Category Archives Dear Kid Saturday

1st Library Card

Dear NHL,

For quite some time, you had been asking me about getting your own library card. I told you it was just easier to use mine and keep track of everything checked out that way. You accepted that reason and picked out books and DVDs using my card. Two weeks ago we decided to go to the new library to get some items. While there, the kids computers were not being used. We thought it would be fun for you and JSL to get in some computer time.

When we tried to log into the system, we realized that the kids computers need valid library cards from someone under the age of 12. I went up to the desk and asked them about this. So, I called you over and we filled out the paperwork for your very own library card. Here you are signing the back of the card:

Time for a library card

Do me a favor, please do not tell JSL he has his own card. One day when he is your age I would like to capture the moment of him getting a "first" library card as well. The teacher in me thinks that this was a huge moment for you. I still remember when Nana took me to get my first card. 

Library computer time

I promise we will go back again soon to play games and use your brand new library card. I hope you always keep this love for reading. I am so proud that you have read almost 200 books this year. Keep it up!




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Leaping into New Years

Dear NHL & JSL,

Both of you have been enjoying your new Chanukah presents over winter break. Of course, you do appear to have favorites. To celebrate 2010, we went to Nana & Papa’s house for breakfast. Before leaving, we packed up some items to take with us. Along with Piggy, JSL, you wanted to take your Pupberry (aka the LeapFrog Text & Learn). NHL, you immediately asked to take your LeapFrog Didj and games.

When breakfast was over, we decided to watch the parade on television. After a short amount of time, the two of you were pretty bored with the events. Sure it was beautiful, but it was not Disney characters like the parade on Christmas. NHL, you took your pillow and propped yourself onto the ground to play your Didj. JSL, you were a little copycat. You demanded a pillow and quickly took your Pupberry out.

The two of you were concentrating on your learning so much that everyone said it was a special moment.

Monkey see . . . monkey do

That signaled me taking out my camera. It was so sweet watching both of you together, quietly playing and enjoying your new toys. Hopefully, you will continue to enjoy these and other items together.




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Chanukah Candle Time 2009

Dear NHL,

This year, you really showed how grown up you were during Chanukah. Sure, you were excited about the presents, but you knew there was more to our celebration. You had learned about the story of Chanukah and why we celebrate the holiday for eight nights. It was so nice watching you take ownership in lighting our menorah. Not only did you help guide the shamash each night, but you would also say the blessings along with us (sometimes before us). This year, you have taken pride and ownership in being a Jewish child. You do not get jealous about Santa and Christmas. Instead, you have been eager to show your classmates at school how to write in Hebrew on their Chanukah math sheets. Go you! I hope that you always keep this love in your heart for your Jewish ancestry.

NHL Chanukah 2009




Deal JSL,

For months now, we have been "torturing" you with buying things and then telling you they were not for now, but for Chanukah. We think the wait was probably worth it since you loved carefully opening your presents and shouting "No Way!" each time you saw a familiar item. Of course, you also wanted to help us light the candles. You would run to get your yarmulke and beg Daddy to pick you up. He would hold your hand around the shamash and you would light some candles. Tonight, we were afraid you were going to protest no more menorah, candles and presents, but you were good and played with your new loot. Soon, you will also realize the true meaning of Chanukah like your big brother. For now, I hope you continue to enjoy the fun of it all.

JSL Chanukah 2009




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Hockey game highlights before Turkey Day

Dear NHL & JSL,

On Wednesday night, we took you to a hockey game. There was a deal that we just could not pass up. What you both may not know is that for many years Mommy had season tickets for our local hockey team. I traveled near and far with my friends to watch and cheer on the team. I miss those days a lot, but am so happy to watch both of you experience hockey now.

NHL, this was the first time that you remember being down by the ice to watch warm ups before the game. We did this when you were really little, but no doubt you do not recall that. You got to see your friend down there and the three of you had a blast watching the team skate by, bang on the sideboards and toss pucks to some of the other kids.

Warm up time on the ice

Then JSL was in his glory. He watched the entire post warm-up ice cleaning by the zamboni. According to Daddy you would not leave the area until it was completely finished. For each stoppage in play during the game you kept saying that the game was over. We finally realized it was because you wanted the zamboni to come back out.

The Zamboni

Between the periods JSL watched as the zamboni went round and round. He kept waving and his smiles got bigger and bigger each time it went by our end of the ice.

Silly boy during hockey game

NHL was funny because you were very concerned with the rough behavior of the players on the ice. Once you realized that penalties were being called you were ready to toss most of the players in there for anything. You will quickly learn that fighting is part of this sport and so is bumping each other on the boards.

Watching the home team win

Hopefully we will get to more hockey games soon so you can both watch the hockey players and zamboni do their thing. 




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Sunday school fun

Dear NHL,

This is your second year of Hebrew school on Sunday mornings. Last year, you loved going. Each week, you would talk about what you had learned and would eagerly wait for Israeli Dancing. This year has been no different. You seem to really like your new teacher and classmates. 

A few weeks ago, when you were getting better and having a tough time breathing, we told you that you could not do Israeli Dancing. The look on your face was priceless. It was like we told you something beyond horrible. In your six year old mind, we had taken away the best part of Hebrew School.

Last Sunday, you came home with a lot of items that you had been making with your new Hebrew School teacher. Everyone made items for Shabbat. These included decorating candle sticks, making a challah cover and Kiddish cup. 

Shabbat creations

In addition to all of these, you have been amazing us with all of the songs you have been learning. Hearing Hebrew come out of your mouth floors me every time I hear it. It is hard to believe that you are almost half way toward being a Bar Mitzvah.

Please slow down NHL and enjoy this time. You are growing up way too quickly.




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