Category Archives Aloha Friday

April Fool’s Day remembered

When I was teaching I would always cringe on April Fool’s Day. I never knew what to expect from my older students and was aware that it could be very bad. Of course, there was also the year that we had a full day field trip (6am to 11pm) on April Fool’s Day. Talk about rules before hand. We had to make sure the kids knew that pranks on the bus, at the museum and on the boat tour would not be accepted.

I am not sure why, but I have never really been into pranks for April Fool’s Day. We did not really talked about it when I was in school. It shocked me when my kindergarten kid actually came home referencing it. Every other word out of NHL’s mouth on Wednesday was something about April Fool’s Day. *sigh*   Man they learn young.

My webmaster husband (aka TechyDad) decided it would be fun to do something to our readers. We briefly talked about it Tuesday evening, but never said much after that. Suddenly TechyDad started to Tweet me strange messages on Wednesday. Without going to my blog, I just knew what he had done. JL had switched the templates of our blogs. So if you came here to TheAngelForever it looked like you were at TechyDad, just with my content.

So my question for you:

Did you do anything for April Fool’s Day this year or were you the recipient of anything? If not and you have something fun from the past please share that as well.


BTW – Don’t forget to enter my giveaways for the Exergen Temporal Scanner and DaBib bib of your choice.


Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the Mr. Linky there if you are participating.

 Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #42

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Scary moments

It has been a very tough week here at Chez Angel. If you had told me last Friday that I would soon witness my little guy have two febrile seizures in less than 30 hours, I never would have believed you. Most of the week has gone by in slow motion as we have battled a high fever in hopes of avoiding yet another seizure.

Over the week, TechyDad and I have had a lot of time to think about things. TechyDad sat down and actually wrote about the scariest moments (thus far) in his life. Many people may not understand how we are able to sit and type these out, but it truly is therapeutic. I know that last February, and again this week it helped me to get my fears out in the open, to face the facts. Did I cry? Did I have nightmares of seeing my blue and lifeless son in my arms? Of course I did, but blogging helped immensely. 

Shades of a scary week

So my question for this week:

What is the scariest moment of your life so far? If you are a parent, does it have something to do with your children?

My answer this week would have to be the same as what TechyDad wrote. 



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the Mr. Linky there if you are participating.

 Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #41

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What if it rained food from the sky?

One of my favorite classes in college was Children’s Literature. It took a lot of time reading picture and chapter books, but it brought back a lot of childhood memories. One memory was when I was in elementary school and heard the book Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs by Judi Barrett for the first time. There was just something special about the story and characters thanks to the amazing illustrations by Ron Barrett. I recall dreams of being swept into the world of Chewandswallow where the days meals rained down from the sky onto the land below. How neat it would be to have food prepared for you without cooking. I can not wait to see this book come to life in the movies this fall.

Favorite childhood book

Reading books with my boys allows all of our imaginations to run wild. In the upcoming weeks, I plan on reading some new books with NHL. I want to hear what he thinks and learns from the books. Hopefully this will be a fun experience that I can share with everyone and NHL will remember for years to come.

So my question for this week:

If you lived in the town of Chewandswallow, what would you like to rain from the sky to eat and why?



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the Mr. Linky there if you are participating.

 Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #40

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A blast from my hockey past

Admit it, there are times that people are shocked to learn something about you. Most people know that I started off in college doing one thing and then switched to follow my dream of teaching. What people may not know is that for several years I had season tickets for our local hockey team.

Yes, I was a huge hockey fan.  Not only did I have season tickets, I had fabulous seats. I sat behind the home team’s bench, just a few rows back on center ice. My seat was so close that I could actually hear the players and coaches on the benches. I would travel around with friends to games that were near and some that were very, very far away. I even went to NHL training camp several times during the fall.

At one point, our team had a hockey jersey auction. I bid on a game worn jersey of my favorite player. I won and wore it for games from that point on. Now that same hockey jersey sits in my closet. I actually took the jersey out the other day and wore it for Purim. Funny thing, it felt amazing. It reminded me of those fun days back when I went to games to escape from the stress of college. Best of all, it was cozy and warm. Perhaps I need to take the jersey and my hubby and boys to a hockey game one day soon.

Guess who?!

So my question this week is:

What is something from your early adult years that someone may be shocked to learn about?



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the Mr. Linky there if you are participating.

 Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #39

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Aerobic walking fun

Last weekend, I made a sort of confessional on my blog. In the post I need to move it move it, I admitted that I need to add exercise into my life. The WiiFit was not my thing and had to find something. Sunday night, while getting the little guy to settle, I turned on Exercise on Demand. I watched the start of several things and put them into my brain. After JSL was asleep, JL and I tried the DVD that I took out of the library. Problem: the wrong DVD was in the case.

We turned to Exercise on Demand and decided to try Jillian Michael’s 30 Day Shed since I had been reading a lot about it. We ran into a few problems. First, we did not have enough space. Second, thanks to the lack of space, I encountered a jumping jack related injury from getting hit by my loving hubby. Third – damn Jillian makes you work hard! Talk about burning and hurting. I liked it in general, but until I have a bigger space it does not work well.

The next day I was sore. I knew that this was a good thing. It meant that I was working my muscles. I started to do more research on exercise videos to try. I kept coming back to the same person. That person was Leslie Sansone and her walking videos. Tuesday, when NHL got home from school, I put the Family Walking video on and gave it a try. Wow! The boys and I had a great time and 22 minutes later I had an amazing workout.

Wednesday morning the little guy and I set out to try another one of Leslie Sansone’s workouts. This time it was the Walk & Tone 2 mile routine. This was about 32 minutes and after I felt amazing. I was energized and wanted more. It actually made me obsessed with getting a DVD of my own. In the afternoon, I went out and purchased the only Leslie Sansone DVD that I could find.

Leslie Sansone - Walk at Home

Last night, JL and I tried it out. We did the one mile routine. That made 3 miles and about 46 minutes of exercise for me yesterday. The shocking part, I wanted more!

Early Thursday morning, the little guy and I were ready to "walk" with Leslie. I put on the new DVD and got ready to do 2 miles. I really liked it a lot and could feel it working, especially during the second mile. I felt like I could do more, but a certain toddler had other thoughts.

So my question this week is:

Have you ever done a Leslie Sansone workout? If you have, is there one (or more) that you would recommend? Any other suggestions would also be greatly appreciated.



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the Mr. Linky there if you are participating.

 Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #38



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