Category Archives allergies

Calcium, Vitamin D and Fish Oil . . . oh my!

In recent months, I have been trying to spend more time taking care of myself. Most of the time, this means working out either with EA Sports Active or Leslie Sansone. If you had asked me a few short months ago what I thought of exercise, I would have complained. Now I know that it makes me feel better. I have energy and love knowing that I did well when I am sweaty. Who knew that I would ever feel that way.

Another part of this was finally making an appointment for a physcial. It had been a LONG time since I had done this. I finally made the appointment and had the papers for blood work to do before seeing my doctor. She warned me that since I am still nursing JSL my numbers may be elevated in triglyceroids and cholesterol. I went the Saturday morning before my appointment early in the morning since I had to fast for the tests. In addition to the CBC, the doctor also wanted a lipid screen, A1C (my mother is diabetic), kidney function (I have gout), TSH (thyroid was enlarged when pregnant), and Vitamin D levels.

I went last week to see my doctor. My blood pressure was fabulous and she was happy to hear about my lifestyle changes. Of course, she was most thrilled that I had lost almost 30 pounds and was exercising regularly. The day I went I was quite sore after just starting EA Sports Active. The nurse went to track down my test results. As expected, my triglyceroids and cholesterol levels were slightly elevated. Most likely they are due to nursing. The part she was not happy with was the low good cholesterol number. In addition to that, my Vitamin D numbers showed that I have a major deficiency. This has become something that more doctors are looking into now with people using sun screen all the time and blocking the much needed Vitamin D into their body.

At the end of the appointment, I left with a list of vitamins to get and how much to take each day. Here is my new routine. Each morning, I take 3 Fish Oil capsules with Omega-3 Fatty Acids, 1  Calcium w/D, 4 Vitamin D, and a multi-vitamin. At dinner each night, I take 3 more Omega-3 Fatty Acids and another Calcium w/ D. For those keeping track, that is 13 vitamins each day. Below is a photo of my mini-pharmacy which also includes my inhaler and allergy pills that I take for a few more weeks (still boosting up my lungs after the allergic reaction to walnuts at Disney World). 

My home pharmacy

In three months, I go back for a recheck on my lipid test along with the Vitamin D levels. With any luck, the combination should help get everything back on track. The best news is now that I know about the Vitamin D and work on it I may have more energy. I always assumed the exhaustion was from being an overtired Mommy. Sure, that may have been part of it, but my extremely low levels were a huge factor.

So my question for you this week:

Do you take vitamins daily? If so, what do you take and are you good about taking them regularly.




Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the Mr. Linky there if you are participating.

 Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #52


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Taking care of Mommy – lesson learned

Since NHL was born, almost six years ago, taking care of myself when I am sick has taken a back burner. As a mother, you have to move on and do things through sickness. Basically I often ignore things until they get SO bad. Needless to say I am at the doctor immediately when the boys are sick and need anything.

Prior to going to Disney World I was feeling amazing. I had lost almost thirty pounds, was exercising up a storm thanks to Leslie Sansone (and my pedometer), plus I was inspired by others on the same journey.  When we arrived at Disney World I was the only one that barely complained about my legs/feet bothering me from all of the walking. My mother noted that the "walking and kicking" with Leslie Sansone had paid off.

During our forth dinner at Disney World we ate at The Wave in the Contemporary Resort. We had a delicious meal. Since we were on the dining plan we were able to order a tasty treat for the end. I selected the crunchy trio that included Baklava.

Delicious, but deadly for me

I thought nothing of it. After a few minutes I noticed that my throat was itching some. In addition to this, I was having a difficult time swallowing. It was raining out after the meal so we decided to head back to the Magic Kingdom and get a bus back to Pop Century.

After the boys were in bed I was still having a really tough time getting air in. I had my rescue inhaler with me and decided to give it a try. By this point I was starting to put the pieces together. I recalled during Passover when I told JL that my throat was itching after I had some charoset (apple mixture with honey and walnuts). Do you see where I am going with this?

I hardly use my rescue inhaler and was not used to the new propellant ones. I took my two puffs and then realized I had made a horrible mistake. In taking the medication, I had burned my throat. *sigh*   I did not think to use my spacer that was packed and just took it. Lesson learned the hard way. The rest of the vacation I was winded easily, was coughing thanks to my throat trying to get better from the Albuterol burn, and had no energy at night.

When we came back from Disney I knew that I had to talk to our doctor about my walnut allergy concern. When I took JSL in for his 2 year check up last week I spoke with the doctor. At that point I told her that I had a physical appointment made with her (have not done that in way too long either). When she heard what happened her reply was "What pharmacy do you go to?"   She was already on her little techy machine writing a prescription for an EpiPen into the pharmacy. She told me that I should obviously avoid walnuts now and must always have my EpiPen on me (something I still have to do as it is sitting on the dining room table).

This appointment was less than a week after my attack episode. She told me that the cough and everything should go away and give it time. Flash forward to this week. I still had no energy, was winded talking/walking across the room and obviously was not working out with Leslie Sansone. I felt depressed about what had happened since I had come so far. Blogging has been pushed to the side because when I typically blog at night I was fast asleep.

I called the doctor’s office to see what I should be doing.  Since we were home I was still using my rescue inhaler daily and explained how I felt. They said they would call me back the next morning since the doctor had already left for the day. Yesterday morning they called back. Much to my surprise, the doctor did not request to see me. She called in a prescription for an inhaler to help my lungs rebound. The nurse said that I should feel a difference soon. Last night I started the medicine and it was the first evening that I have not needed my rescue inhaler (of course I had already used it a few hours earlier).

Tuesday I did a two mile Leslie Sansone and it felt great, although I was nervous about having an asthma attack. Now I’m hoping that by the weekend I will get back into the swing of things and be up to it. Feeling as though you are gasping for air and have a brick on your chest when breathing is not something I ever want to experience again.

Lesson learned – DO NOT ignore your body. I learned the hard way and was very lucky. Now I will be watching for walnuts as I walk and kick my way through life.


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Quest for allergy relief

Over the last two to three weeks, NHL’s allergies have been acting up. At one point he actually had his first ever asthma attack during the night. We pulled out the nebulizer and within minutes he was breathing easier and no longer wheezing. After several days of symptoms getting worse, we opted to take him in to see the PA at the ENT/Allergy office that we went to. She diagnosed NHL with allergic asthma and gave us a bunch of new items to try to get things under control. We were not to start the one medicine until we saw how he did with the other. Three days later things were worse, especially behavior wise at school. The PA told us to immediately begin the new medicine.

The new medication was the Asmanex Twisthaler. If you have never seen this before it is an interesting medication. The problem is that it is hard to inhale and teach a five year old to use. The pharmacist told us he was floored that a young child was given this and warned that often children get thrush from it. Lovely!

Last Friday NHL’s teachers were very concerned with his behavior. They directly related it to the recent allergy attack. I called the doctors office and asked for assistance since I was not sure if NHL was getting the Asmanex in properly. Nobody called me back. I made a return call and was asked to leave another voice message for the medical assistant to remind her to return my call. What? 

After quite some time, the MA called me back. She was extremely snotty on the phone. When I tried to explain something to her she cut me off and told me "No need to tell me the history, I read his entire chat and know what is going on."   Pretty cocky statement if you ask me. She went to try to get NHL an appointment to see the doctor, but he had no openings for several weeks. She came back to the phone and asked me the following question, "Has NHL tried Singulair?"  

This was the wrong thing to say. I was too angry to yell, I simply cried because I felt like I was failing my child. I have seen NHL’s chart and know there is a huge section all about his adverse reaction to Singulair. She told me that she was going to talk to the doctor again to see if he wanted to fit in an emergency appointment or just switch things up and see us at the end of the month. Things were switched, but my mind was quite uneasy about everything that had happened.

I started to do research for pediatric allergists in the area. Our family doctor and the school nurse both recommended the same person. We received a referral from the doctor and I called the new office. They had an opening in less than a week. I immediately took that time. Next, I called the allergy/ENT office to get the items faxed to the new doctor. They sent something Friday morning to JL to sign and fax back to them. Monday morning I called the new office and they had nothing. I left a message at the allergy/ENT office and 24 hours later did not hear back and still nothing at the new office. The new allergist’s office suggested calling our family doctor to see if they had records that could be sent. Much to my horror, when they checked NHL’s file there were only two tiny notes from the allergy/ENT group. He had been a patient there for almost a year, been allergy tested and had a horrid reaction to a medication – yet nada! To make a long story short, I called to speak with the office manager to explain the three major issues that had cropped up over the past week. End product, she was very sorry and told me that the doctor was disgusted with what happened.

Yesterday was our appointment with the new doctor. It did not start off very well. He asked me to explain what has been going on. When I said that NHL’s allergies were acting up, he stopped me and said "Well, it is very rare that children under 7 have season allergies"  Please picture me rolling my eyes. I have heard this before, so it was nothing new. Then he asked about how we have been treating NHL. I mentioned the previous medications. When I stated the adverse reaction to Singulair, he told me that the FDA and latest reports indicate that there is no connection with pediatric patients and changes. I looked him right in the eyes and said the following "I do not care what the report says, I KNOW what it did to my child!" 

The subject was quickly changed and he got the point that I am observant and so are NHL’s teachers. We see changes and know what is going on with him. In the end we saw mostly eye-to-eye on NHL. A lot of this happened when we agreed that he was very nasal. He believes that  NHL has bad rhinitis that is being caused by at least three things. Some are allergic, some illness related (virus and things from school), stress, and potentially his adnoids. He was upset that the other group was treating him the way they were (specifically the Twisthaler) and switched his medications after doing some breathing tests. We are back to using the nebulizer once daily, keeping up with the OTC antihistamine and watching things for the next month. We go back on St. Patricks Day and will talk about knocking the nebulizer to every other day.

I am glad that I did not leave after the first statements becuase I do believe that the doctor started to listen to me. He heard that I was not just some mother trying to medicate my child. That I am part of a group of people that have carefully watched my son and seen things that trigger him. With any luck this will be the start of some relief in breathing symptoms and behavior for my kindergarten kid.


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Crafty creations

It has been a stressful week here in Angel Land. Some of the culprits include: 

  • Room parent phone calls – Managed to get people to bring in napins, cups and juice. Nobody wants to do cupcakes, so it looks like I shall do that next week to send in on Friday.
  • Bird fiasco on Wednesday – So many things I wanted to get done were not able to get accomplished since I was waiting for return phone calls.
  • NHL’s allergies have been out of control – I feel helpless and wish there was something more I can do for him. Several medicine changes have been made and we are hoping one of them works. So afraid of another Singulair situation taking control of my child.
  • Finalizing plans for Disney World – The only reason this was slightly stressful was thanks to Disney not posting their hours in a timely fashion. This weekend we are able to make our dining reservations, so today/tomorrow we will finalize those items.

Thanks to all of this, I was exhausted at night and never did anything special for my 2 year Blogoversary. Oh well, I can figure that out for next week perhaps. Hmmm. . . . .

When the boys are in bed I have been knitting again. It is something that is mindless and works well to take my attention away from the stress at hand. Of course, I have been stuck making the same knitted cloth for a while. I now have well over 25 of them (need a cloth anyone?). Here are a few:

Lots of colors

One of these days I will break out of my shell and make something different. For now these are quick and easy and satisfy my need for knitting. I may try a pair of mittens soon, my friend is supposed to give me a great pattern to try on straight needles.

So here is my question to you this week:

What type of craft activity do you like to do? When did you start doing this and why do you enjoy it?



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the Mr. Linky there if you are participating.

 Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #34


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Wow, Wow. . . what a weekend

Thank goodness NHL’s eye is doing so much better. The antibiotic drops really seem to be helping. The croup cough will not go away, so I will likely give a call to the allergists office Tuesday when his doctor is back from vacation. Something needs to help him and perhaps it is using the nebulizer that has been sitting and collecting dust.

Before eating last night I decided to take JSL out of the house. He had been stuck inside all day. I wanted to get to Rite Aid because they had amazing deals on cold care items. There were two entire pages in thier ad of items that were free after single check rebate. I decided it was finally time to try something beside CVS and the ECBs. Below are all of the items that I purchased. The cost up front was about $43, but I should get all of that back in a single check rebate. Not too bad, especially since we are all battling things now. 

Cold product score from Rite Aid

When JSL and I arrived back home our pizza was ready. NHL had already eaten some and wanted to go watch television. He was so tired after refusing to nap all day. He was too afraid that his eye would close shut again. While JL, JSL and I finished dinner NHL went to relax on the couch. One minute he was chatting away, the next we found him like so:

Fell asleep mid chat

Something that the boys loved this weekend actually arrived at our door Thursday. It was the Wow Wow Wubbzy giveaway package that I won from 5 Minutes for Mom. Talk about perfect timing! The boys loved watching the A Tale of Tails DVD and each claimed one of the books. Here are all of the goodies that were included. Thanks again ladies! 

Wow, Wow . . . what a win!

Something pretty exciting happend to the little guy tonight, details to follow soon.


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