Category Archives Dear Kid Saturday

Happy Birthday Trees

Dear JSL,

Watching you learn about Jewish holidays at nursery school has been so much fun. You love taking in all of the information and sharing it with us when you get home. Of course, you also adore making crafts that go along with the events.

Tu B'Shvat 2012

Last week, your class celebrated Tu B’Shvat. As you told us, it was time for the trees birthday. One day, when you arrived at school, you were going to add paint to a tree project that you had already started. You were so happy to see what this multi media craft would involve. Another day, you planted parsley seeds into the remains of half an orange. As we drove home and you held onto the orange you were proud to announce that you helped to make orange juice before planting the seeds.

Now we will take the best care of your seeds as possible. With any luck, some parsley will grow and we can use it for our Passover Seder. For now, I look forward to seeing your smiling face as you learn all about Purim in the weeks ahead. I have a feeling you will be a pirate for your festival at school.

Thank you for sharing all that you learn.



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Brother Snuggles and Being Silly

Dear NHL and JSL,

There are days when the two of you fight like siblings always will. Those are not the moments that I care to remember. Of course, I know Uncle I and I used to fight a lot when we were growing up. What I love is that the two of you genuinely are really good with each other.

The other morning, as I was rushing around getting everyone ready for a day of school, something caught my eye. The two of you were curled up on the couch. It was too cute to watch the two of you just resting and watching something together while waiting for clothes to get dressed.

By the time I pulled out my camera to take a photo, NHL was on to me.

Caught with the camera

NHL, you saw me coming and decided to be a clown. First, there was the tongue and then you were suddenly sleepy. Of course, JSL, this made you laugh at your big brother.

Goofy brothers

These moments help to melt away the other stresses that are happening. The two of you truly are great brothers to each other and I love watching you grow up together.



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The Power of a Hidden Mouse

Dear JSL,

This has been a rough week for you. First, a fever in the middle of the night. Then, you had nap/night terrors that scared us out of our mind. When we went to the doctor, your throat was swabbed and ear blasted with a new contraption to clean it out. In the end, it looks like you have a virus. The fever went away, but suddenly a horrible cough and leaky nose appeared.

 Something Hidden

While I sat by you and you slept away the fever, I pulled out some old school knitting of mine. I wanted to make something special to help you smile. It brought me back to when I was knitting next to your hospital bed in February 2008. Of course, this time you knew I was making something for you and were so excited when you saw what was hidden within the cloth. The minute it came off the knitting needles you declared it was yours and a blanket for your little monkey. Of course, you were too tired to get your monkey, so you went to rest with it on your puppy pillow.

Resting with the mouse

When NHL saw the hidden Mickey in the cloth, he asked me to make a blanket for his little lion. With your help, we made sure this was made quickly.

Another Mickey

Of course, now you are asking me to knit you a Mickey Mouse blanket. Hmmmm……I will have to figure that one out. Now, to work on getting rid of the cough and making you feel better.



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My Preschool Star

Dear JSL,

This past week was your turn to be the Star of the Week in your class. You were only the third child and first boy, so we were making things up as we went along. Last weekend, we had the sheet home from school with what we needed to send in. First, we had to fill out the All About Me page

All About JSL

  • Name – JSL
  • Favorite color – blue
  • Favorite book – If You Give a Pig a Party
  • Favorite toy – Bumblebee Transformer
  • Favorite food – Mac and Cheese
  • Members in my family – JL, B, and NHL

Then, you had a bag to put a few items for the week in. You needed something that God made and we picked a feather from Whiskers. Your favorite book which I went in to read to the class on Wednesday, and three toys. The toys had to stay for the week, so this was a tough decision. In the end, you picked Bumblebee, a Buzz Lightyear on his ship, and Pirate Stitch. The last item was to include 12 photos for the bulletin board (featured on Wordless Wednesday). The two of us went through a bunch of photos and made a folder. Then we worked on narrowing it down to the 12. You finally picked these out to share with everyone.

JSL's special pictures

On Tuesday, you shared your photos and feather with the kids in your class. Wednesday, I went in to read your favorite story, and on Friday you shared the rest of your special toys. It was a fun and busy week. I was so proud of how much you helped to work on this project and heard that you did a great job sharing. You are growing up so quickly and I am so proud of you.



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Super Hero Squad Building Fun

Dear NHL and JSL,

Monday, Daddy had to go to work, but the two of you had the day off of school for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Since Nana and Papa were back from the weekend at a family wedding, we decided to spend some time with them. We showed them a great new to them place for breakfast. Then, we went shopping at Target. They finally had more of the Super Hero Squad figures that had been out of stock since before Chanukah.

Super Hero Invasion

After shopping, we went back to play at Nana and Papa’s house. I told the two of you that it would be fun to make some buildings or castles. I thought the giant wooden block sets would be perfect to create places for your four new Super Hero Squad members. We sat on the floor together, with both sets of blocks, and made some structures together.

Super Hero Castles

We had a lot of fun. It was nice to see you both laugh, play, and have no worries. I do hope we will share many more of these moments together because they are so very special.



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