Category Archives Dear Kid Saturday

For the love of Legos

Dear NHL & JSL,

The two of you are constantly playing with your Lego blocks the last few weeks. We had one big container of the Quatro and Duplo blocks together in the living room. Of course, the problem was creative differences between the two of you. NHL, you want to build things and leave them to be admired for extended periods of time. JSL, would rather keep taking down creations and building new items. This has become an issue since NHL created his bench of Legos that prominently sits in the living room.

Lego Bench

This morning as you were fighting over Legos and your creative differences, I asked Daddy to head to the basement. Little did you know that we have had a treasure chest just waiting for you. Thanks to Aunt S and Uncle M, we had their giant box of Legos waiting for just the right time. (Thanks again to Aunt S and Uncle M)

Lots of Legos

I wish I had gotten a photo of your faces when you saw the monster box . I think it is safe to say that you were both very happy. Almost an hour later you are still sitting in the middle of the kitchen floor with Daddy exploring all that there is within that fabulous box of Legos.

Creating some items

No doubt there will still be creative differences, but now there are so many more options to be had. I can not wait to see the things that you both build with your imaginations.




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100 Books and counting

Dear NHL,

On Monday, you went back to school and handed in your monthly home reading log. Going into October, you already had finished 82 books. Thanks to your love of reading, your books from October put you well over the 100 book mark. This is something that each first grader is supposed to do by June. You finished this goal in two months, along with your summer reading program titles. Way to go big kid!

Today, we went to the library again and took out more books. I love that you have such a variety of books on your list. Of course, having a reading teacher mother does not hurt. We have been experimenting with different genres and multiple authors. I love how you ask to read before going to bed each night. It is amazing to listen to a story being read to me by my own child.

Reading time

I look forward to reading even more books and seeing how many you can finish by the end of June before going to 2nd grade. Keep up the great work!




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Halloween after being sick

Dear NHL,

To say that you are going stir crazy would be an understatement. You have been home sick since after school Monday afternoon. It all started with a headache and fever. Then you added the cough, thanks to your asthma. You were so miserable and had a tough time keeping medicine down with all of the gagging from the cough.

Very sick kidd

Thursday you were starting to feel better. You were a huge helper when I asked you to get the door for the emergency crew coming to the house for your little brother. Here you are this morning with a mischievous twinkle in your eyes (much nicer than the feverish look).

Feeling much better

I know it had to be a tough week for you. You were upset about missing first grade, especially your calendar job this week and the Pumpkin Picking trip. Thank goodness you are feeling better. Tonight you will probably put your costume on and go to see Nana and Papa and visit a few neighbors on our block. Hopefully next year will be a bit more fun, we just need to stay healthy.




Dear JSL,

Tonight is going to be hard for you. You remember going trick-or-treating last year and you can not go tonight. Thursday you gave me another big scare in my life. I held you in my arms when you were turning blue and barely breathing. You had your fourth febrile seizure while we were home alone with your big brother. The time after that as we made our way to the ER are all a blur.

Tired yet still wants to color Trying to cool off some

Today you have gone without fever medicine since early this morning and so far so good. Thanks to this we left you go outside in front of the house for some fresh air this afternoon.

Outside for fresh air

We still have no real answers about why you had such a high fever. My sweet little monkey, it just seems like we are going to have to be on top of fevers a little more since your poor little body does not know how to deal with extremes.




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Lots of learning in 1st grade

Dear NHL,

Today was a rough day for all of us. For some reason, every little thing was a battle. You were defiant, rude, and had a major attitude. We are not sure where you picked up this behavior, but it has to end. Daddy and I hope that this is not something you do at school since your teacher has never mentioned it. Even if we are upset with you, always know that we love you.

This week, you got your first progress report at school. Your teacher said that you love to learn and pick up new things quickly. You received an "E" (excellent) in almost everything and the rest were all S+ (just under the E). The only thing she mentioned is that you need to work on sitting and raising your hand since you get so excited to share your thoughts. This is definitely a skill that most first graders learn during the year, so we are not worried. As you know, Mommy taught first grade and remembers all of the kiddos with the wiggles. We can not wait to see your full report card, which we get the day before we see The Wiggles.

Another big event from the past week was finally starting Hebrew School. The first week was before all of the Jewish Holidays at the end of September and start of October while we were at Cousin S’s birthday party. Thanks to all of the time off and a new teacher, you were a little worried. We walked you in to meet your teacher and left you. When we came back three hours later, you were happy. You talked about making your Torah and having fun during Israeli Dance time.

Torah time

Tomorrow, we will talk to your teacher to let her know that your homework was a little confusing for us. As you saw tonight, Mommy and Daddy can read Hebrew some, but we do not know much in the way of vocabulary.




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First ever spelling test = success

Dear NHL,

Daddy and I are sorry that we got caught up in everything that happened to JSL yesterday. We hope that you know how proud we are of you. You had an amazing week in first grade. You had real homework for the first time Monday to Thursday nights. Every day you were so sweet about coming right into the house, finishing it up quick and then reading to us later in the night. Thanks to the summer reading program, you have already read over 80 books toward your 100 for the school year. Not too shabby since you have not been back to school for a month!

In addition to all of this, you had your first ever spelling word list. Each day you did a little something to get ready. You were so proud of your work. This year you color carefully, write slow and steady. . . you have come so far my big kid! The best part of everything was how confident you were about it when you went into school on Friday. You knew the ten words and three bonus ones as well. I hope this means that you will not develop test anxiety.

When we got back from the ER I went right to your folder from school. I immediately saw your paper with the "Spelling Test" label on it. Not only did you get all of the regular words correct, you also had +2 for two bonus words. Today I asked you to take a photo with your paper since I wanted to record this special day.

First ever spelling test

Keep up the great work kiddo. . . we know you can do it and are so proud of you!




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