Category Archives Dear Kid Saturday

Toddler tantrums

Dear JSL,

Over the last week something has happened. My sweet, loving, cooperative and easy going two year old has disappeared. Suddenly you are expressing your desires via temper tantrums. It is wonderful that you are spreading your wings and trying to be independent, but this has to end. Yesterday, we were in a store and you had a wild one. First, you were mad that I would not let you buy a coloring book. That one was under control after your big brother helped you along. Then as I was checking out you were mad that I made you put a package of Mentos back. Thanks to that meltdown you made leaving the store next to impossible. I took your hand with you kicking and screaming. Then once we were outside you bolted off my hand and ran back in. I was shocked with what I saw you do. You threw yourself onto the ground, kicking, screaming and flailing every part of your body.

No Mommy!

Please for everyone involved in the family, stop with these tantrums and be your old self. Nap time should not be the only peaceful moment in the day. 

Quiet time with Elmo




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Dinosaur camp graduate

Dear NHL,

This week you went to camp for the first time. Nana and Papa decided to give you a week at camp and you help us to pick Dinosaur Discovery. It was only fitting that you selected this after you loved Walking with Dinosaurs. The first afternoon there you were not too sure about things. I could understand since it was a large group mostly boys that were older and quite rowdy. Still you left me and then Daddy picked you up on his way home from work. I was thrilled to hear that you loved it! All night long you talked about going back the next day. Each day you were more excited about the next. Tuesday you made a dinosaur mask and claws to match.

Look who is a dinosaur now

Your favorite day seemed to be  Wednesday when you made dinosaur eggs. When your egg came home that afternoon, you were beaming with pride.

Handmade dinosaur egg

You did so many fun projects and learned a lot about camp life in a few short hours over the week. I can not wait for your next camp adventure in a little over a week. For now I hope you rest up since you were so exhausted last night.

Tired camper




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Swing time with Daddy

Dear JSL,

I love watching you and your brother grow up, even if it makes me sad at times. Last summer you were not walking. When we went to the park you were hardly able to do anything. This year you love to romp, run and climb. Of course, the climbing part has me pretty nervous at times. Today you were too small to go on the swings alone. Thanks to Daddy, you were able to climb on his lap and go soaring in the air. I was off a short distance away watching NHL on the dinosaur. Suddenly I looked over and saw you sitting on the swing and singing "Weeeeee!"   Hearing your sweet little voice, seeing the cool dude shades and watching your smile grow made my heart flutter. I just had to take a quick video to remember this snap shot in time.




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New medicine taking skills

Dear NHL,

Things have been so busy that I have never stopped to really tell you how proud I am of you. A little over a week ago we shocked you with some news. We were going to have you try and swallow allergy medicine. When we upped your dose of the liquid medicine it was just too much for us to give you now. You were not too happy with this, but we convinved you that it was a good milestone. The first time was not a good experiene and involved a little yelling on my end. After this Daddy took over and was your coach. I think when he told you that he was not able to swallow a pill until just before we got married was huge inspiration to you. Now you are able to say that you learned to swallow a pill at five years old WAY before your Daddy and maybe even before me! The photos were captured a day or two after you started. 

Learning to swallow a pill 

1. Getting ready to take allergy pill, 2. Not happening this time, 3. Some more water, 4. All gone!

Now you usually get the allergy pill down on the first or second try. Go NHL GO!





Dear Kid Saturdays at Cutest Kid Ever

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Sleeping in your crib

Dear JSL,

The last few nights have been very rough. Each night you start off sleeping in your crib. Then at some point you wake up screaming and end up in our bed. This happens earlier and earlier each night. Since you share your room with NHL, it is hard to get you to settle back in your crib. When you have come to our bed lately you have been very restless. Each night you have tossed and turned . . . and kicked all over the bed. Our queen sized bed is just not big enough for the three of us anymore. All three of us are tired, cranky and need more sleep.

We know that something is going on, but are not sure what. Early last night you started screaming in your crib. When Daddy and I walked in you were sitting upright, eyes closed and shaking. We are pretty sure you are having some intense nightmares. Our other option is you are getting sick and we are hoping that is not the case. As a reminder I am putting a picture of you sleeping peacefully through the night in your crib here. Just want to make sure you see it can be done and you really do like your room and comfy crib. 

Happy sleeping boy in his CRIB





Dear Kid Saturdays at Cutest Kid Ever

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