Category Archives Aloha Friday

Another camera bites the dust

It has not been a very good week with electronics in our household. First, my cell phone decides to spontaneously crack. Apparently it could not handle the extreme cold and the hard plastic just gave up. Of course, my warranty is no longer valid. For $50 they would give me an identical phone, but I am eligible for new phone in June. We will be digging out one of our old phones until after our trip to Disney World.

The real kicker is this:

RIP - only 13 months old

My precious digital camera is basically dead. The item that I keep with me practically at all times has kicked the bucket. For several months, I blamed our rechargeable batteries for everything that was happening. Little did I know, it was the camera the entire time. The Canon camera that I purchased in the fall just over a year ago is gone! The battery sensors are not working properly. The other day I put in fresh batteries, took 3 photos and the camera started to flash low battery and then shut down. JL took the batteries to work to check their voltage readings. Sure enough, they were 100% perfect. Do you know how many stinking batteries I thought were no good because of this camera? Grrrr!

This will be the second digital dud that I have purchased. It just does not seem right to me for a camera to only last 12-14 months (my last one did not even make it that long – that was a Fuji). Of course, the review for this camera were amazing when we bought it. Then last month JL did some research and others were complaining about the same battery sensor troubles. Canon will allow us to ship it to them to check and then tell us the cost of repair. My theory, it will cost way more to fix this camera than just purchasing a new one. Does this make me angry? YES!

So my question to you today:

Do you have any suggestions on a new digital camera? I want one that will last several years (a fair request I believe), has its own lithium battery within (no more replacement batteries), and is portable for on the go. One other item, I would prefer something other than Fuji and Canon for obvious reasons.



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the Mr. Linky there if you are participating. Th

 Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #32

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Nalgene my H2O queen

Most people would probably find it strange that my beverage of choice is water. Sure, I like an occasional Crystal Light Peach Ice Tea, but I am not a soda person. In fact, about ten years ago I gave up drinking items that contain caffeine. I did it cold turkey, but it was the best thing I ever did.

In recent weeks, I have not been as good about drinking water. Sure, I may have had one of my smaller containers during the day, but not much more. When I joined Weight Watchers online, I was reminded about the 64 ounces of water that you should consume in a day. My reusable water container only held about 20 ounces.

While out on Saturday I went to the store with my brother and sister-in-law and bought myself this:

My pretty blue Nalgene bottle

Pretty isn’t she? This is my new 32 ounce Nalgene water bottle. Nalgene is made in the USA and is PBA free (says it right on the bottom now). I had a hard time finding Nalgene products, but thanks to JL’s coworker I knew the store that carried them locally. I love that I can fill it up to 32 ounces and chug away the water my body needs and fill it one more time during the day to get my daily water intake. 

32 ounces of water goodness

Of course I learned a hard lesson. Do not drink 32 ounces of water right before heading out into the freezing cold temperatures. What can I say, my teacher bladder is not up to that after having two children.

So my question to you:

How much water do you drink? Do you make a conscious effort to concume 64 ounces each day?




Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the Mr. Linky there if you are participating. Th

 Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #31


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Facebook/Nursing photo controversy

Breastfeeding is a touchy subject with a lot of people. Of course, there are many reasons that factor into this. Ask one person what they think of public nursing and you never know what answer you may get.

Right now, there is a rather large controversy going on with woman who posted photos of themselves nursing their child/children within Facebook. According to Facebook’s terms of service, these photos are not allowed because they may show the nipple/aerola area of the breast. Groups have been formed all over the internet (on and off Facebook) and many bloggers have weighed in on the subject.

One of the people that has blogged about this happens to be TechyDad. Over the last several days, he has been working on a blog post called The Facebook/Breastfeeding Controversy: A Dad’s Perspective.  I must admit I was most impressed with the research that TechyDad did when writing this post. I am not simply saying this because he is my husband either. In reading the blog post, I learned a lot of new information. Head on over if you are unaware of the history and would like additional blogs to check out on the subject.

My question for you:

Should Facebook stop women from posting photos of themselves nursing, yet scantily clothed women in bikinis be allowed to bare nearly all? Please let me know what you think.

My answer:  Although I would not personally post photos of myself nursing online, I feel that the application of the terms of service set by Facebook is wrong. Implying that photos of a woman nursing or the act of breastfeeding is sexual is unjustified. Feeding your child is the most natural act and lumping it with sexually explicit photos is ridiculous.



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the Mr. Linky there if you are participating. Th

 Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #30

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Favorite vacation destinations

Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the Mr. Linky there if you are participating. Th

 Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #29

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My question for this week:

What is your favorite family vacation destination?

I admit it, vacation is on my brain. Can you blame me? The temperature outside a frigid 10 degrees, with a windchill of -2, so mind is fixed on May. Tuesday we officially booked our first family vacation with the kiddos to Disney World in May. Hubby and I have not gone on a major getaway since December 2002, before I knew I was pregnant with NHL. The deals to Walt Disney World right now made it pretty hard to say no. We are probably spending less going there for a week (including airfare, food, tickets, and hotel) than we would if we went to BlogHer. Pretty amazing if you ask me.

Of course the answer to my question would be Walt Disney World in Florida. Yes, I have been to Disneyland in California, but to me it will never be the same. As a child I went to Disney World so many times that when I asked my parents last night for years and where we stayed they blanked. Seriously, they could not recall all of the years and information. I can recall at least six times, plus my honeymoon. They claim I have been many more times.

I promise, I will not be obsessed with Disney on my blog. Right now I am just SO excited to have something fun to look forward to! Here we were showing our honeymoon memory book to the boys on New Year’s Eve.

Disney 2001 Memories on New Year's Eve


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Disney on Ice – 100 Years of Magic

Twas the night before a snow storm and all through the arena, the people attending were thankful that they purchased tickets for the Thursday night show!

Last Thursday night we were gearing up for a HUGE weekend of snow. That was also the weekend that Disney on Ice was here for a bunch of shows. My parents had four tickets to take NHL and me. Thank goodness they wanted to see it on Thursday night. If we had selected another night we may not have been able to make it to the arena (Friday we had about a foot of snow and more Sunday).

Have you ever been to a Disney on Ice show?

If you have ever been to Disney World, Disneyland or any other Disney owned park, then you know they are the pros at merchandising. Well, Disney on Ice is 110% the same way. When you walked into the arena, both sides had at at least two merchandise stands,  two snack stands (with Disney cotton candy and snow cones), and multiple areas with photo taking stations (for a fee of course). 

Disney motto of sell sell sell

It was really interesting to watch NHL. We walked around the area at least one complete time and stopped at each of the selling areas. He looked each time, but never asked for anything. After a while, Nana asked NHL if he would like something. He thought the Mickey Mouse Binoculars were really neat. They were reasonably priced, so Nana and Papa bought them for him. 

New Mickey binoculars

Two years ago when Nana, JL and I took him to See Monsters Inc on Ice we bought him a work hat and program. To this day both of the boys still love the hard hat.

Next, it was time to go and find our seats. NHL walked along with Nana and his Mickey Mouse merchandise bag. When you walked into the arena, this is what you saw on the ice: 

Ice before the show

Nana and Papa bought NHL some popcorn and we sat and waited for the show to begin. NHL sat there taking everything in. I quickly learned that my camera did not do a great job at photos, but the video was decent. I took a few short videos so NHL can enjoy them. Here is one of the start of the show (more will be uploaded later). 

Start of Disney on Ice show from Angel Forever on Vimeo.

We all really enjoyed the show. Now NHL needs to catch up on some Disney movies since he has never seen Beauty and the Beast, Pinochio, and several others.



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the Mr. Linky there if you are participating.Aloha #28

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