Category Archives Dear Kid Saturday

A Preschool Mother’s Day Celebration

Dear JSL,

This week, I have been really sentimental. I think the fact that you turn five in a few days has hit me. My baby is not really a baby anymore. When I keep asking you not to get older, you always remind me that you have no control of this. Thanks to all of this, I am trying to cherish our special time together more before you head to kindergarten. Yesterday, I arrived at school early to cheer you on during the fundraiser and parade. When you saw Mimi there with me, you were so happy and waved to her.

Preschool Parade

Then, it was time to head up into the classroom for the Mother’s Day celebration. The room was set up for all of the special guests to sit down near your table to watch a performance.

Mother's Day Celebration Time

I managed to get a video of your class singing a special song, but I am not going to share that here. Thank goodness you were willing to do an extra performance of the song at home for me to record.

What I realize on the video is we really need to get you to an allergist since that nasal thing that is still pestering you. Oh well, I will work on that next week.

Once the song was over, each of you went to get a present to give to the mothers. You were so cute and came over to me. You were not sure if I should open it up there, but I did.

Present time

You handed me a homemade crown. The crown was wrapped around a treasure box that you had painted and decorated.

Crown and Treasure Box

As beautiful as it was on the outside, my heart melted when I looked inside. This is what you and your fantastic teachers had come up with to surprise us on Mother’s Day:

Inside my treasure box

We had our photo taken together, but my eyes were closed on the one that was taken with my camera. Once you were finished giving me the present, you wanted to show it to Mimi. Later on, I made sure to get a photo of the two of you together. I think you were the only child that had a great-grandparent there.

Hugs with Mimi

I am so glad that Mimi and I were both there with you. It was a wonderful afternoon that we all shared together. Thank you for being such a sweet, loving, and special little boy.



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Our Disney World Family Tradition

Dear NHL and JSL,

Coming back home from a magical week at Disney World has been a tough transition for all of us. Now, we can sit down and look at all of the moments that we captured from this latest adventure to Orlando. There was the pirate party, dancing in DinoLand late at night, and checking out the Art of Animation Resort. Once the conference was over, we had some extra days to roam the four parks together.

Magical Brother Moments

Even a simple moment like the two of you sitting together on a Disney bus while going to a new destination melted my heart. Just three years ago, you were so little when we took you to Disney World for your first visit. Now, the two of you could lead us around the parks and tell us where you wanted to go.

What I loved was the two of you humored us to keep a tradition alive. On our last day at Disney World, we have always worn matching shirts. Both of you agreed to do this again. The best part was wearing them while two special friends before our trip was over:

Time with some famous mice

Sure the heat may have gotten to all of us from time to time, but the amazing moments together is something we will always remember. For now, we will look back at these and hope to start planning another trip back one day soon.



Disclosure: Although we paid for our own trip to Disney World to attend the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration, we were given an incredible deal from Disney. Also note that Disney never asked us to blog about this event. As a long time Disney fan, it is my pleasure to share my experiences from the event.

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Parenting Smile Moment

Dear NHL and JSL,

Some days, things are hectic as we race out the door to school. The other morning, as I was helping to bring in NHL’s band instrument in, the two of you made me smile. As we walked toward the building, one of you grabbed the other’s hand. I think JSL initiated it, but I am not entirely sure. What I watched was both of you hold on tight, chatter, and swing your hands back and forth as you walked.

Brothers hand-in-hand

My heart melted as I watched this moment in front of my eyes. The two of you may fight from time to time, but your love for one another is always there. Thank you for letting me witness brotherly love at its best.



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Two Kickballs Required

Dear NHL and JSL,

Spring break is basically over. It has been a relatively relaxing one spending time with both of you. Thanks to Passover, we stayed close to home most of the time. The weather was cooler and did not allow us to pack a picnic for the park.

Just before break, JSL and I went shopping to get a few things. While there, I walked by the big display of kick balls. I knew that NHL wanted one after using them at school. We walked over and picked one out. Little did I know that it would be very popular with the two of you. So much so that we HAD to get a second one.

The two kickballs went with you and Daddy to the park the other day where you played Volley-Basketball. A few days later, we went back to the park together. It was fun watching the two of you play, run, and get so much energy out. You truly did seem to enjoy having your own kickballs and even made great games using both of them together.

Volley Basketball Time

Yes, some days it is the simple things that make me smile and the two of you so happy. I know this will be something we do over the summer.



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Quiet First Passover Seder 2012

Dear NHL and JSL,

This year, we had a quiet first Seder. It was just the four of us, plus Nana and Papa came to join us. I love Passover and being with lots of family, but it was nice to be silly, and get done a bit earlier. We kept things very, very, very simple. Nothing but our “finest china” would do. We also made sure that JSL’s Passover projects from school were ready to go.

Ready for our Seder

At first, everyone followed along in the Haggadah. NHL, you sang the four questions to us in Hebrew. You did a great job. It also impressed me that your little brother was able to sing along after learning the song in nursery school.

Time to retell the story of Passover

Then things got a bit off track once Daddy went to hide the Afikomen. Yes, we had to get our Seder Sillies out.

Getting our Seder Sillies out

Friday was a busy day getting ready for everything. Today, it will be nice to spend a more quiet day together while getting ready for our second Seder that will no doubt have more memories made.



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