Category Archives Dear Kid Saturday

Back to School Message

Dear NHL and JSL,

Two days ago, you started back to school and it honestly tugged at my heart. While the last few weeks were filled with bickering between the two of you, there were many sweet moments. In addition to this, it was nice not to have a hectic schedule. It was fun to read what we wanted, go to the science museum almost any time, and relax without school worries. Ah, the school worries. It has been difficult hiding my own worries from the two of you the last few months. The reality of never again taking you to the same school and watching one of my babies head to middle school was hard.

Back to School 2014 - Grade 6 and 2

On the first morning, you were so excited for the start of middle school NHL. I really do hope that this enthusiasm continues throughout sixth grade and beyond. You keep going back and forth about what your favorite subject is and which teacher you like most. I keep reminding you that there is no reason to have a favorite and you can enjoy all of them while learning. It’s fantastic to see you come out of school energized and excited to learn science and social studies each and every day. Common Core’s focus on Math and Language Arts took away a lot of this over the last few years. No blame on your past teachers, they did what they were told to do by the district and NYSED. I look forward to watching you spread your wings and grow academically while exploring new math concepts, novels, and more. Everyone that we met at orientation and after have been so kind and helpful. I am encouraged and hopeful that it will be an amazing year for you.

JSL when you heard that your big brother was leaving for school that first day, you jumped out of bed. You wanted to get dressed quickly for our back to school traditional photo. I think this really meant a lot to you, not just me. The last few weeks, I watched as nightmares returned and questions popped up. I think the reality of no big brother at the elementary school was hard for you. Not walking into the building together and knowing that you won’t see his face during the day is a huge change. We enjoyed the quiet time in the morning together as we waited to go to school. My heart broke watching you cry that first morning as you walked up to your classroom alone. At the end of the day, you told me you were sad. I stopped and asked you why. You told me you loved school and did not want to leave. Finally, I was able to exhale because I knew you were happy being back with friends. Like your brother, I hope to see you smile each and every day when you come out of school. I missed seeing you rush home to write stories and being creative. I saw all of that come back this summer, along with your love for reading chapter books by yourself.

Boys, always know that I am here for you. I am cheering you on to do the best that you can and always here to help you. If something happens in school, never second guess being able to talk to us at home. You are the reason we fight so hard to make sure the educational world gets back on track. We want both of you to have the opportunities that we had and more.



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Family Chanukah Banner

Dear JSL,

Your kindergarten class had to make a family banner. The banner was to express how we celebrate Chanukah. Each member had to trace their own hand, write their name, and draw their favorite part of the holiday inside. As we got started, you helped me to gather Chanukah glitter, markers, foam stickers, and more. As we tried to figure out how to fit all of our hands on, you instructed me that Daddy and I had to use our real names. We could not put Mommy and Daddy inside our hands.

You told me to do my hand first. I traced mine with my favorite color and then drew musical items. I love Chanukah songs and being able to sing them every night when we light our menorah. Daddy did his next and put potato latkes and jelly donuts. Then, NHL put presents and Chanukah gelt into his part of the project. When it was your turn you wanted to put lighting the candles and gifts. Then, it was your time to put things all around the banner. You had a lot of fun with this.

Chanukah Family Banner Project

I know you are going to have fun telling everyone all about your banner in school. You already enjoy doing Chanukah crafts during centers and telling everyone about the holiday you celebrate. I can not wait to begin the Festival of Lights with you and the rest of our family tonight.



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A Wintry Welcome to December

Dear NHL and JSL,

This morning, I asked you to look outside and check something out. Moments later, I heard the two of you jumping up and down, screaming, and planning to go outside to play.

Winter Says Hello

Why yes, December arrived today and Mother Nature has delivered a little bit of snow to remind us that winter is coming. I guess this really means that we need to check to see if you both have boots that fit and haul up other winter gear from the basement. Too bad we can’t simply use PicMonkey to prepare us like in the photo below.

Little guy ready for winter

No doubt we will have plenty of snow coming in the month ahead for both of you to play in. Now to get ready before it arrives.



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Black Friday at Home

Dear NHL and JSL,

Friday, we had a relaxing day at home together. We were all tired and just happy doing our own things. We played some games, did some crafts, watched Roku, and both of you fought to use the iPad.

 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse App for iPad

The two of you also helped me to do a little online shopping. When I was looking at Kohl’s, I needed your assistance with some purchases. Chanukah may not be a complete surprise, but I figured it would be best to have your thoughts. You both helped me to pick out Angry Birds Star Wars shirts. You approved on the one that I selected for Daddy as well. I think the one for Daddy is similar to a Chanukah present I already put away for him.

Angry Birds Star Wars pajamas

JSL you also got to pick out a pair of flannel sheets. Last winter you used the ones from you NHL, but it was time for him to have a set for his own new bed. It was not a surprise when you picked blue since it is your favorite color.

It was especially sweet when you both tucked me into bed for a nap since you knew I was not feeling well. Of course, I allowed you to do this right before Daddy came home from work. Thank you both for a low key day.



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An Evening at School with my Little Guy

Dear JSL,

Last night we dropped Daddy and NHL off to a prior commitment that they had. After that we went off to a fun evening at your school. Since you are a kindergarten kid and need to get to know the building, people, and community it seemed like an important item for us to go to.

I am so glad that we went. You were not too sure about things when we started out, but then you quickly perked up. We started off with getting a PTA membership card. They also had the school t-shirts on sale. Thank goodness they had one left in your size. I suggested that we put it on you. The smile that lit up your face was priceless. You were so proud and seemed to have more of a connection to the school racing around with the logo on your chest.

Then we wandered around and you wanted to make sure we brought something home for NHL. So we donated some money for cookies to take home with us. After this we wandered to the crafting area. Your art teacher gave up a seat since she was finishing with her family and you sat down to make something fun.

Harvest Craft Time

When you were finished, we went into the dance area where you found a friend from your class. We followed them to the silent auction area. We bought some tickets and you had fun placing them into bags to try to win something. Then, you went to get a tattoo on your hand with the school logo. After that we took one more trip to the Scholastic Book Fair and bought another Pete the Cat book.

After almost two hours, it was time to head off to get Daddy and NHL. We shared everything with them. This morning you had to put your school shirt on immediately because you love it so much. I have a feeling this may have been our best decision ever. Thank you for sharing a fun evening at your new school with me.



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