Category Archives birthday

Camera addict … the next generation

For weeks NHL has been drooling and begging for his own camera like daddy. Today was his B-day party for family and friends. I will post more about that later, but wanted this on now. So he opened up a gift from Great-Grandma. It was a camera case and he was a little confused.

 Next thing he knew Grandpa asked him if the following would fit in the case:

Here are some photos that JL took of NHL using his new Fisher Price camera:

Taking a picture of Daddy taking a photo:

Checking his camera:

Looking at the photos he took with Cousin A

He even held onto it while wrestling his cousin:

Why is he a camera addict? Almost from the moment he  got it until he was half asleep he took 547photos.  No you read that correctly. He was taking photos of anything and everything. Then he started composing shots. It was sick . . . he’s just like his daddy. ACK!

Here are some of his first photos. 

Photo of Daddy:

Daddy and JSL:

Even in the car he was taking photos:

Another car shot of JSL:

Photo down our street:

Where did Daddy’s head go?

Note the theme of the next few shots (there were a ton more of these):

Relaxing on the couch:

Watching Over the Hedge (one of his gifts from L, IA and D):

Did you notice the theme of many of the shots? Strange child I have.

On that note it’s time to get the little monkey up to eat. He hasn’t eaten in a LONG time and needs something before real bed time. 

C’est Moi

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Happy 4th Birthday NHL – Part 2

So once JL was home we packed up the boys and did birthday dinner. Originally NHL had requested going to Moe’s. Then suddenly he opted for something else. He selected Wendy’s. Strange request, but we said okay. So we went to Wendy’s. Upon arriving in the parking lot I noted a 57 passenger bus parked outside and nothing else. NEVER a good sign. So the other people that pulled in at the same time as us went in and came flying out and got back in their car and went to the drive thru. I had JL and NHL go to look before I took JSL out of the car. Sure enough half of the seats were taken and about 30 additional people were still waiting on line to order food.


So we piled into the car and went to order at the drive thru. We were lucky and it didn’t take us much to order our bargain dinner. We spent $6.31 including tax for 3 of us to eat. The food went with us to my parents house and we ate.

After dinner while waiting for H & J to come over we opened the presents from Nana and Papa. Here are some photos from that time:

The birthday “crown” from Nana & Papa

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Lots of things to open

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Balloons from Nana and Papa

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All smiles thanks to a Spiderman Card

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Shake N’ Go Airplane

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USA Puzzle

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Check out this reaction!

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Yum! Chocolate sport balls

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Meanwhile JSL is busy doing his favorite hobby – fist sucking!

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Cars sheets

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And last but not least was a coloring book and here’s the activity book. Perfect for Mommy and NHL to work on these few weeks while home before starting PreK.

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At about this time H & J arrived. NHL was so happy to see them. He immediately dug into his present from them (being nice and not blogging the photo of H wearing NHL’s B-day crown).

A gorgeous Cars backpack that had a lunch bag that attached to it. The colors were amazing. I really hope H & J know it was a great gift and understood the 4 year olds reaction to jump on to cake and toys.

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Next it was time to dig into the cookie cake. Here are some photos of NHL digging into it. We all had too much fun showing each other our beautiful blue tongues. Yes, the adults were more into it than the 4 year old – sad isn’t it?

Waiting to blow out the candle

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Blowing out the candle

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Eating the YUMMY cake!

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So much for the dentist cleaning the other day.

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Charming view n’est pas?

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And one more of the blue tongue

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We stayed around for a little while to talk with everyone and let NHL play. JSL took a mini-nap on H’s shoulder. Then when he woke up and NHL was SO tired we packed it up and went home.

It was a busy day and certainly not the last of the birthday celebrations. We did more today with Aunt S and have his family party this coming Sunday.

C’est Moi

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Happy 4th Birthday NHL – Part 1

I knew that I would get swamped with things to do Friday and over the weekend. That’s why I blogged about NHL’s B-day a little in advance. Here’s an update on how things went Friday.

Friday morning NHL woke up and came into our bed. He opened his gifts. Just as he was finishing JSL woke up. So the boys were together in our bed lounging. Here they are:

Opening gifts in the morning

The two boys resting

After this NHL got dressed for “green” day at nursery school. This also happened to be his last day there. Yes, after three years there our time at daycare was officially over for NHL.

Since we wanted to have a cake of some kind for that night I went out with JSL early to find a chocolate chip cookie cake. Who knew it would be that hard to locate? After two stores and almost crying, the second store baker heard that it was for my 4 year old’s B-day. He offered to make a batch for me if I didn’t need it until later. Perfect!

So JSL and I went to see Papa at work and then went home to rest before heading to NHL’s party at nursery school. Mimi came over and went with us to the little party. When we got there the daycare director took us into the faculty room so I could frost the cupcake cones. Lucky me, JL had the camera and decided to take photos. Luckily I was boring after a while and everyone left me to frost and sprinkle while they focused on JSL and his smiles.

Cupcake cones - YUMMY!


See he’s much more interesting than me:

All smiles

All serious suddenly. Clearly he was sick of the flashes from the camera.
Dad enough photos already!

Now the yummy cupcake cones all done:
Cupcake cones

So we all went up in the elevator with the goodies for the kids. NHL was so surprised to see Mimi there. After he noticed Mimi he announced to his friends that the cupcake cones and JSL were there. I guess the parents don’t matter ;)

Here are some photos of NHL greeting us, going to see JSL and eating his cupcake cone.

NHL turns to see us coming in (note he's at the computer)

Showing JSL his B-day crown

Gobbling everything up

Mimi feeding JSL

CHEESE! The B-day boy on his last day of daycare EVER

Next NHL and I went to give cupcake cones to all of his past teachers and to say goodbye. Then it was time to head out for the last time. So we packed everything up and went home.

JL came home later and stopped on the way home to pick up the cookie cake to bring to my parents house to enjoy later. I will post about that in the morning. Now I must head to sleep.

C’est Moi

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4 years ago tonight .. .

I was in the hospital in labor. At about 9:00 that Saturday night I was sitting on the couch reading the new Harry Potter book while Pretty Woman was on the television. JL was working on his website. I was half reading since I figured I had 2 more weeks to read before the baby was born. I guess NHL had other plans. I got up to stretch and felt a pop and a gush.

Yup, you guessed it…my water broke. JL said he’s never seen a pregnant woman run so fast.

I flew into the bathroom and he followed me there to see what was going on. He called the doctor’s number and they instructed us to head to the hospital. Once I got there I was only about 1 cm dilated and my water had indeed broken. My parents met us there and were so excited since it was the birth of their first grandchild. At about this time (11:00) everyone left and JL and I were told to walk around to see if it would help my contractions to come more regularly.

Unfortunately this did nothing so I was told to rest and see how things were in the morning before they did more. I opted for no medicine at that point.

In the morning they checked and I had made no progress. I was told I had to have pitocin since my water broke and the risk of infection increased with time. So silly me opted not to have an epiduralright away. BIG mistake that I didn’t make with JSL.

The pitocin was started at about 6:30 and by 10:00 I wanted the epidural. The contraction were horrid thanks to the medication making them worse. They finally found someone to come (another woman couldn’t have it anymore). Thanks to the epidural they were able to crank up the pitocin. Within 40 minutes to an hour I was finally progressing. 10 minutes after they checked me I felt pressure and the urge to push. They didn’t believe me, but looked. Sure enough I was 10 centimeters (from 3) dilated and ready to roll.

Little did I know, but the doctor didn’t think I would be able to push the baby out. I sure showed him. In less than an hour at 1:17 in the afternoon on August 17th NHL was born.

A look down memory lane:

Minutes after NHL was born.
NHL is finally here!

Popeye NHL.
It's Popeye NHL

My favorite photo of the little guy with his tongue out.
NHL loves to stick out his tongue!

Peacefull baby NHL.
NHL sleeps in his Pack N' Play

NHL visits with Papa and Poppy Sol.
NHL visits with Poppy Sol and Papa

Uncle I meets NHL (My baby brother is going to be a daddy soon – Whoa!)
NHL cuddles with Uncle I

Nana gives NHL his first “bath.”
Nana gives NHL a sponge bath

NHL is so TINY in his big crib.
So tiny in his BIG crib

Ah, the memories. Now my little NHL is a big boy and going to be 4 tomorrow. Here’s a photo of him now (please excuse the cookie face):

NHL 2 days before his 4th B-day

C’est Moi
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