More on the wedding can be seen here and here.
Hora time at the wedding
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- cousins family fun weekend Wordless Wednesday
Monday night, only two days after my cousin’s wedding the boys were still talking about the events of the weekend. The best was when NHL asked if we could go back to cousin RB’s wedding again. Both of the boys had a magical time dancing, singing, and enjoying the experience of a wedding. It was amazing watching NHL and JSL as they figured out just what a wedding was about. Sure, NHL had been to my brother’s wedding, but he was so sick that weekend.
Saturday, we arrived at the hotel several hours before the wedding. We went out to lunch nearby and stopped by the LL Bean outlet store where we scored a few items for great prices. Next, we stopped by Target to pick up a few cars for the boys to be able to keep them busy at the wedding. We goofed and forgot to pack any earlier that morning when we left the house. Then we went back to the room where I rested (sinus infection and antibiotics was kicking me in the butt) and the boys played quietly. Before we knew it, it was almost 4:00 and time to get everyone dressed.
Once we were all dressed, we went to wait for Nana and Papa to go to the location of the wedding next door. When we went outside, the groom and our family were there. When it was almost time, we went inside. We were told to find our table number and we would sit there for the ceremony and the reception. My family rocked – they put us on the edge near an escape door. This was actually utilized as mentioned by TechyDad in his post that includes videos of the party boys.
After the actual ceremony, the little guy came back in and the boys were happily snacking on food, playing with their cars, dancing and saying hello to everyone. The one and only photo that we tried to get of the four of us is below. Not the best since the kids were trying to run away. Oh well, better than nothing I suppose.
Of course, after JSL had a few crackers and some fruit, he immediately wanted the wedding cake. Try explaining to a three year old that you have to wait. Thanks to being seated VERY close to the cakes, we kept them next to us and never moved away from them. Not saying that we didn’t trust them, but the cakes certainly could have gotten them into trouble. Thank goodness there was no incident. The boys kept playing with their cars and dancing the night away. Even Nana and Papa were caught dancing.
After a while, it was finally time for cousin RB and KB to cut into the cake. The boys were so excited to be up close and get to watch this. NHL was especially fascinated with the bride and groom and kept asking about them. Then, when it was time to eat the cake, both boys were more interested in the music and everything else going on.
Several hours after their bed time, NHL finally looked at me and said he wanted to go back to the room to sleep. JSL was reluctant, but eventually did not want to stay without his big brother. We got back to the room and NHL curled up to sleep within seconds of his head hitting the pillow.
If you have kids, have they been to a wedding and did they have fun?
As you can tell, my boys had a blast and want to go to another wedding soon! More wedding photos and stories coming later on. Wanted to share some of the memories that we had from this fun family event. Mazel tov again to Cousin RB and KB on their marriage!
Yesterday morning, we packed up the car. In the back seat was a very excited three year old singing his own little song. In a sweet little voice, he was saying, "I goin’ to a wedding – a wedding!" – over and over. He really had no clue what to expect. To be honest, neither did NHL since the only wedding he has been to was my brother’s just over five years ago.
When I was little, I remember heading out to western NY for long weekends. We would stay at a hotel and go to visit my mother’s first cousin MB and her family. As the only girl in the group of kids, I learned to play with the boys. Here I am in the middle of RB and JB. Not sure where my brother was at this moment (probably too little for the swings).
Fast forward 20+ years and we are all grown up now. I was the first of the bunch married almost nine years ago. Here I am today with my husband, you know TechyDad.
JB was married in December to LB (another teacher in the family). Sadly, we were not able to go to their wedding across the country. I had a nice time chatting with LB several times and look forward to seeing them again soon.
Yesterday, it was RB’s wedding that we went to. He and KB are now husband and wife. Here is a photo of the newly married couple just before they cut their wedding cake.
We had a fabulous time and there is so much to share. Here is one photo of my little guys having a blast at the wedding festivities.
Thank you again to cousins MB and LB for inviting our entire family to be party of this special occasion. Mazel tov again on both of your boys being married!
As I have mentioned in the past, JSL is quite obsessed in love with Winnie the Pooh and friends. Since our trip to Disney in February, he has declared that he only wants to wear items with Tigger and Pooh, watch their movies/shows and play with those toys. Thanks to this, we knew exactly what theme would be in place for JSL’s third birthday party over the weekend.
Everyone arrived to the party as we were still preparing the food. During this time, we had a little fun and excitement that many of us could have lived without. When we took the pizza bagels out of the oven, I put them down onto a trivet. Mistake #1 – it was plastic and must have adhered itself to the bottom of the cookie sheet. Thanks to this, when TechyDad put the cookie sheet back into the over. . . the plastic trivet went in to bake.
Nobody noticed anything until the time was up and we were pulling the goodies out of the oven. At that point, TechyDad and I both saw flickering. Sure enough we had a fire. Both of us yelled to get attention of others to come and help. I immediately turned off the oven and made sure the kids were not coming into the room. Meanwhile, my father and TechyDad worked to make sure that the flame was going out. It was at this point that we figured out the culprit of the fire. Luckily it went out pretty quickly, but left a rather large mess. This is what the rack that had the trivet and cookie sheet looked like in the end:
When all was said and done, nobody was hurt, the oven appears to be ok and the food was fine. Here is the food that was served for lunch:
We had veggies and dip, whole grain white rice (testing it for a review), vegetarian "meatballs" with sweet and sour sauce, pizza bagels, Mac & Cheese (Toy Story shapes), and mini bread bowls filled with two types of toppings.
As some of the kids cleared out from the kitchen, Uncle M sat down with NHL, JSL and SG. They were too cute sitting there together and chatting together, so we had to take a photo.
As we transitioned from lunch to cupcake time, the kids were able to play and baby be held by lots of people. JSL and SG had a ton of fun with each other, while Mimi and Aunt T held baby BA.
Two weeks earlier, I asked people for suggestions on what kind of Winnie the Pooh cake I could make. In the end, I went with something I had done before and was suggested by Maryellen Hooper (you are such a Rock Star – love ya!). I made cute cupcakes wrapped in Winnie the Pooh and Tigger liners and had JSL’s characters parading around them on the table. Simple, practical and no real worries. I had wanted to make a giant cupcake, but was not sure how it would work with egg substitute (my niece is allergic to eggs). Since there was no time for a test run, we did regular cupcakes. Here are all of the goodies ready to be devoured:
Thanks to my handy dandy decorating tool and Aunt M for helping me with operation frost and sprinkle, the cupcakes came out really nicely. It was soon time for the little guy to be shy and have everyone sing Happy Birthday to him. After several attempts, he was finally able to get the 3 candle blown out with a little assistance (we were all a little fire phobic for a reason ya know).
JSL had asked for chocolate cake with chocolate frosting (not my kid), so we bought those to make. When it was time for him to eat his cupcake, he did not want it. Note him eating it with a spoon and not being too enthusiastic. Meanwhile big brother and cousin SG loved theirs.
Once the kids were cleaned up, it was present time. More on this tomorrow for my Aloha Friday topic/question of the week.
It really was a nice party. Aside from the fireworks from the oven, it went rather smoothly. One thing is for sure, thanks to that we will always remember JSL’s third birthday party.
Early Saturday morning, we left the house. At the time, it was snowing and we had a 4-5 hour drive ahead of us. I was doing the driving and the snow definitely made me nervous. By 7, we were on the road. Once we got out of the general area, the snow cleared up. Kick-up spray from other cars were the main concern. We stopped once and continued along on our way. My parents were about an hour and a half in front of us. We kept getting calls to update on road conditions. The last 30-40 minutes was a bit hairy. We saw several cars and a double truck off the road.
By noon, we finally made it to Uncle I and Aunt M’s house. Why were we heading there? It was time to meet Baby Cousin BA and play with new big sister SG. Here is a photo of the little guy all wrapped up and sleeping in the blanket that I knitted for him.
Now a close up of his teeny tiny handsome face:
NHL had a blast playing with cousin SG. They ran around, used PlayDoh, colored and danced. JSL was not feeling so great, but played from time to time. Let’s just leave it at MiraLAX was purchased to help what is bothering him . . . *sigh*
Sunday morning, we packed back up before leaving to go to Baby BA’s bris and party afterward. Lots of photos of family coming from this later. TechyDad has those, so I am stuck sharing what I took with my cell phone quickly. At about 1:30, we figured it was time to leave the party. We had a 4-5 hour trip back home. Of course, on the way we stopped at Wegmans since we do not have them near up. It was fun to see how into the Team USA baked goods they were. Guess they were really cheering on Ryan Miller!
JSL fell asleep before we got to Wegmans and managed to stay asleep for another two hours once we got into the car. He was a very tired little guy.
Meanwhile, NHL amused himself in the backseat. He had fun playing games on his LeapFrog Didj since it was behaving. Note the level of concentration on his face = tongue sticking out.
Thanks to my father, at about 3:30 we found the Team USA vs Canada hockey game on a radio station. Talk about an edge of your seat kind of game. As we were looking at scenes like this:
TechyDad and I listened to the game and save after save that Miller made. We all know that Team Canada won the gold, but kuddos to Team USA for the nailbiting third period goal to tie up the game with 24 seconds left. They deserved better than Silver, but played their hearts out and deserve a lot of respect.
We arrived home at about 7:15 and got the boys into bed. After all of the traveling, everyone in the house went to bed very early. Today my mission is to make NHL a "Thing 1" from Dr. Seuss shirt to wear to school tomorrow. They are celebrating Dr. Seuss and also going on a field trip. Thanks to this, NHL’s costume will be minimalized – no red pants or blue hair. Promise to share later. Now off to be creative.