Category Archives Blogging Conference

Wandering NYC and better NY State license plates

On Friday, I wrote about the ugly new license plates in New York State. If you missed that post, you need to check out how far we came over my lifetime, only to go back 10-15 steps. Ugh!

While in NYC for BlogHer, TechyDad and I opted to walk around the streets by the Hilton for a little while. Please note, we were so close to everything it was amazing. We walked a block over to Broadway. First, we saw this:


We opted not to have pizza there and continued to walk down. . .

Broadway in NYC Baby!

I drooled and wished that we had tickets to see this:

Want to see this SO bad

Sad to say, we did not get to see that or the following:

This Mama would have loved to see this

We kept walking down and saw marque after marque of plays we would not get to see along with other interesting signs. Then we went into the Hershey Store for a few minutes.

More sights along Broadway in NYC

There was a lot to see, but it was nothing like their home store in Hershey, PA.

Hershey Store NYC

Across the street was another chocolatey retail wonder. Here is the sign as it changed outside:


We had to go inside to wander around the three stories to compare it to the Las Vegas store. Not quite as much, but my oh my a lot of M&M packed into one NYC store!

M&M items galore

While there, we saw the solution to the UGLY new New York State license plates. Here they are:

Should be our new plates

After this, we went back toward the Hilton and stopped by Ray’s Pizza for some slices to go. We wandered back around the corner to the Hilton and went back to the 31st floor to inhale, and relax before day 2 of BlogHer. 

REAL NY pizza time

More on BlogHer10 coming soon.


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Greetings from BlogHer 2010

Just wanted to say hello to everyone from NYC. TechyDad and I have been here for BlogHer ’10 since Thursday. It has been a whirlwind of learning, networking, seeing/meeting friends, having fun and barely sleeping. There will be a lot to share in the coming weeks. For now, here is a photo of the two of us heading to the parties Saturday night.

Off to the Sparklecorn party

See you on the flip side after we venture home in our shiny red Chevy Tahoe Hybrid (amazing SUV) thanks to the Chevrolet Sponsored Carpool. Thank you again to Lisa G and the rest of the amazing people that made the adventure downstate possible. 



P.S. A special thank you to my parents for making this amazing weekend possible. If they had not helped out with the boys this experience would not have been possible. THANK YOU to an amazing Nana and Papa who are so very loved by the boys and us.

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A childhood best friend

It’s only fitting that today, while heading to BlogHer, I write about long time friends. Later today, while at BlogHer, I will finally be able to meet many people that I have known in the blogosphere for three or more years. I am so excited about this. The list of people that I hope to meet and some see again (from DisneySMMoms) would be too long to list here, plus I no doubt would leave out someone important without meaning to hurt feelings.

Last Friday, I had a reunion of a different kind. I have to admit, I was really giddy about this. I actually called my parents to see if I could have a friend come over to "play" at their house. When my parents heard that it was my lifelong friend and former neighbor Julespearl, they immediately agreed. Heck, they were excited at the prospect of seeing her. They had probably not seen her since my wedding, nine years ago.

Growing up, Julespearl and I were inseperable. The two of us would knit together on the porch in the summer, watch Little House in the Prarie first thing each morning, and share our dreams of teaching. She was actually one of the few people that knew I secretly wanted to teach when I started off at pharmacy school.

One kid cooperates - the other not so much

Julespearl and I have tried to get together in the past, but things just didn’t work out. This time we both knew it was a must. So the other night I sent her a message. I asked if she could come over to play – seriously! For old times, TechyDad even made WhirlyPop popcorn that I brought and we had ice tea as we chatted while the boys played. The sad thing, Julespearl had never actually met my boys in person while we both lived in the same city all these years.

It was like time had stopped and we had never grown up. We talked and talked and talked. Each of us catching up on things that have or are happening in our lives. We both commented on how special our neighborhood was growing up. All of the kids played together, summers did not need camp because we all went on adventures to the park and beyond together. It really was a different time period. As much as I love our neighbord here, our busy schedules means that we do not see each other often and it is sad especially based on my childhood.

My little snuggler w/Julespearl

As dinner time approached, Julespearl had to head home. She and her hubby were heading out to celebrate their fifth wedding anniversary. Just another reminder that we had indeed grown up.

So today, as I make new friends and see others once again, I also look forward to making more memories when I get back home from BlogHer with my good buddy. I can not wait to sit down and knit together with citronella candles lit listening to Beetles in the background.


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NYC and BlogHer bound

A week from today, I will be in NYC at BlogHer. I am excited, nervous and overwelmed in a good way. There are so many people that I can not wait to meet, sessions that look incredible and fun parties that will add to the experience. Last year, I was one of the people that was not at BlogHer ’09 in Chicago. I had planned on it, but opted for a family Disney World vacation earlier instead. I remember sitting at my computer wishing I was there with everyone in Chicago. I saw all of the pre-BlogHer posts and drooled, then sulked when everyone was there and live blogging/Tweeting.

I'm going

I vowed not to over write about BlogHer before the conference. Since this will be my first BlogHer experience, I am going in naive with the expectation to take it one moment at a time. Sure, I have a tentative schedule of everything I would love to do. Will I be upset if it doesn’t work out? Not really, there is so much that I will learn from BlogHer and I am thrilled to be able to go.

So my question to you this week:

Have you ever been to BlogHer in the past and will you be there next week?  If not, please know I feel for you and hope that one day you will be able to attend if that is your wish.

P.S. One last thing before I go. I would like to take the time to thank Chevrolet. I am part of a group that will be carpooling to BlogHer in NYC in a Chevy sponsored vehicle. CutestKidEver, AlbanyMommyTechyDad and I will be driving in a Tahoe Hybrid to our destination.


We are one of ten groups that were selected. They will be providing us with the vehicle, one tank of gas, ON STAR access, and parking once we arrive. They are not paying for additional gas, lodging or our tickets to BlogHer. If you would like to follow along with our journey and the others carpooling to BlogHer ’10, you can follow #ChevyBlogHer on Twitter.

Update: For those taking part in the #ChevyBlogHer carpool and want to use the banner, Lisa asked me to share. Here is the code to use:

<p><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a></p>



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the linky there if you are participating.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An<br<br />
/><br />
Island<br /><br /><br /><br />

Aloha #110

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New Price Chopper Building and Conference Announcement

Being a blogger has opened up doors that I never imagined I would walk though. This was literally the case a few weeks ago. Christina (Cutestkidever) and I were personally invited to tour the new corporate Price Chopper building in Schenectady, NY. We had been told prior to going that only the people that worked there had seen many of the places were were being taken. No media had been given a tour at this point since they were just moved into the facilities. Talk about being honored.

Price Chopper Logo

The world of Social Media and blogging truly made this tour possible. Had I not seen a Tweet on Twitter, gone to the Price Chopper page on Facebook and signed up for their Cook’s Ham event – this would not have happened. While at the Cook’s event at Price Chopper, Christina and I started to chat with Heidi and Liz about plans that we had for a local blogging conference. After the event, we continued to be in contact via Twitter/Facebook/e-mail/phone. While talking about the ideas we had for a blogging event in the area, I was asked if I we would consider something a little different. Of course, my answer was yes and I was told I would hear more soon.

This is where a big thank you to Mr. Jerry Golub is in order. He is Price Chopper’s new President & COO and is very aware of the importance of Social Media. He asked Heidi to invite us for a personal tour of their new building. Of course, we said yes!

New Price Chopper building has LEED gold rating

This new corporate building is big news in the area. The new state of the art building has many green features to be energy efficient for the 700 Price Chopper employees that will work there. Even bigger was the initiative to transform what was once polluted brownfield into a usable corporate space. To read more about the building, The Business Review has more details about the new $30M corporate facility.

When you drive up to the Price Chopper building, you immediately notice the size of the building. Then you start to see the whole picture. The facility is gated and has amazing security. When I drove up, I was told where to park and proceed in to check into the building. When Christina arrived, we went into the building to the security desk. They found our names on the guest list and asked for our drivers licenses to make us guest badges. At this point, they called Heidi and Liz to let them know we were here.

Once we were done giving security our information, Heidi, Liz and Maureen came to meet us in the lobby. I wish I had taken a photo of this area, but had not taken my camera out at this point. Not to worry, the photo taking permission came right after this and I started to take some photos.

One of the stops on the tour is the giant conference area. Can you see where I am going with this?

Conference room possibilitiesrice Chopper

The ballroom like room is sectioned off into three smaller rooms that can be opened. The room has a lot of AV/technological opportunities for something like a blogging conference. Round tables could be set up for networking and the ability to live blog/Tweet from any event thanks to Wifi availability. Christina and I kept imagining who would be up at the podium talking to all of the bloggers that come to our event. Yes, it was becoming more real with every step of the tour.

Heidi, Liz and Maureen also took us to more behind the scenes areas. We saw smaller meeting rooms and back rooms that were not quite set up yet. One of the locations not completely set up was the new photography lab/kitchen area. When we walked into this room we were greeted with shrimp on a barbeque right in the area and the computer monitors set up to create the Price Chopper ads for the coming weeks. They explained that a kitchen would be there to help with preparations of their own displays. In addition to that, one side of the room would be used for the Kids Cooking Club segments with Jodie Fitz that are available online.

Next, we walked into the cafeteria that is in the building for Price Chopper employees. My first thought was that it felt like I was at one of the Quick Service dining areas at Disney World. In my mind, this is a HUGE compliment. The menus were on flat screen monitors, there was a clean modern feel. Here are a few views:

Cafeteria within the new building

I could definitely imagine break out sessions in here and/or a meet and greet time during a conference.

Next, we were taken to the back of the cafeteria into a special room. The surprise was on us. We would be participating in a quality control/taste testing exercise. The following was set up on the table for each of us. We were testing white grape juice, apple sauce, chocolate chip cookies and rice crisp cereal.

A surprise taste testing

Megan and Jane explained that they had done a similar exercise at a local middle school to show the students how often it is next to impossible to tell the difference between brand name and store products. Of course, they also showed the kids the math involved when the identities of the items marked A and B were revealed. Price Chopper uses this room, with a kitchen to keep quality control on their store items. They have different groups of people that do this to tell their input on taste, texture, look and feel compared to the brand name twin. It is not surprising that on almost all we were not able to tell much if any differences and several cases liked the Price Chopper brand item more. This was not only an educational/eye opening experience, but a lot of fun. Hmmm. . . something else for a conference perhaps?!

Just as we were finishing up with this, Jerry Golub came to meet with us. I have to admit, I was even more impressed with his dedication to social media, his employees and the community in person. Mr. Golub explained why he feels Twitter, Facebook, and blogging are important to companies. In addition to this, he made me laugh by saying how funny it was to see me blog one day about ham and the next about shopping for Passover.

After Mr. Golub left us, we brain stormed a little about the possibility of having our blogging conference at the Price Chopper corporate building. We had so many ideas in our head, but not enough time to fully develop them. We talked about a good time for one and what we would like to do. After this we went to lunch in the gorgeous cafeteria and chatted a bit more.

So, what have we decided for our Capital District blogging conference?

Rather than rush to put something together for July, we will be pushing it back a little and changing a few things. Here are the tentative details:

Who: Anyone near or far may come and join the festivities where we hope you will be able to meet a lot of new people and network up a storm. Details for out of town guests wishing to stay over night will be available soon

What: Blogging/Social Media Conference to learn more, meet new people and have the chance to network in person

When: Saturday, October 2, 2010 from approximately 9 to after dinner

Where: The brand new Price Chopper building in Schenectady, NY

How: More details on pricing coming soon. Still need to talk to the caterer on the specifics for the day and will get back to you ASAP.

Why: Why not?! There has never been a blogging conference in Upstate NY and we want to begin this tradition for those in the Northeast to have the opportunity.

I would like to thank Price Chopper for making this conference a possibility. Thanks to you opening up your doors, our dream is now going to be a reality. We look forward to working with everyone over the next few months to finalize the details to share with bloggers who will be coming to the event this fall.

If you have any questions please let us know. As soon as more details are available we will keep you posted and have a special sign up website up for purchasing tickets to the conference.

Please save the date and we hope to see you in our area in October.


Disclosure: I was invited to the Price Chopper corporate building for a tour, lunch and to discuss using it for a conference facility. Much to my surprise we were given a taste test and some grocery items to take home to use with our families. No blog post was expected or compensation given.

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