Category Archives Dear Kid Saturday

Wiggle tooth time

Dear NHL,

When you woke up yesterday morning we never could have known that a huge milestone would happen during the course of the day. Sure, you went and played tennis for the first time with the 15Love program. Of course, we were all excited to see the sun for the first time in days. You trying out tennis and kept talking about going again next week. We had lunch with Nana and Papa, you introduced them to Phineas & Ferb, and then we went shopping with them.

For dinner we had corn on the cob. You were so excited to see one of your summer favorites. You immediately chomped into the corn. Seconds later we heard you yell out to us. You told us that something happened to your teeth and they were moving. I must admit that I did not expect anything. I simply thought you had something stuck in your teeth since Dr. N told us it would be a while before you lost any teeth.

Since you were upset I looked in your mouth quickly. I immediately noticed something was up. Your previously straight bottom front teeth were now at a different angle. When I tried to move them, they really wiggled! Your reaction to this shocked me some. Rather than be excited that you were joining all of your friends with a wiggle tooth, you cried. It was so sad and cute at the same time.

He has a wiggler or two!

Daddy and I could not convince you that it was fine to continue eating dinner. Instead, we managed to get you to call everyone to tell them about your tooth. This morning when you woke up I wanted to check again. Much to my surprise when I touched both of the botton front teeth – THEY moved! Yes, there is not only one moving tooth, but two of them!  Looks like we need to find that Tooth Fairy pillow and hope that you are like me and they come out without the dentist like poor Daddy.

NHL, please do not look at me funny when I cry later on. I know that seeing your toothless grin in the not too distant future is going to bring tears to my eyes. Once again I know that my little boy is growing up way too quickly before my eyes.





Dear Kid Saturdays at Cutest Kid Ever



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Toddler sand storm

Dear JSL,

Last weekend you had a fabulous time at the lake and beyond. You loved playing with Cousin S and your big brother. You especially had a blast when we allowed you to go onto the beach. Unlike last year you were quite mobile when you hit the sand. This year you braved the the strange feeling on your toes and had fun experimenting. Much to our surprise you decided to develop your own sand catapult. This was too much fun not to record, so I quickly pulled out the camera and made a video. Years from now you will never believe that you purposely launched sand at your own head. Of course, this week all you have been saying is "Eat up dirt!"  Daddy and I think it is cute, but are a little afraid since we are heading back to the beach today. We hope that you will always find joy in the world outside, especially when with your family.






Dear Kid Saturdays at Cutest Kid Ever

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Field Day 2009

Dear NHL,

Yesterday was your first experience at a Field Day. It was a little bit crazy, but lots of fun. The two kindergarten classes were together while the first and second graders were on the other side of the field. JSL and I watched you with the rest of the kids. We were so proud of you when you won the second place ribbon for the bean bag toss. You were amazing when you did the standing long jump. Who knew you were able to leap like a big frog?! Then you were in the second group of racers for the run across the big field. We watched as you easily flew across the field for the first place ribbon.

Field Day 2009

Then last night you were so tired at the late dinner for Nana’s birthday. You sat next to Mimi showing her how you write, thanks to Aunt M’s crayons and Aunt S having paper. You did not understand a fancy restaurant and waiting so long for food. When the meal was over and we finally got into the car after the long day you were tired. When we asked you said you were falling asleep. Sure enough before we arrived home you were sleeping in your booster seat.

Tired after a BIG day





Dear Kid Saturdays at Cutest Kid Ever



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First plane ride adventure

Dear NHL and JSL,

Daddy and I were just talking the other day about how you would both be having a big milestone together. Neither of you have been on an airplane yet. With our trip to Disney World both of you will be seeing/doing a lot of items for the first time. Not only will you be flying for the first time, but you will be seeing Mickey Mouse and all of Walt Disney World together. Watching your faces as you experiences these memories together will make this first real big family vacation even more special. Now I just hope that you have a wonderful time on our adventure and sleep well so we can put on a lot of miles at Disney World together.

Tired NHL    Tired JSL





Dear Kid Saturdays at Cutest Kid Ever



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Afikomen fun time

Dear NHL and JSL,

Thank you both for being sources of joy and entertainment during the Passover Seders on Wednesday and Thursday night. It made Daddy and me smile seeing both of you enjoying yourselves with Nana, Papa and Aunt T. Of course, you were both extra busy with all of the special items that Aunt S and Uncle M sent for you to have during the Seder (photos of those coming later).

JSL, you wanted to do everything that your big brother was doing. If he closed his eyes while Daddy was hiding the Afikomen, you did the same thing (albeit while looking out the cracks in your fingers). You gobbled up gefilte fish and were not too interested in anything else until the goodies came out after dinner.

NHL you helped to read from the Haggadah and even sang part of the four questions in Hebrew. You were brave and tried the bitter herbs and kept trying to figure out when it was time to taste more of the traditional items from the Seder plate. 

Nana makes sure NHL does not look Trying to sneak a look

I love you both with all of my heart,




Dear Kid Saturdays at Cutest Kid Ever

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