Category Archives Aloha Friday

Calling 911

For quite some time, we avoided getting rid of our land line phone (VOIP, technically speaking) because we were not sure how 911 service would work on a cell phone. Verizon Wireless assured us recently that they had gotten very good and we made the switch. Unfortunately, Thursday morning I had to dial those dreadful three numbers on my cell phone.

The only difference I noted was they did not know my address. I had to supply them with that information. Then the first responders were sent and they arrived quickly, although at the time it seemed like an eternity.

103.3 fever just at ER

My question to you this week:

Have you ever had to call 911? If you have, what was the reason?

As a parent, dialing those numbers is never easy. I hardly remember doing it and recall fumbling with the phone at the time, but I managed in the heat of the moment. I hope that you and your families never need to test out 911 or use it again.



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the MckLinky there if you are participating.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #72


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Texting time has come

On Sunday, TechyDad and I took made some major decisions of the technological kind. We finally decided to to ditch our landline (which was with our cable company) in order to save a pretty penny each month. They were able to port our number over and we have an extra cell phone in our house to use for that purpose. In addition to this, we finally upgraded our cell phone plans to include unlimited texting and photo messages. Prior to this, I had probably sent out only a dozen or two text messages. Part of this was the cost, the other the horrible phones that made texting a pain.

We shopped around over the weekend at AT&T and Verizon Wireless. In the end, we stayed with Verizon because for the same price each month, we could keep our home phone number. They also had no hidden fees, no activation costs and the rebates for two of the phones did not require a $20 data plan for the first month (talk about strange catches w/AT&T).

The person that helped us at Verizon Wireless also told us to go online to purchase three of our phones for FREE! So I present you with my new baby. She is really pretty, shiny, new and allows me to text like crazy. . . wow this is addictive (thank you Twitter text). Sorry about the bad glare in the photos.

Phone closed up    QWERTY keyboard

So my questions for you are inspired by my new fun toy cell phone:

Do you have a cell phone plan that gives you unlimited texting ability? Do you still have a landline phone at home?



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the MckLinky there if you are participating.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #71

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Here comes the cold

Thursday morning, we officially had to break out the winter coats for the boys. It was below 30 degrees when NHL left for school and the high was barely going to make it into the upper 40’s. Of course that would not be too bad, but the wind has made it seem even worse. We bought NHL a new new coat at the end of last season when his old coat’s zipper broke and could not be fixed, but the new one barely fits him. It is fine for now, but we’re not sure if it will make the entire winter.

After TechyDad took NHL to school, I went digging to find the new coat that we bought JSL last year. I pulled it out of the bag from the store and tried it on him. It is a little big, but should be good for the cold months ahead. He loved wearing it around today. In fact, he complained when I tried to unzip it at the grocery store and remove his hands from the built in mittens. It was so warm and cozy that he fell asleep when going to school to pick big brother up from his after school club.

Here is the little guy modeling his jacket.

Ready for the cold months ahead

1. Personal nose warmer, 2. Hands are covered, 3. Shy guy ready to go

Now I just need to buy some new yarn to knit him a new scarf, check on the boots and snow pants for both boys and decide if I can get a new coat for myself.

So my question to you this week:

Are you ready for the cooler/cold/freezing weather?  See covered most of the bases no matter where you live!  If you are not ready, what do you still need to get?



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the MckLinky there if you are participating.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #70


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Words . . . whatever

While watching the morning news Thursday morning, they mentioned results from a recent Marist College Poll. This particular poll asked people what word/phrase they find most annoying.

Perhaps some of you may say "Whatever. . . who really cares?"

Well, you just might be onto something. According to the Marist College Poll, the results found the following to the annoying word/phrase question:

Chances are it was “whatever.”  In a recent Marist poll, nearly half of Americans – 47% – said they find “whatever” most annoying.  The other sayings weren’t quite so loathed.  25% say they find “you know” most grating; 11% can’t stand “it is what it is”; 7% would like to ban “anyway” from all verbal exchanges; and 2% reported that they could do without hearing “at the end of the day.”

You can view the results of the poll with an even bigger breakdown by region, education, age, income, and race here. While I was checking out information on the poll, I also found this interesting editorial by John Hopkins in the Tonawanda News. Mr. Hopkins writes about a lot about whatever and his feelings.

So with all of the above in mind, my Aloha Friday question this week is:

What word or phrase do you find most annoying and why?  Feel free to think of some other ones that bother you, but if it is one mentioned in the Marist Poll please explain.



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the MckLinky there if you are participating.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #69

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Hockey game memories

The other night, we took the boys to a pre-season hockey game. The event was free for the community, so we figured it would be a great time to go. This was the first ever hockey experience for JSL. NHL has been to a few before, but so many years ago that he does not remember.

When we decided to go, I told TechyDad that I was going to do something that I never thought I would do. I actually asked for seats behind the nets. Since it was only 24 hours from our ER visit with the little guy, I wanted to make him less of a puck magnet.

View from our seats

To understand why it was painful for me to do this, you should know that for several years I had season tickets to our hockey team. My season tickets were a few rows back, on center ice and right behind our home team’s bench. The seats were amazing when I was into it, but as a parent they make me a little nervous with pucks flying by. Of course, reality also hit during the game. I realized that it has been ten years since I had season tickets. My how time flies!

Both of the boys liked the hockey game. NHL had fun watching the instant replays, chanting for the home team and screaming when prompted. JSL got a little antsy, but was content with a snack.

Snack time

Of course, one of JSL’s favorite parts was when the zamboni came out. He sat there mesmerized by the big "car" and kept jumping up and down each time it was close to our end of the ice. 

A favorite of the little guy

Toward the end of the game, I asked NHL if I could get a photo of him wearing his hockey shirt. Check out the only photo he would allow: 

Attitude from NHL

So my question for you this week is inspired by our recent fun at the hockey game:

What is your favorite sport to watch in person (not on television) and why?  Feel free to shout out your favorite team while you are at it!



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the MckLinky there if you are participating.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #68

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