Category Archives decisions

Kindergarten and Mommy’s denial

Denial is a hard thing, especially as a parent. As much as we want our children to stay little and innocent, they inevitably grow up. No matter how many times I have asked both of my boys to slow down, they seem to be growing in leaps and bounds.

I admit it, I want my little boys to stay just the way they are. I love that NHL is exploring the world around him, anxious to learn to read and write, talking about video games with Daddy, and learning to love chapter books. What I am in denial about is that my baby, yes he technically will always be my baby, is hardly a little boy anymore. Before my eyes my little boy of four has morphed into an almost five year old boy who will be off to kindergarten this fall. I am in major denial that my little boy, my first born is old enough to be in "real" school.

The reality partially hit Thursday which was NHL’s last day of nursery school. 

Last Day of Nursery School with all of his teachers

It came at me quickly and right between the eyes. This is the last summer before my little man goes to school and has homework, before our lives as a family will really change. I feel like I lost so much time with him when I went to work for three precious years of his life . . . time I will never get back. Thanks to this guilt I am going to try to make this a great summer for NHL. I want to make sure he has fun, gets to be a kid, and most importantly does not have time to worry about kindergarten. My poor little guy is a worrier and change of schools is upsetting to him.

Last Wednesday when we were driving home from school NHL and I had the following conversation:

NHL: "Mommy I want it to stay June."

Me: "Why NHL?"

NHL: "I don’t want to leave my school"

That tugged at my heart. I so wish I could have stopped time for my baby and let him stay in the place that helped to make him believe in school again after the horrid start in the fall.Unfortunately, I can not push the pause button and before I know it September will be here. I just pray that things go well. I really fear that another bad start could ruin NHL’s desire to learn and he has so much potential and is thirsty for knowledge.

What I am not going into now is a phone call from NHL’s kindergarten teacher for the fall.  I cried on Friday after the conversation and was beyond upset. Heck, I have tears in my eyes now. I really hope that my first impression (over the phone) is wrong and we will not have any issues, but I guess I am quite pessimistic after the start at the other school in the district back in September. I truly hope I am making something out of nothing.

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More on the denial front is that my baby technically is not a baby anymore. JSL is a toddler now, although he will always be my baby like his big brother.

Growing up too quickly

This week JSL has learned so much and had so many milestones. His first molar FINALLY popped up during a nap one afternoon. Now the poor little guy has three more of those and the four canine teeth to work on. Words keep flying from JSL’s mouth. If he wants something he now has words to use for many. A favorite is "Wah-wah" for water. Saturday night while out with family friends and my parents, JSL wanted my mother. He knew that we were all leaving and he said "Nana go bye-bye" while waving to her. Then as he saw her move away from her he started to cry and throw his body to her.

Temper tantrums are another big milestone. When he does not get something he wants JSL has learned to use his voice to show discontent. Not only does the little guy scream, but he will also stomp if standing and jump up and down. JSL will throw his body at the object he wants and hoot and holler hoping to get the item of desire. The other night while NHL and JL were playing Mario Kart on the Wii, JSL decided he wanted to play and/or get NHL’s new hair brush. Neither of these was an option and we had our first real temper tantrum. I sat there watching all of his antics. I was a bad mommy – I laughed so hard I had tears coming out of my eyes. It was just too much seeing such a little person make such a fuss.

JSL is also very close to walking on his own. He lets go of items for long periods of time and is starting to walk holding onto the wall, letting go and thinking about taking more steps. We all are curious to see if those first solo steps may come at Uncle I and Aunt M’s house since that is where NHL finally walked on his own. Perhaps it will be a tradition – update to come soon.

I guess I need to get used to milestones coming and going with both of the boys. I can not imagine how much of a mess I will be in Setpember, no less on JSL’s last day of nursery school in four short years.

Will watching  my boys grow and become more independent ever get easier?


BTW – Here is a photo of me the summer before I went to kindergarten. 

C'est moi the summer before kindergarten

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Nursery school problem – what do you think?

Please read about what happened yesterday afternoon at NHL’s school and tell me what you think I should have done – and should do now. Thanks in advance since this is a little long to give the background on it.

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Yesterday at 11:30 I took my grandmother and JSL to the Purim parade at NHL’s nursery school. The kids were too cute as they marched around and later had a show on stage where they performed some songs for the holiday. NHL looked so comfortable up there. At the end of each song, we noticed that he would take a bow. We did not notice any of the other children doing this, so not sure where it came from. Photos of this will come later.

Flash forward to Mommy, Mimi, and JSL going back to head out. We were going to leave NHL for the rest of the time to eat and play. There was about an hour left in the day. As we went by Mimi looked into the room and noticed NHL was in his underwear. Not just that, he was the ONLY child in the room only in his underwear. To say that I was alarmed would be an understatement. I immediately told Mimi that I was going into the room to see what was going on.

I went in and asked his teachers why he was like that. They explained that since his monkey costume was so warm (it is polar fleece from Old Navy) they thought he would be too warm in it. Not too thrilled with this, but fine it made sense at least. NHL was starting to get upset that he did not know where his clothing was. I asked his one teacher, she was not the one that helped him to put them away. She asked the other teacher. No clue. Next teacher said they were over by his backpack. I went over there with NHL in his underwear following me.

You guess it – NADA!

At this point I think steam was starting to come out of my ears. The worst was going through my head and I was trying to keep my 4 year old calm about no clothing. Meanwhile I notice that the teachers have STOPPED looking to pose for a photo (yes – four of the five teachers in the room) with one child who is laughing away.

I stuck my head out to tell Mimi what was going on and then went back in. At this point they were all following the laughing child to the back of the room. I was floored with what happened from this point on. My thought was right – the child that we have had numerous problems with in the last few weeks (no less since the start of this school) took NHL’s clothing. Not only did he take them, but he brought them to the opposite side and corner of the classroom. There he then managed to dig a spot and put them under things to hide them.

I quickly said rather loudly:  "You have to be kidding me?  HE took them and hid them? "

I just stood and watched as his mother, grandmother and the teachers said and did NOTHING!

My child stood for over 15 minutes in nothing but his underwear for everyone that passed by to see and they said NOTHING!

I tried to remain calm. I repeated what I said and added to the teacher: "I am done. This is the last straw. I am calling ______ (the assistant director) something needs to be done."

Again, the mother said NOTHING to me, NOTHING to her child and the teachers hardly said squat to the kid either. After quite a while he was told to say he was sorry to NHL. I actually had to wait to leave until the mother and grandmother left with the child so I did not say more to her face. After all this is the child that has not only done things to my child before, has taught my child inappropriate things, but has also done things to be outside of school while at a party.

I was ticked off! NHL decided he wanted to leave with me and not stay for the last hour. As we left the mother of the child went back in. I think she may have gone back to talk to the teachers since she heard me say something about calling the director.

After a few very quick errands I made my way home. I talked with my mother and she told me that I best call the director since this really was above and beyond in the way it happened and my child was embarrassed. So I left her a message at 1:00. Here is is Saturday morning and no return call from her. I told her on the machine the following:

"Hi _____, this is _______. I really need you to call me back. I need to discuss something that happened today at school. My child was embarrassed by another child and the teachers were put into an awkward position by another parent that they should not have been in. This is not the first incident with this child, but in my mind is the last straw and the reason I am calling. Something has to be done to stop things from continuing."

I was calm and nice – which was hard to accomplish.  Perhaps she did not call me back because she had to get information from the teachers. They should not be surprised that I called since I said I was going to. Heck last time I told them I wanted to, but I left it to classroom management. This time it went above and beyond and I think they need back up to have someone else talk to this parent about the child that is WAY out of control.


Background on previous incident from exactly two weeks ago:

NHL was sitting in the classroom waiting for me to come in to get him. He had on a pair of sunglasses that he had received as a prize for being good and filling his chart at school. He stood up and started to walk to me. As I was standing right there the child in question stood up from a chair where he was sitting waiting to go to swim lessons. He grabbed NHL, pulled him around (nearly knocking him off balance)and grabbed the sunglasses off his face. He continues to take them and break them in half – right in front of me. Thank goodness I responded quickly and grabbed NHL who was close to decking the kid (who could blame the kid). I took the sunglasses from the kid, looked around and saw NO teacher watching (the head teacher of NHL’s program was home sick that day – yet 3 other teachers were still in the room and one down the hall). NHL was screaming at this point for a teacher – NADA. He was starting to cry about his prize being broken. As the steam started to come out my ears I told him to come with me and I would take care of the glasses and making sure a teacher knew what happened. I told two of the other teachers what happened and mentioned that this had to stop. This other child was out of control and needed consequences. One of the teachers told me that I was not the only parent that had made a complaint.  In the past my mother and I had seen this child hit a child with blocks in the classroom and get a back rub to calm him down rather than more. WHAT?!?! This was teaching my child that doing something wrong would be rewarded with hugs and things. I went in after the weekend and talked to the head teacher who said she was going to talk to the assistant director about my concerns. My bet – she was probably never told about anything.


So, if you made it all the way to this point thanks for reading. What do you think about this? There are still three more months of school left and simply letting it go is not an option (that has not worked to this point). Something needs to be done so my child and others in the room do not learn the inappropriate actions – no less someone gets hurt physically not just emotionally.


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Knitting fool – c’est moi!

For the last few months I have been itching to learn to crochet. Why? I guess it was always something that seemed interesting to me. In addition to this, I have fallen in love with the beautiful work that Bethany has made and shown in her Flickr albums.  I found out that my grandmother and two aunts actually crochet, but with their busy schedules and my kids we have not been able to figure out time for lessons.

My desire to do something with yarn finally made me take a plunge. With some help from Laura I decided to head out get some new knitting needles (not sure where my old ones are – probably still at my parents house). So last weekend while NHL and JL were at a birthday party, I walked with JSL to Michael’s to get something for a project. I decided to make something simple that I should be able to finish. So, I am knitting a scarf for the little guy. They do not sell scarves in stores for babies and since baby necks get cold I am making him one!

Laura came over Monday to help me to asses the items that I bought (and pick up her Trader Joe order). I could not get the bamboo needles in the size that she suggested, so I stuck with the metal ones (I learned on those when I was in elementary school – so they work for me). The show off got me started with two rows. She wanted to see how many stitches to use. Later I counted and she supposedly thought that 49 was the perfect number.

I do not have a lot of time to knit, but it is therapeutic to do before bed to help me to relax some before going to read and passing out sleeping. How sad that the first night I sat there with my laptop and knitting so I could get pointers from Laura on what I was doing wrong since my poor hands were killing me. She had to remind me to relax my hands from death gripping the needles. . . ooops! Since then I have really gotten the hang of it and my hands only start to bother me after more than 2 hours of torture knitting. This is a nice break from typing/blogging and gives me a different type of obsession project/goal. Man can you tell I am getting punchy and my eyes are bloodshot as I type this after knitting for the last two hours?!?!

Here is a sneak peek of my knitting. The scarf is very wide for a baby, but I hope to tuck it under his coat some to protect from puke keep his neck warm. Plus an added bonus is that he can use it next year, assuming we do not misplace it. These photos were taken Thursday after knitting for a few hours. Since then it has increased a little more thanks to another 2-3 hours of therapy. 

My new project

Extreme Macro close-up! 

Extreme close up

Another close view with the shiny purple needles. 

Something therapeutic to do

I will keep you posted on my progress. I hope to finish this before winter so JSL’s neck can have some protection from the cold weather that is coming back.

Next up, learning how to purl again. This time I am doing a straight knit since it has been over two years since I have done anything. Laura has said she will teach me again and thinks she can show me how to make some mittens. I will believe that when I see it.

Who knows, maybe someday I will be a yarn snob just like her. Thanks Laura for your help and who knows you may get laughs from me one day about turning a heel on socks – LOL!


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The feeding debate is over – perhaps

No more need to wonder when to try solid food for the firs time with JSL.

At dinner tonight JSL was not happy. Usually he will sit in his highchair and play with toys and be happy. Sure he will watch and talk with us, but no fussing unless he wants to be held. This was not what happened tonight. JSL was antsy and kept making fish faces at us.

I went and got a bowl of water and one of the baby spoons. I spoon fed him some water (he’s only had water two other times – so that was also new). He really loved it and wanted more. I looked at JL and asked if I should break open the rice cereal. He said sure give it a shot since he was making even more sucking noises and fish face.

Here’s his first reaction:


More slop goes in:


Which means that some must come back out:


 Note he’s grabbing my hand to try to stop me:


And now here’s a video taken soon after:


As you can see, JSL was not too thrilled with eating food. Personally I think he was upset he didn’t have what we were eating. That slop didn’t look good, but it’s the thing to start with. We will try it again tomorrow and go from there. Who knows we just may not be ready. Thanks to everyone for the input after my last blog entry about making this decision.

 Before all of this fun and excitement (while I was preparing the rice cereal) NHL was having fun entertaining JSL. Here is JSL laughing at crazy NHL:


Here’s another video of JSL in hysterics thanks to his funny big brother:



C’est Moi


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To feed or not to feed?

JSL will be 6 months old on November 14. To date he has been exclusively breastfed. When we went for his 4 month well baby visit about a month ago our doctor told me that we could start rice cereal or any solids. I explained to her that I was in no rush since he did not seem interested and was content with mommy milk. She said that was refreshing to hear and said that was fine.

Fast forward to now. JSL is still sleeping 6-10 hour stretches at night and goes 2-4 hours during the day between feedings. Some people are starting to put some pressure about starting solids now. I am in no big rush.

Does he show interest in food?    Um, I guess so. He’s interested in anything and everything that is near him and he can grab and try to stick in his mouth. He is now at the dinner table eating meals with us. He is not at all upset just sitting there watching/talking with us while we eat. Does he look at the food? Yes. Does he try to grap it? Sometimes, but he isn’t agitated about it any more than not getting a toy to chew on.

At this point I think we are going to keep holding out until we see he’s really interested. Most likely we will start when he’s 6 months old. Most things say wait until 6 months, but more lately are saying it is even better to hold out longer. Selfishly I want to hold out as long as I can. I like the bonding time with him and the perk of no monthly visitor while he is not eating solids. In addition to this,  it complicates life more than just nursing. You have to make sure you have a bowl, spoon, food and everything else ready. Then you need bibs and ugh the mess. We all know more in the early days end up all over the kid and not in them.

I know we will start in the not too distant future, but at this time if he’s content why rush?

Here’s a photo sequence of NHL when he started solids. He was just a little over 5 months old when he started and looking back I think it was a little too early. I guess with first children you are anxious to see milestones accomplished, but savoring the moments with the next and most likely last baby.

 NHL's 1st solid food

C’est Moi

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