Memorial Day Thanks 2012

This weekend, families will gather for time together. People will be outside as much as possible. Fun, laughter, smiling, and good times will be had by everyone.

Memorial Day Memories

Lots of views will be captured, food consumed, and special memories made.

Views from Memorial Day Weekend

Of course, we must remember those who lost their lives to give us these freedoms. If it was not for these brave men and women in the US military, things would be a lot different in our country.

Memorial Day Thanks

On this Memorial Day weekend, we need to stop and remember these amazing and brave individuals. Far too many pay the ultimate price to defend our country and the rights that we have. To all of those that have served, lost their lives, and the brave families behind them . . . .thank you! All of you are the real reason that we celebrate Memorial Day.

It's Me

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