Category Archives Dear Kid Saturday

Head + concrete = trip to ER

Dear JSL,

Yesterday afternoon was filled with a lot of crying, panic and rushing about. We were having a great day. We spent time with Nana and Papa. After a while we went to BJ’s to do some shopping. You slept while we shopped. Then you woke up in time to have some potato chips for lunch. Soon it was time to head to school to pick up your big brother. I was excited to hear how he did on his first ever spelling test. You were still pretty tired, but I could not take the stroller out of the trunk.

NHL came out of school and we were walking back to my car. Another teacher stopped us to ask a question. You and NHL were right next to me, my back was turned ever so slightly. Then I heard a sound that haunted me in my sleep. It was a horrifying THUD and it echoed like nothing I have ever heard before. There was a pause, time seemed to stop. . . and then I heard you scream. My heart sank as I quickly realized that terrible noise was your forehead making a B-line for the cement.

NHL’s kindergarten teacher saw the entire thing. You just slipped on your own feet and went down hard. I knew we had to go into the building. I rushed right into the nurses office. When we arrived in there you were screaming even louder. I moved your hair back and saw blood and started to freak. I imagined the worse. You never passed out, but were quite woozy. All I can say is thank goodness the nurse was right there. The nurse kept an ice pack on your head and kept you focused and listening to her. Meanwhile I called Nana and Papa to come quick. Then I put a call in for the doctor and called Daddy to meet us at the ER.

When Nana and Papa arrived we quickly moved out of the school to the car and went to the ER. I had to stop myself from recalling the past visits there, but it was not easy. After what seemed like forever they took us back and two doctors looked at you. By the time I took the first photo in the ER the swelling had gone down a little. The second is when we were finally back home.

In the ER about 2 hours after fall    Back home and swelling down a little

After a while they said that you seemed fine. They did not think that you had a concussion, but we were to keep a close eye on you. We went back home and you ate a little dinner and some chocolate seemed to make you a happy little guy. Then it was time for bed. You fell asleep quickly, but were fussy several times during the night. No doubt you had nightmares of what had happened like I did. 

Sleeping after a rough day

I hope that the rest of the weekend goes more smoothly. I am not sure we can handle much more excitement. As it is, Daddy and I are seriously starting to think about buying you full hockey goalie gear to protect you.




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Toddler talk of bugs

Dear JSL,

It is hard for me to believe that you are already 28 months old. Of course,  with your new toddler antics and talking in sentences it reminds me that you are growing up before my eyes. Over the last few weeks you have become quite the character. You are personality plus with your big grin, funny laugh and funny expressions. When we go shopping and leave a store you even blow kisses to all of the sales people and they adore that.

Thursday morning I was eating my breakfast we had a chat that made me sad to admit that you are becoming a big boy. Here it is:

JSL: "Mama, der bug on wall!" 

Me: "What JSL?"

JSL:  "Der a bug over der."

I got up and sure enough you were right, there was a big moth on the wall. I went into the kitchen and brought the vacuum cleaner to take care of the moth.

JSL: "No, vac Mama!"

Me: "Yes JSL I need the vacuum to get the bug."

JSL: "No Mama, tisu for bug!"

Look out world here I come

The look on your face was priceless as you told me what I needed to do. Of course, it made me realize that we must have WAY too many critters around if you picked this up already. Stay sweet my little munchkin and let the world see your personality shining through.




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Last days before first grade

Dear NHL,

It is still hard for me to believe that you will be heading to first grade on Tuesday. I know that you are nervous about school since things were rocky at the end of kindergarten. This will be a fresh new year, with many new friends and only one teacher. It should be exciting getting to know everyone and learning new things. Always know that Daddy and I are in your corner cheering you on. We will stand behind you and make sure that you are taken care of at school and treated fairly.

This summer has been wonderful. I have watched you play with your brother, read to everyone, do math books for fun, and spend time with your new favorite – the Nintendo Wii. We have also spent a lot of time going to Lowes and Home Depot to build fun new things. Seeing your hands create something new and then use it has been extremely rewarding. 

Hands ready to explore

I hope we see the sparkle in your eyes as you discover all that is out there in the world. You love learning and we hope it stays that way for the rest of your life.

Wonders of the world

Remember that you should never give up, always believe in yourself, and know that you are a winner. 

Made it in!

I love you NHL and can not wait to see the world of first grade through your eyes.




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Family fun day at Six Flags

Dear NHL & JSL,

This weekend we were supposed to go to see Bubbe and Grandpa. Since the weather was going to be bad all weekend, we decided to stay home. Friday Daddy had the day off so we decided to go to Six Flags for the day. It was an unusually chilly day. We actually wore jeans and had sweatshirts in August.

JSL, you started to chant that you wanted to go on the Big Red Cars the minute you heard we were going. Of course, one of our first stops was Wiggles World. You loved driving the Big Red Cars and especially enjoyed spending time at the Wiggles gift store. You were quite upset later in the day when your Diego (Go-Go) sun glasses broke. Thankfully a special gift made you smile and you held onto it while taking a nap.

Big Red Car driving time

NHL you were upset that your favorite ride was closed down for the day. Thank goodness you enjoyed all of the other things you were able to go on. You seemed to like the wind in your hair when we went on the Big Red Planes. The cool weather certainly changed what we did at the park, but you enjoyed it. 

Flying the Big Red Planes

Just before our silly lunch (funnel cake sundaes), we stopped to watch the Looney Tunes show. At the end you could head up to the stage for photos with some of the characters. Both of you seemed to actually enjoy this when you went up with Daddy. 

A bunch of crazy characters

I hope that we get a few more trips to Six Flags in before the end of the season. Watching both of you laugh, be silly and smile while there is truly priceless.




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Bye-Bye Binky

Dear JSL,

This was a big week for you. On Monday night after celebrating NHL’s birthday you went into our bed and never asked for your binky. Of course, Daddy and I quickly made them "disappear" before you saw any. Tuesday you never said anything until bedtime. That was a rough night, along with Wednesday and some on Thursday. You really wanted your "Baby" and I was mean and did not give in. When we came home from Disney World in May we only allowed your binky at naps and bedtime. You were doing really great. You would wake up and toss your binky out and keep going. Now, thanks to you initiating it (without knowing) you appear to be binky free.

Quiet time with Elmo

The last major step in becoming a big boy is potty train (I am not counting the fact that you still like you "Mama More More" ).  Today while we were out, we bought a bunch of Sesame Street stickers to use as rewards. Now Mommy just needs to be brave enough to try this on her own since daycare mostly potty trained your big brother.

Binky free boy

I am so proud of you for being binky free, but you will always be my baby no matter what.




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