Category Archives Dear Kid Saturday

Diagnosis strep throat

Dear JSL,

Yesterday afternoon, I took you back to the doctor. There was no way that we could go into the weekend with a raging fever that was not responding to Motrin and Tylenol. You were seriously making us worry since you have had four febrile seizures less than three years. For over a week, we had not really seen you smile or laugh.

The doctor was also worried about things. He checked you out from head to toe and was stumped. Ears looked good, throat was fine, lungs clear. Your glads were very swollen, so we knew your body was fighting something off. Before he jumped to running a blood test, he opted to culture your throat. Just a few minutes later, the nurse from the other doctor that we saw on Tuesday came in with news. You had strep throat.

Thank goodness we finally had answers about why you were so miserable. It explained why your temperature was getting worse by the day. The best news, we could treat it quickly with antibiotics and make you feel better. The odd thing to everyone, you never complained about your throat bothering you, although not eating make have been a clue.

Today, you were a bundle of energy. You helped to vacuum around the house, played with your brother and there were lots of smiles and Robot JSL Pup-Pup laughs. You also entertained Nana and Papa with your quirky sense of humor.

Finally feeling better

Those sweet little smiles and laughs made my heart feel so happy and put my mind at ease after a long week filled with worries. I am so glad that you are feeling better and getting back to yourself.




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Disney addict the next generation

Dear NHL,

It has been a tough week. You had no school after a week at Disney World. Thanks to your brother not feeling well, we have been quite cooped up. Most of the time you were really good trying to help me to keep your brother happy. While he was napping the other day you asked me a question. You wanted to know if we could stay at the Polynesian Resort next time we go to Disney World. I forget what your reason was, but I think it was the monorail being close.

This afternoon when we went out to get your 100 Day project printed (100 photos in a collage that you picked from our trip to Disney World) you started making more plans. Much to our surprise you mentioned that you want to see the parade at Hollywood Studios. You started to mention the characters that are in that parade and how you wished we had seen it. I do believe it is official.. . . you are now a full fledged Disney addict! I am so proud.

For the love of Disney

I hope that we are able to take you and JSL back to Disney World again soon. I know that I loved my almost yearly visits there when I was a child. It is so much fun seeing you so excited and enjoying the magic that is Disney.




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Fear of costume characters

Dear NHL & JSL,

I know we are all excited about going to Disney World. The two of you have been really great chatting up about all of the Disney characters that you are going to see. Of course, Daddy and I wonder if we will have a repeat of our trip in May. Flashbacks of JSL choking Daddy at Chef Mickey and NHL hiding far away are still in my memory banks.

Poor Daddy  Clutching Mommy after birthday celebration dance

By the end of our last visit, at least one of you was happy to see the characters. NHL, you were eager to get autographs and hug them.

Big kid meets Goofy

This continued over the summer at Six Flags. NHL would go for a photo, while JSL would run to get away from Wags the Dog, Bugs Bunny and all of the other costumed characters there.

Both of you have said that you want to get photos and autographs. I guess we will know how it turns out soon enough. Either way, we will have lots of wonderful memories of our magical trip to Disney World.




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Food pyramid and chess king

Dear NHL,

Each morning this week, you would ask the same question when you woke up. Once we figured out the Disney World count down, you would head off to get ready for school. Luckily you were focused at school (I think) and worked hard to get your homework done. So proud when the 107% came back yesterday from your spelling test. You truly are a spelling whiz and we are not able to keep secrets with spelling around you anymore. At Chess Club, I was told that you are doing amazing. The teacher in charge said that you shock him with your knowledge and ability and will continue to excel.

You have also been studying the Food Pyramid at school as part of health education. Thanks to this, you have been telling us what you need from the pyramid each day for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It did not stop there. You also used the Food Pyramid as inspiration to build the following with JSL’s LEGO blocks.

Linking school and home

Now, we just need to work on making you feel better before Disney. You have been complaining of a sore throat and had a low grade fever last night and this morning. Hoping this is nothing serious and you do not feel the need to share with the rest of the family.




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Brotherly tickle attack

Dear NHL & JSL,

This week, the two of you have been amazing to watch. Sure you fight from time to time, but most of the time you have been great with each other. You will both pile onto NHL’s bed and read books together. Other times, you will go into your room and play with the train tracks. Several times, you both danced around in the living room listening to songs playing on Pandora Radio via the Roku Player. One of my favorite moments was captured Monday night. You were both ready for bed and jumped onto the couch. I was getting a new picture of JSL with Tigger. When he was done, NHL took it. The little guy was a little jealous of this. He decided to do a tickle attack on big brother. Since I was standing right there I took photos of the events.

Brotherly tickle attack

I hope that the two of you keep having fun together. One day, I may need to show this to myself to remember the days when you did not fight.




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