2 Week Visit

The last 3-4 nights have been very rough. JSL has been what I consider projectile vomiting quite a bit. In addition to this, milk will shoot violently out his nose. He’s had this from time to time since he was born, but things got worse lately. From 3 in the afternoon to 3 in the morning it seems worse. . . and from 9 at night to 3 in the morning he’s been screaming bloody murder and is not able to be consoled. Today I said forget it and wanted him to be seen since I thought it may be reflux. So JSL and I went to see our doctor this morning at 10:15. We did a weight check. When he was born he was 8 lbs 15 oz and 3 days later was 8 lbs. It’s been about 10 days since he was weighed and today he was 9 lbs 5 oz. That alone relieved me since I am still pumping and feeding him since he still falls asleep when nursing. Basically they won’t say it’s reflux since it doesn’t happen all day. They said we’ll see how the next week goes and this should get better in the next 3-4 weeks. So tonight if he screams we are going to the living room floor for tummy time. That was what I finally did to get him to sleep and stop going nuts. *sigh* I love this time, but it is so frustrating not being able to help your baby when they are so upset.

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