Category Archives Aloha Friday

Boy Halloween costume ideas

Thursday I was out shopping with the little guy and stumbled onto some fun Halloween items. Here is a little something I bought to put on our front porch.

A little something new

All of the Halloween things gave me a major reality check. With just over a month to go until Halloween, I realized that we really need to get our rear in gear. I do not think that NHL’s costume from last year will fit him again. JSL will probably recycle NHL’s costume from when he was little. Not going to ruin that, but it will be very fitting after our Disney World adventure on his birthday. Here are the boys last Halloween.

My little doctor     My little mouse

When we buy something for the boys we try to make that that we can use it not only for Halloween, but also for Purim in the spring. This can get tricky since the climate can be quite different during these times.

The biggest problem for NHL is finding something that is appropriate for a six year old boy in first grade. Nothing too cute, nothing bloody/scary/gross . . . oh and it can not cost a ton of money (JL and I draw the line there). I am creative, but do not have a sewing machine.

This week I have two quick question for you:

Do you have any suggestions for a Halloween costume for my six year old son?  and What was your favorite costume as a child? 



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the MckLinky there if you are participating.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #67

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Summer 2009 be gone – welcome Fall

It seems like summer just started a few days ago. The warm sunny days are already turning into cool crisp nights and chilly mornings in our neck of the woods. This weekend marks the official start of Fall. Pretty fitting since tomorrow at sundown also begins Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year. To all of my family and friends, Shana Tova. I wish a sweet and happy new year to each and every one of you. This weekend the boys and I will celebrate by eating apples and honey – YUM!

So my question to you this week is inspired by the change of seasons:

What will you miss most about summer and what are you looking forward to as we head into autumn?



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the MckLinky there if you are participating.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #66

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Never forget – 8 years later

Today, we must all remember the lives that were lost eight years ago. It was the morning that made our country stand still, come together and vow never to forget. I wrote about my experience on September 11, 2007 here.

This year, my mind will still wander back to that day eight years ago, but my focus will be different. My oldest son is now in first grade. That is the age of the children that I was substitute teaching on September 11, 2007. I sat with them knowing how the world around us was changing, explaining to them the next day that their teacher was safe and trying to keep them calm.

Now, I wonder about how we will explain this event to our children. How do we tell children that were not even born, like my boys, what this day was like. No doubt, they will see the haunting images from that day. Sadly, they will never know of life in the pre 9-11 days when things like traveling on planes was easier.

So, my questions to you this week are in honor of all of the lives lost and families forever changed:

Where were you on the morning of September 11, 2007?  Did you sit in front of your television after the day trying to take it all in, or did you turn it off because you could not watch?  If you have older children,  how have you explained the events of 9-11 to them?



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the MckLinky there if you are participating.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #65



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Cirque du Soleil

For our honeymoon, just over eight years ago, JL and I went to Walt Disney World. When we were making our plans, one of the must sees was the fairly new Cirque du Soleil in Downtown Disney. La Nouba tickets were quite  difficult to get, but we snagged some great seats. As soon as you walked into the specially designed theater you were transformed into another world. The show was like no other either of us had seen before. The performers were amazing and put on the show with such gusto. We immediately became fans of Cirque from that moment on.

When we went to Las Vegas in December 2002, we met my Aunt L, Uncle J and Cousin M there. We all agreed that we wanted to see "O" at the Belagio. This show is the one that takes place around a specially built theater with a pool in it. Tickets for this show were and still are extremely difficult to get. I managed to get some for one of the nights we were there. It was fantastic and well worth the price of the show. On Christmas Eve, we had no plans and went to the box office at our resort to see if there were any tickets. We literally walked up right after someone canceled on two seats for Mystere. We quickly bought them and saw our third Cirque performance. Mystere did not disappoint and became my favorite of the Vegas trip. I loved the clowns in the show and the humor involved. Of course, the seats were wonderful in the specially built theater.

It has been many years since we have had the chance to see another Cirque du Soleil. Right after JSL was born something came to our area, but was not a real Cirque du Soleil. It was more about the music and dance of the show. We opted not to go and see that. Yesterday, my father called and said he had tickets to see the show here. Surprise!  Of course, since my parents were going we had no babysitter. 

My 4th Cirque du Soleil Show

My wonderful husband agreed to be a sweetheart and watch the boys, so I was able to go and see Alegria this evening.Oh my! From the moment we walked in and saw the stage, I knew it would be wonderful.

Alegria Stage before the show

There is just something about the costumes, music, lighting, clowns, performers that combine to make a truly unique masterpiece. The director Fanco Dragone and his troop continue to amaze me each and everytime.

My question this week:

Have you ever been to see a Cirque du Soleil show? If you have,  what did you see? If you have not would you like to go one day?

Now I will be off to dream of magical places in far off lands and more Cirque du Soleil performances in my future with hubby next time.



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the MckLinky there if you are participating.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #64

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Night of the Tooth Fairy

Can you hear the party music going over here? We are having a party here because NHL finally lost his first tooth. This little booger has been wiggling since NHL bit into corn on the cob back on July 3. We sat back for quite some time and encouraged him to wiggle it and work on it. Then on August 12th we noticed that his new tooth was coming in behind the baby one. Hubby and I were quite nervous, especially as it moved up quickly.

A week ago, we really started working with NHL to loosen the tooth (he even got a note from the Tooth Fairy for encouragement). Monday, I called the dentist and explained how I was worried about things and we made an appointment for Thursday. Tuesday night, JL sat on the couch with gauze and really worked that tooth. They felt a pop and the tooth was barely holding on. Unfortunately, NHL was upset over the blood and his gums bothering him.

Today (typing this on Thursday), we went to the dentist. I was fully expecting the worst. Much to my surprise, the dentist told both of us that his gums are probably really sensitive and we should numb them up to really get a good wiggle. She put some on his gums and barely touched it and the pesky tooth popped out of his mouth! Clearly, the Wiggle Tooth Olympics of the last two nights that brought much crying and screaming had worked that tooth to the point of surrender. We also learned that we will be purchasing some gum numbing gel for the next tooth which we can also see is about to cut.

Can you tell NHL is excited about the Tooth Fairy coming? Oh, and this is the pesky tooth that wanted to hold on for dear life.

Excited that the tooth is gone The pesky tooth

Here is my big kid all ready for the Tooth Fairy tonight:

All ready for the Tooth Fairy

So my question for this week is inspired by the recent events:

Do you remember how you lost your first tooth? I would love to hear the stories and I’m sure NHL would too!



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the MckLinky there if you are participating.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #63

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