Category Archives Dear Kid Saturday

Sporting Spring Shades

Dear NHL and JSL,

Today, we went out to enjoy the sun while it is here. They are saying that the next four or more days are going to be filled with a lot of rain. We started off going to Home Depot to get some seeds and soil to plant veggies. NHL, you insisted on getting peas to grow. You were also happy that we decided to get some kirby cucumbers like Mimi and Papa taught you to love. JSL, you really did not care too much what we bought. You just liked sitting in the car cart and wanted to hold packages of seeds. In the end, we bought green squash, kirby cucumbers, roma tomatoes, peas, basil, and colorful mix of peppers.

Getting ready to plant

From here, we decided to see if another store had sun glasses for Daddy’s glasses. We also hoped that they would have Topsy Turvy for tomatoes. When we arrived at the sun glasses area, I immediately spotted something. They had Phineas and Ferb shades, as well as some that looked like Tigger. The two of you went crazy. You begged for new shades. Daddy and I knew that you could use them, so we agreed. You were both so excited.

We continued to shop and found Topsy Turvy for not only tomatoes, but also strawberries. That really got us thinking about strawberries. Although they would probably grow well in our yard, the resident bunny would probably eat them all. So we bought one of each to try on the porch. We will head back to Home Depot later to get a few of the strawberry plants rather than starting those from seeds.

After lunch, we went outside to play and clean out the front porch. It was time to ditch the winter gear and get things inside ready for planting. Of course, this was the perfect time for both of you to test our your new shades.

New shades

You both loved them and had plenty of fun in the sun. NHL, after you fell on the sidewalk while running you were not a happy camper. Your hand hurt, so you opted to read a book on our new chairs. Needless to say, JSL had to follow along and get a book as well. Now, we just have to hope that our seeds will grow and we can pick lots of fruit and veggies from our unique garden this summer.




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Journey Through the Body

Dear NHL and JSL,

Today, we decided to head out of the house early. Daddy and I wanted to take both of you to the Journey Through the Body. We had heard about it many times in the past, but for one reason or another had never gone. We arrived just after it opened for the day.

We immediately ran into the first exhibit all about the intestines and kidneys. NHL, you were fascinated with how long the intestines in our body were. Then you and Daddy both were able to touch real kidneys.You thought it was gross and squishy (not my kid)!

A squishy kidney

Meanwhile JSL, you were not a happy camper.You were not sure if you wanted in or out of the stroller. Of course, I think a lot of this had to do with the costumes that were wandering about. There is just something strange about wandering cows, chickens, grapes, bananas, apples, peas and corn. From here we went into the main area that housed most of the other displays and things. In here, both of you learned about the heart, lungs, food pyramid, brain, teeth and more.

Learning about the body

After we finished in the main room, we went upstairs to learn about the ear and bones. You were both mesmerized by the walk though ear/hearing display. As a science teacher, I loved all of the hands on activities. It was geared perfectly to kids like both of you and the volunteers there were amazing.

Lots to see and do

When we got back home, both of you took our the hospital masks and things to use with your doctor kit.

Two future medical professionals?

Perhaps a career in a medial profession will be in your future. Remember to always follow whatever your dreams are and you can make them come true. 




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My six year old barber

Dear NHL,

Not too long ago, a bunch of other parents were talking about how their kids had cut their own hair. I mentioned that I was worried about my two year old doing this, but thought that my first grader was safe from doing this. Of course, our scissors are WAY back on the counter where any little people would have to use something to climb up and reach for. Clearly, I jinxed all of us.

After lunch today, we packed everyone up and went to the park. Here you are on the swings having a fabulous time in the gorgeous weather.

Before the cut

Yes, I will admit your hair is on the longer side, but we were waiting to get all hair cuts in a week or so. Obviously, you did not get this memo. When we were done at the park we went to get some fruits, veggies and more eggs at Price Chopper and then back home. JSL was sleeping in the car, so you went outside to play with the kids in the neighborhood. You rode your bike, played soccer, had a super-soaker battle and used bubbles. When you were done we deposited you into a bubble bath inside.

When you got out of the tub, I dried off your hair with a towel and joked that you had wild and crazy hair. This statement will now haunt me. I left you in the living room with your clothing while I went to help Dad and JSL in the bathroom. The little guy was heading into the tub. Suddenly, you came to me and asked for help getting hair off your hands. I asked you to repeat what you said.

The chop was made

After this, things get a little fuzzy in my head because I was SO angry with you. Apparently, you climbed up onto the counter in the kitchen and lopped off a huge hunk of your hair. I saw it and immediately went bonkers. I calmed down long enough to call Supercuts to see when they closed.

Doing some hair magic

With you crying in fear of what they were going to do to fix your hair, we drove there to see what magic could be done. Of course, you flipped out when it was your turn. I think the person before you having a buzz cut with a 1 blade made you think you were going to be that hairless as well. We convinced you that it would not be that bad. Thank goodness we went quickly. The woman there was able to make it look pretty darn good. It may be shorter than you usually get in front, but, when you look fast, you may not even notice the tiny patch missing.

Supercuts saves the day

With any luck, you learned your lesson that you are NEVER to use scissors on any hair, fur or similar item. They are only to be used on paper or something else that an adult approves. Mommy and Daddy also learned that we have to hide the scissors now and they are where even I can not simply reach for them. Always remember, even when I am upset with you, I still love you with all of my hair. . . -er I mean heart.




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Possible school changes

Dear NHL,

It has been a rough week. At six years old you have heard things at school and home that a child never should have to worry about. As much as I wish I could shield you from this, the reality is you are way too observant. This week when I went to a meeting, you asked why I was going. I told you it was extremely important since there may be changes coming to school for next year. You wanted more information since you have heard me talking with Daddy, Nana and others. I explained to you that because of money problems, your school may not be open next year.

As expected you were quite upset about this. I quickly tried to calm you down and explain that this was why I was going to the meeting with countles other parents, teachers and concerned members of the community. You would have been so proud of your teachers. Almost all of the teachers were there and stood up to the members of the School Board. They told everyone about all of the amazing things at your school. I sat there so proud, yet sad at the same time.

The many faces of NHL

Keeping my emotions from you has been hard. I worry about the future (not just next year) and you know it. You have seen me cry, yell in anger over items and sit in front of my computer writing letters to important people. Please know that no matter what happen to your school we will make sure everything works out for you. Mommy and Daddy will never let anything happen to you. You may not be with all of your friends, see familiar teachers in the hall, but we will make it work. We are going to fight to the end and know that we did everything to save your school. Nobody is giving up yet and we will let the other people in our community know how they can help not only your school, but others in our district to fight back from extinction. One day you will understand, but for now just know I love you and am so proud that you love your school and are willing to help us keep it here for a long time to come.




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Saying bye-bye to binky

Dear JSL,

Tuesday was a big day for you. That was the evening you finished up the antibiotic for your strep throat. It was also the night that things changed forever in your little world.During the day, I noticed that a binky you had was chewed through. I did not know where another one was and told you it was broken. Little did you know that I was preparing you for something big. When it was time for bed we told you your binky was "broken" and there were no others in the house. It was time and we knew you were ready.

Much to my surprise, you only cried for a little while. When I was able to calm you down, I reminded you that it was your last binky and it was broken. You repeated the information back to me. I asked if you wanted your back patted to fall asleep. It took a while for you to quietly settle. For quite some time you simply looked at me and sulked.

When you woke up in the morning you asked for your "baby" right away. We told you it was broken and all gone. You wimped, but with a little diversion you were good. Several more times you mentioned it. I asked you if you wanted to go to the toy store to get a bye-bye binky toy. You said yes. When I asked what you wanted, you told me a Winne the Pooh toy.

Who knew that getting something with Winnie the Pooh would be so tricky? We went to four stores and then finally went to Toys R Us and found something. You were SO happy!

Binky go bye-bye

When NHL got out of school you proudly showed him your bye-bye binky presents. Now of course, we are going to work on a bye-bye diapers! I know you are ready and I am willing to deal with more laundry if need be. You are growing up so quickly, but you will always be my baby.




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