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Extreme Blog Makeover

Switching from LiveJournal to my own nifty new TheAngelForever blog space has been a wonderful experience.  This truly is my home away from home. However, like my house my blog could certainly use some cosmetic work. Oh Extreme Home Makeover Team – I too could use your help, but that’s another story entirely. *sigh*

My husband, total techno geek, has helped me to set up WordPress plugins and other fun stuff that I liked to make my blog world colorful, but still something was missing. He quickly designed a new banner with my boys on it, but it still doesn’t seem like home (the rainbow was just a quick fix).

As a new SAHM I am desperately trying to find out who I am. Am I mommy, wife, former teacher . . . who am I? I am TheAngelForever — C’est Moi, but how would I show this on my blog. My banner must do this. It must show who I really am. After all TheAngelForever is the name I used when I meet my hubby all those years ago. TheAngelForever was the name I used when I had hockey season tickets, it was the name I had when I was in college, when I got married, when I got my first teaching job, and when I had my boys. When I made my blog I could have changed the name, but I was attached to this identity.

So to help me to find myself I NEED an EXTREME blog makeover. I would be so greatful if I was selected by the contest to have said makeover for my own space in blogging world.

C’est Moi

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Class Observation Friday

Thursday morning when JL and I took NHL to school we chatted with the principal. Apparently they didn’t think that I was serious when I said we were going to remove NHL from the school soon. I explained my reasoning to her and told her that there was NO way I would keep my child in a room where he could not be successful and get positive feedback. His behavior in and out of the classroom has changed drastically since he started there and it’s frightening  I told her that his providers have told me about things and I am not happy. I asked if I could observe the class, possibly Friday. She said she would talk to NHL’s teacher to find out there schedule and call me back ASAP with a time. She basically did not want me to go during gym or any other special. Fine with me. She called back and told me 9-10 on Friday would be good.

**Please note there were other parts of the conversation that I will spare you with, but suffice to say I lost a lot of respect for the principal Thursday morning.

So, you may ask why I wanted to observe the classroom. I mean we all know it won’t be exactly the same as it is when I am not there. True, but still it would give me a sense of how things worked within this Montessori school. I basically knew NHL would act different and assumed (this is NEVER a good thing to do) the teacher would be really sweet and supportive.

Friday morning I brought NHL to school and then went home. I got milk ready for JSL to have at temple for Sukkot. JL took the little guy and went without me. I went to the school and signed in. When I got there all four of the PreK/K classes (80+ kids) were in one of the rooms for music together. I waited and the teacher came and told me it was fine to go into her room and wait by the computers. I mentioned to her that Noah knew I was coming since I thought he’d be less distracted then if I just showed up.

About 5 minutes later the kids come back into the room. The minute Noah seems me he comes casually walking over and says the following to me: "Mommy let’s go home now!" These are words I NEVER heard at daycare. This child has been away from us for the last 3 years and nothing, now his attitude is completely different.

I told him to go and work I was there to watch and see how he does things. He was clearly distracted by me, but tried. Along with this the poor kid couldn’t stop sneezing. He worked with T, one of his providers, and then wanted to do a few of the Montessori based activities. This is where my eyes widened. As NHL went to try things his teacher was on his butt all the time. She did not do this with other children in the room. Imagine this – 20 kids doing 20 different things all at once. When he took something she told him to do it a different way, or do this, or that, and his name was used so many times my head was spinning. By this point I was up and over talking with T about things that she had previously seen. NHL was working with his teacher on something. I am not kidding here, but she NEVER told him anything positive. She never said good job or nice try with anything, just kept reminding him no feet here, no that way . . . . and on and on.

I told T that I was floored with this in front of me. She agreed and told me that I had to see it to believe it. I mean if this is how he’s treated with me in the room and with one of his providers, then how is it when none of us are there? I shudder to think about it honestly.

After observing for about 30 minutes I left when T was heading out. Rather than attempt to leave NHL there I took him with me (basically my plan anyway). The teacher got all sweet and asked if I was sure that he was welcome to stay. I told her it was better for everyone and I would take him home to get ready to meet JL at temple for the holiday. NHL basically skipped out of there.

So at this point we have an appointment to visit another school on Tuesday morning for about 20-30 minutes and we have the meeting with NHL’s providers on Thursday to get a game plan. We hope to get things switched over ASAP, but paper work will no doubt delay things.

C’est Moi

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Just a matter of time before new school

How sad is it that on NHL’s 13th day of school we likely threw in the towel?

Yes, you read that right. Yesterday I talked with one of his providers who has seen the rigid and ridiculous expectations in this classroom. Not only for a 4 year old in PreK, but even for children in kindergarten a year older. She feels that the clearly angry behavior seen recently from NHL may be since he is frustrated in this classroom. According to her he’s overwhelmed with the extreme number of rules and protocol for each Montessori activity. There are usually 15+ sets of specific instructions with no wiggle room. All he hears all day is his name and being corrected about something – NEVER any positive reinforcement.

Yuck, no wonder yesterday morning he said he was sick and asked to stay home. I kid you not, my 4 year old son uttered those words to us on his 13th day of school. I never expected to hear those words until he was a lot older.

So we are looking at options and calling a meeting with his 3 providers and NOT the school now. I did tell his teacher I think we’re done soon and that I had had it. He’s acting out for a reason and I don’t want him to get a negative attitude about education. Clearly what NHL needs is a typical classroom where the teacher models things and less craziness is going on in the room. According to his occupationoal therapist he does amazing ay circle time where he interacts like you would in a regular classroom and he gets positive feedback.

More updates coming as we investigate all of our options.

C’est Moi

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Shades of Red Swaparooni

In July/August I participated in the Color Me Happy Swaparooni which was the Brown and Blue swap. It was so much fun. I loved shopping for things to get my swap buddy C. It was also great getting to know C and receiving a package of amazing goodies from her for my entire family. Now I sit here wondering what to do about the Shades of Red swap. Should I take a month off and wait to get a part time job now that I am not teaching and am a SAHM? I don’t know what to do. I just know that I need to make a decision soon.


C’est Moi

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End of week in review

What a week it has been.

Wednesday morning I had an appointment with my boss to talk with her. The tough decision was finally decided on and I had to go in. I went in to resign and become a SAHM. As I had previously posted it just didn’t pay. We talked with JL’s uncle (our accountant) and when all was said and done I would have taken home less then $3500 a year after taxes and child care expenses. . . major slave waves! I will miss my co-workers a lot and hope to see them often.

I was pleasantly surprised with how nice the principal and VP were. They were shocked, but very happy for me and the family. They thought it was great that I could do it, but admitted they selfishly wished I was still there. In the end the principal hugged me as I was leaving to take JSL home to eat. The kicker – another person left there on Monday – YIKES!

Wednesday afternoon I went to the OB’s office to try to close out the post-partum visits. This was a post-op check up (from the D&C) and also to redo the papsmear that didn’t work. I saw the NP that I saw most of my pregnancy. She said everything looked good and she said how much better I looked than last time she saw me. I asked her about the double-lobed placenta. She wasn’t sure and wanted to bring in the doctor, but it was the one that delivered JSL and ignored me when I said something was wrong twice when I called after his birth. I explained why I was declining and she understood. Here’s the odd part. When we went out to the desk and the NP told the doctor to look at the baby and see how big he was – she wouldn’t look up at us at all. Hmmmmm. . . makes me think the other doctor may have said something to her.

Thursday JSL was still not doing so hot after the shots from Tuesday. We stayed in and he barely nursed all day. He just wanted to sleep close to me.

Friday we went out to have lunch with H at her house. We stayed there and JSL must have decided to make up for lack of nursing the day before. I had my boob out there more than ever. Poodle was so in love with JSL. She kept licking him and watching over him while he was nursing. She got so upset when he cried. It was a sad day since H is going back to work now and won’t be off this summer.

I will post in a few about the weekend and sick NHL in a few. *sigh*

C’est Moi
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