goose egg from yesterday (he went lunging at the table leg an hour after the other incident – forgot to mention that yesterday) and now will be traumatized with pink eye drops. Hopefully he will rest well tonight like this:

Teething makes you tired

A nice quiet evening would be lovely since the wind was horrible last night. We had a mysterious noise all evening that made me think a train was coming through our driveway. This morning I figured out the cause. Our neighbor’s roof vent is hanging on by almost nothing and is blowing in the gusts to make the horrid noise. Here is what it looks like when the wind is not lifting it straight up in the air. Hopefully tomorrow it will be fixed and nobody or anything will be hurt/broken before. 

Wind Mystery solved

Time to snuggle with the little monster who will likely share his pink eye with Mommy. Hopefully it will not mess up my eye appointment to have that lump checked.


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Party in his crib at 3AM – *thud*

Ummm. . . . who told JSL to have a party in his crib at 3 this morning?   Although this time was an improvement over most nights when he just wakes up fussing at midnight, it was still waking up. So, if it was you, you best duck and cover because a wet noodle is coming your way!

I passed out fell asleep on the couch last night very early and moved to our bed at 10:30. I was so exhausted and freaked out about my doctor appointment that is about an hour and a half away now. Since I was so tired I am floored that I heard anything on the baby monitor.

At 3:00 I was startled awake by music on he monitor. JSL was at the far end of his crib and must have pushed the button on his toy to make it say "Peek-A-Boo" and play a song. I asked JL to check on him. He said he was trying to settle and left him. About 15-25 minutes later the baby is having a full blown party in his crib.

I am not kidding!

When I walked into the room he looked so proud of himself. He was chatting up a storm, crawl dancing, and had a shit eating grin big smile on his face. I do not know how NHL did not wake up with this going on.

I really think JSL was crawl practicing since we know he does it, but will not in front of us. He was all over the place and seemed to be trying to pull up to a stand from his belly (Note to JL – The crib MUST get lowered this weekend).

So I took the party boy into our bed where he chatted up a storm to sleepy mommy and daddy and eventually we all went back to sleep after 4.

This morning he was on the floor and went from sitting to crawl position. I called him over and he started crawling to me – better than his usual army-like version. He was mostly on all four limbs. His face was priceless (sorry no photo) since he was smiling the "Hey Mom – look what I invented" look!

Now I best be off to get ready for the doctor. I am very nervous since JL agrees that the bump in my eye does not seem to be on the lid. No, much to my horror we think it is on the eyeball itself. This scares the you know what out of me. So we shall see what the doctor says. I guess I need to tell the truth about it being there for a while, but not putting myself in front of the kids to have it checked until it got worse again.



BTW – To those who are newer to my bloggy world, I answer/reply to comments right on the post itself. I find it easier to do than e-mails most of the time. The only time I have not done this is the wild Blogoversary giveaway post that has nearly 400 comments this morning ! Thanks to everyone who has stopped by. Hopefully many of you will continue to stop by and get the feed to my blog.

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How did that table leg get there?!

First thanks to everyone for the comments on my Blogoversary giveaway. I am floored that there are over 200 comments already and it has only been live for a little over 24 hours! Keep them coming . . . who knows I may add something else for another person or two!

 *sigh*   Now it is time for me to vent.

Over the last few days my body is falling apart. Man, it is not like I am that old or anything. I just turned 31 last month and things are going downhill quickly.

Last Thursday I noticed that a bump in my left eye was still there and seemed to be getting larger. I tried to keep myself calm and went to look at it in the mirror. Prior to this I knew it was there, but it was not visible from the outside. Now it is. . . so I freaked! I showed my mother and JL and we agreed it would be a good plan to have a doctor check it out. I am going there Thursday morning.

I guess it is a good thing since I now have a bitch laundry list of things. Man I make it seem really bad. It is currently only three items long, but keeps growing by the day.

Friday afternoon I was doing something with the boys and I heard a pop in my shoulder and felt burning pain. By the evening I was barely able to rotate my arm/shoulder at all. Falling apart I tell you!

Saturday night I went out for a "Girls Night Out" with my friend H. She treated me to an amazing Italian dinner for a belated birthday gift (Thank you again H and J too for hanging out with the boys). We had a great time and by that point in time the surging/burning pain was mostly gone. I was even starting to be able to move my shoulder without screaming or thinking about it.

Sunday things were calm. JL took the boys out in the morning for a secret mission (I think related to Valentines Day). He told me to use the time to take a shower and not have to worry about them. So I shaved my legs. Who knew doing something like that could make a person feel so much better. A mommy living in cold weather does not do this grooming thing as often in the winter in order to maintain some warmth. My friend and I were talking pedicure and gynecologist appointments are items that will force the issue. Our husbands just learn to tolerate it.

Fast forward to yesterday afternoon. Things were going well. I was having fun e-mailing people to thank them for comments on my giveaway (anal retentive  over achiever crazy me – I kept up with this for over 70 comments and then this happened). The boys were playing. JSL was started to get whiny and saying "Mama Mmmmmm" . . . which means Mommy Milk.

So I got up to head to him take him for a diaper change. Suddenly the table leg was rammed into my poor little toe on my left foot. I was swearing screaming and crying. JSL was looking at me like I was nuts and NHL just sat on the couch and continued to watch Max & Ruby. I felt so loved. Instantly my toe was turning colors and swelling. So in agony I managed to hobble to JSL to take him for a diaper change. Then I called JL to whine/moan/yell that I was hurt and I may need him home early.

Luckily the baby settled down for a nap quickly and slept for a little over two hours until JL was home. I allowed NHL to watch television more than usual because it allowed me to put my throbbing foot up to help keep the swelling down. Forget ice since my foot already felt like it was a frozen block. JL helped out with the boys last night a lot so I could keep it elevated and luckily it seems better today. If it is not doing well by Thursday it will be the third item on the list for the doctor.

Now I just need to get some sleep tonight. JSL was up for what seems like an every evening thing now. At 11:00 he wasthrew up all over his crib. I think it was excess saliva and bad nose congestion that started that. He went into our bed and could not settle since he was so stuffed up. I got out my pump to have some milk to use in his nose. Voila – all better. Within 30 minutes (at close to 12:40) he was sleeping in our bed. With him in bed and my toe throbbing there was not a lot of sleep accomplished.

Man it is rough getting older – whether it is from falling apart or teething!


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Baby wrangling at the gynecologist – a new sport!

On Friday I had a 9:30 appointment for my 6 month follow up to the 6 week after baby/surgery exam. Get that? 

JSL went with me and chatted up a storm as we waited. I was finally called back to a room and at about 10:30 the nurse practitioner. I opted to see her since she saw me most of my pregnancy and I really like her.  So I was told what to do and left JSL in his stroller while covering myself with the "fun" paper sheet around my waist.

Don’t all of you ladies out there just LOVE that sexy paper sheet?!?! 

JSL was not happy being in there and when the NP came in he got very defensive when she was doing my breast exam. Ya know – he does not like it when other people touch his food – LOL!

So she asks to pick him up and put him on my chest. Then she tells me to get ready for my "fun" exam.

***Note to those of you out there – man is it a bitch pain in the rear to move on the exam table, while wrangling a crying almost 8 month old on your chest, and having the paper sheet under your booty stick. That just did not work. The NP saw me struggle and took JSL for me to move up into position (UGH – nightmares of the last exam and what the doctor said). Then she gave him back and he cried and wiggled the entire time.

Ummmm. . . hello I am the one with well you know what, you know where and he was crying – typical male!

Luckily things are a-ok and I was given information to look at and call back when JSL is weaned and/or my period comes back and I want to investigate other options if my endometriosis acts up again.

Aren’t you glad I shared this with you – LOL!  Now if all goes well I will not go back for a year – doing my happy dance.


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